The major sticking point is all sprinkles Fridays.
Sprinkles are for winners.
The major sticking point is all sprinkles Fridays.
Would that be the representatives who have controlled the PA State Senate for the last 20 years, the representatives who have controlled the PA State House for 16 of the last 20 years, or the representatives who at the federal level have been in charge of some of the most unproductive congresses in history? You're right, we should get rid of those bums who are doing nothing to help grow the economy and creating jobs.
Yep, and it seems like the true state schools will come under pressure first to control costs since they are more so government controlled and supported and have greater declining enrollments, as opposed to PSU, Pitt, .... But the day(s) of reckoning will come quickly and harshly for them all if their financial situations continue as projected...
Actually some of them have expanding enrollments and have upped their standards significantly. I can't speak for all of them but West Chester has become much more difficult to get into even compared to some of the small private liberal arts schools in Eastern PA (like Albright, Widener, LVC, Wilkes, Kings etc) actually the West Chester nursing program is more selective than Villanova's.
West Chester is ranked in Kiplinger's top buys for colleges with the only other PA public schools of PSU and Pitt. In a lot of ways in is a smaller Penn State with it's "Town and Gown" atmosphere. Very active campus and social scene not a commuter school at all.
I have family who teaches at one of the Universities and they haven't been given any information. At the start they wanted to make it so professors could teach at any state school, not one specific one, cut adjunct salary by 20%, allow grad assistants to teach labs, require only a bachelors degree to teach. PASSHE dropped those requests and from what I read offered retroactive pay to last year with a 7.25% increase and up to 17% increase through the end of the contract. They also want to change their health insurance from what they currently have to what all the other state employees have. That would be a 3% increase in premiums and changes in co-pays and such. The union said no to that.
Is there enrollment standards schools must follow to stay in PASSHE? I was amazed to hear Cheney University only has about 600 Undegraduate students, while West Chester has about 15K undergrads.
I'd like to get that kind of raise in my job.....This amount in their defense is total over the 3 year contract and also takes into account that the increase was 0% last year. 17 divided by 3 years is 5.7% and when you count in the 0% from last year while without a contract, it is 4.25% annually over 4 years.
There was also talk of a one time $1,000 payment to help make up for last years stalemate and no increase. The income needs to reflect fairness and what is right and compensated in some way for the 16 months without a contract.
And most "Cadillac plans" are really Chevy's with new government logos slapped on.....Due to Obamacare, Cadillac plans go away at the end of this year. Every employer including Pennsylvania, must adjust plans, co-pays, out of pocket max,... The rest of Pennsylvania has agreed to the new increases, plans including the rest of the state school unions AFSCME, State Police, Penn DOT. Faculty seems to believe that they should get a better deal than the rest of the state employees as they have been offered the same plan and have turned it down.
They do deserve pay increases including compensating for no increases last year, but the healthcare is what it is. They should get what every other state union employee gets and has agreed to. They are not more important than the other state employees.
And most "Cadillac plans" are really Chevy's with new government logos slapped on.....
While you certainly are correct about that one party, there is certainly sufficient enough blame to go around to both parties. The last 16 years have not been good ones for the world of compromise politically.Would that be the representatives who have controlled the PA State Senate for the last 20 years, the representatives who have controlled the PA State House for 16 of the last 20 years, or the representatives who at the federal level have been in charge of some of the most unproductive congresses in history? You're right, we should get rid of those bums who are doing nothing to help grow the economy and creating jobs.