I do not understand why people feel the need to troll message boards of rival schools. Get a life. If we are so delusional why would you want to engage in a debate with us?
# of times I have posted on another school's board = 0
In the unlikely event that we pull the upset in Columbus this year, how many of you will show up to offer congratulations? My guess would be 0.
As for their "everybody knows" bullshat - this article was posted by ESPN beat-writer Josh Moyer who has jack squat to do with PSU, tO$U or the b1g Turd and he clearly expresses what "everybody knows" happened in this game! See link below:
Are they taking Penn State down while boosting Ohio State up?
In addition, as Moyer correctly points out, by NCAA Rule the Replay Officials are supposed to have a LIVE FEED OF THE BROADCAST available to them (and O'Neil directly after the game attempted to claim that the liars reviewed the LIVE FEED BROADCAST - see the following link:
Referee, replay official talk Ohio State-Penn State controversial calls). They then subsequently attempted to cover their lie by saying they didn't have access to a LIVE BROADCAST - despite this directly conflicting with the NCAA Rule, O'Neils post game statement, "....the replay team looks at are the feeds you get at home (e.g., live broadcast feed)", and finally as Moyer points out, the live feed playing within easy view of Replay Officials right outside their window on 10,285 square feet of video space right in front of their fat, corpulent, corrupt little faces. The NCAA Rule says that they are supposed to use whatever video is available to them INCLUDING THE LIVE FEED OF THE BROADCAST and it is absurd to claim this was not available to them and O'Neil even attempts to claim his Replay Officials reviewed the LIVE FEED, the same one you get at home, when defending the call rather than claim it wasn't available to them which is absurd on its face as Moyer points out!!!
Only MULTIPLE DAYS SUBSEQUENT to game and O'Neil's post-game LIES did the b1g Turd than attempt to claim that they did not have access to a LIVE GAME FEED OF THE BROADCAST as per the NCAA Rulebook (which again is absurd on its face as the massive video-boards on both ends of the stadium were playing the live feed and could easily be seen by the replay officials AND the replay booth - and entire stadium for that matter - are equipped with live feed jacks. Beyond that, the Replay Officials are supposed to be "monitoring" the live broadcast for questionable calls in need of review that are called down to Referee - e.g., "an Officials Review" - remember all the bullshat the b1g Turd spewed about "every play is reviewed"? How precisely do the Replay Officials "monitor the game" and "every play" if they have no access to a "live feed of the broadcast"? Not possible and proof they are lying scumbags that the Replay Officials didn't have access to a "live feed of the broadcast". Then to compound their lie - the Director of the b1g Turd Officiating, Bill Carollo, said the following in their subsequent statement:
From that incident, Carollo said, several additional "failsafe replay mechanisms" were put into place. Among them was the addition of a television, with the sound muted, in every Big Ten replay booth the following weekend.
This is utter bull$hit and attempting to act like the b1g Turd made some "innovation" the very next weekend. This is an obvious lie and spin as the NCAA Rule always called for the live broadcast feed to be made available to the Replay Officials otherwise how would they FOLLOW THE GAME to call in "Official Replay Reviews" and "review every play" if they aren't watching the broadcast??? Beyond that, the rule clearly states that they are permitted to use whatever feeds are available to them and the as Moyer points out, the large replay screens showing the play were EASILY VISIBLE and AVAILABLE TO THEM despite Carollo's inane claims to the contrary and having to hang out windows bull$hit (e.g., he is a clear LIAR just like the Officials he is covering for as proven by O'Neil's clearly fraudulent statements directly after the game. the b1g Turd's claim that Play Clock errors are not "reviewable" is also a LIE as proven by the fact that the Clock errors have been reviewed many times (including adding 2 seconds to the clock in a PSU-Michigan game!) - the ACTUAL NCAA RULE says that only EGREGIOUS clock errors are reviewable; it does not say that they can't be reviewed. If kicking a FG 4 full seconds after the Play Clock has experied is not a clear and egregious clock error, I don't know what is! (btw, aren't the Replay Officials supposed to be reviewing "every play"? So how did ABC figure out that the FG was kicked well after the Play Clock expired but the Replay Officials never called the Referee? Again, the officials and b1g Turd Officiating Offices claim that "clock errors are not reviewable" is a LIE and in complete disagreement with the ACTUAL NCAA RULEBOOK!! Go figure?!?!).
The last thing that proves the b1g Turd and Carollo are nothing but a pack of cheating liars is this statment from the recent b1g Turd Media Days -- hotlink attached above it:
'We kicked those calls,' Big Ten officiating head says of Penn State-Ohio State game
"I think we should share the error with ABC, but the reality is, it was a mistake," Carollo said. "We got tied up in technology, and it didn't work the way it was supposed to work. We didn't get it fixed fast enough, and we had a problem. It was the perfect storm."
This was said more than a year after the event and Carollo is still lamely attempting to blame the Broadcaster, ABC, as COVER for the b1g Turd's very clear and obvious FRAUDULENT STATEMENTS regarding the incident (e.g., LIES!!!). ABC has NEVER accepted any responsibility or even remotely confirmed any of these nonsense, bull$hit, made-up excuses of this lame, disgraceful conference and it's corrupt officiating office. Gee, why do you suppose Carollo paraphrased his statement above with "I think"??? Why do you suppose that ABC has NEVER confirmed any of the lame bull$hit this crap conference claimed in the week following the incident? I'll tell you why, because it is nothing but a pack of lies and bull$hit spin meant to protect corrupt officials and their equally corrupt conference masters - that's why. Given the amount of money that is bet on these games and the fact the amount of money these corrupt actions cost Big12 Athletic Departments (and the gross unfairness to PSU's Athletes and Athletic Dept), it is mind-boggling that PSU and the NCAA in general did not demand a thorough investigation of these incidents, O'Neil's statements directly after the game, the b1g Turd's subsequent fraudulent statements......a thorough investigation including interviews with technicians of ABC to get their understanding of events especially relative to the b1g Turd's outlandish, weak and clearly bull$hit claims attempting to place blame on ABC, etc....
There is no question in my mind here that the b1g Turd committed intentional fraud here and the told LIES (e.g., additional fraud) to cover for their corrupt officiating and further confuse the issues of the seminal events.