Painful to watch/listen to the Penguins right now


Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Dec 14, 2002
Houston, TX
Up 2-0 on the Columbus Blue Jackets in the 2nd period and they give up 2 very late, rather weak goals and our now tied 2-2 going into the 3rd period. MAF can't be blamed completely, but he's just not giving them quality goaltending late in the season, which has been a pattern for him. The rest of the team is lifeless. Defense not sharp. Having a tough time scoring and yes Malkin is out, but not sure it would make a difference the way they are playing.

This team is now in danger of making the playoffs, certainly with a loss today they are in danger of dropping to the 8th seed and may have to hold off Ottawa to get into the playoffs. They still play Ottawa and if they lose, it could be close.

It's looking like one and done IMO, should they get the 6-8th seed anyway. I have a hard time believing that they will somehow wake up from the funk, even if relatively healthy. They just look uninspired and are consistenly making too many mistakes/give-aways/stupid penalties to be a threat in the playoffs. Wish it were different.
This post was edited on 4/4 4:04 PM by GulfCoastLion
Brutal, and no hope of a rebuild. Shero has handicapped them for the

next decade. They don't have a draft pick this year until the 4th round, and the farm system is nothing to write home about.

Blow it up and start over. This plan isn't working.
What would Gary Roberts do? I've been worried about their toughness since Shero took over. Crosby gets mauled in the playoffs and there is no one to step up. Advanced analytics don't trump heart and toughness. Just look at how they wilt against Flyers. Hope I'm wrong, but there is little toughness on the back end and not a whole lot up front.

This post was edited on 4/4 4:44 PM by canuckhal
I pretty much agree with all you've said. I think they're 1 & done.****

Re: Brutal, and no hope of a rebuild. Shero has handicapped them for the

Yeah, this was all Shero's and Blysma's fault last year. Now it's worse than last year. Point the finger in the right the players including our superstars who have failed miserably. Same old shit. How many games has Crosby failed to score a point this year? Nice going boys. You got your coach and GM fired last year and you're possibly headed to the worst collapse in Penguin history this year. I wish we had more Brandon Sutters on this team and less dumbasses like Downie.
It's actually deeper than that. There is a huge amount of front

office turmoil, which has been a hallmark of the Morehouse era.

Funny you are happy with Sutter. I happen to think he's a perfect example of what is wrong with this team. He plays hard for roughly a third of his shifts, when his skill is tantalizing, but the rest of the time he coasts and looks disinterested. By and large, he's been a thorough disappointment, but they have nothing to replace him with. If I were cleaning up after the season I'd look to move him and get some picks, and hope that the Swedish kid can replace him adequately.

The defense is slow, old, and soft.
Slots 4-8 in the East are up for grabs if Ottawa wins 2x

This weekend. Damn Hamburglar!
It doesn't help that the new era is becoming the dead era of scoring and the rules are back to a lot of interference and clutching and grabbing. Crosby may win the scoring race with 85 points, which will be the lowest I think since the 60s when they only played 70 games.
I have been a pens fan since 1974 that said it is very painfull to watch them They play so stupidly it is beyond belief Johnston has to wonder why he took the job

Major overhaul needed at end of season to make them smarter and more fundamental team ala Montreal and more hungrier ala Rangers and Isles Two teams that two years ago were rebuilding and now very strong and hungry and smart and don't forget very talented
I say blow it up and start the rebuild process. Trade both Crosby and Malkin for as much as you can get. Crosby is the most docile, emotionless so called captain I have seen in hockey.
A can of IC Light says this time fails to make the playoffs. They might win one more game this season ( vs. Buffalo). That will not get it done.

Flyers will eat them alive again tomorrow.

Crosby will win another Cup as a role player on a young team but it won't be in Pittsburgh.

This franchise might be on the rocks again financially before the end of the decade.
That's overboard. It's Sid's worst season as a pro, by a wide margin, &

he still can lead the league in scoring. He's not nearly the problem that people (including myself earlier this year) are making him out to be

Before the last 2 mo's, I'd have agreed w/ you on Sutter. Since then, he's been on cruise control. Not like he's the only one, but bottom line he's playing poorly now. When you're a 3rd line center & a key PK man, you gotta win puck battles. When's the last time he's done that against any team that plays heavy?

Of course there are other issues. Kunitz is flat done. Duper probably isn't gonna be able to come back (nor should he, probably). Bennett is quickly proving that he's not NHL let alone top 6 talent. MAF has had a good season but - as most of us feared during the up stretches - he has saved his most mediocre play for now when the team needs better.

And Downie ... Christ. The thing is, the guy has the hands to be a top player. He just lacks any, if you will, Gary Roberts sense. You think you're a tough guy? Start something when you're down 4-1 to Philly. Better yet, he could have started something when Renaldo took out Letang (he was on the ice when it happened). Meanwhile, he's never missed the chance to be reckless when it is ill-timed & self-defeating.

Despite all that, I'm not overall as negative for the long term b/c: a) Duper's salary will likely come off the books, b) Olli & DP should give them very strong D play at a low salary cap hit for a bit longer
Re: That's overboard. It's Sid's worst season as a pro, by a wide margin, &

Syd might be able to lead the league in scoring but he lacks the grit of a team captain capable of leading his team to the Cup. He is incrementally talented but it takes much more than that in the NHL. In fact I'd take less skill and more grit.

This team is a total mess.

Probably better not to make the playoffs than be done in four or five games.
That's a lazy, pro forma answer. What specifically would you

like him to start doing to demonstrate grit?
Re: That's overboard. It's Sid's worst season as a pro, by a wide margin, &

"Probably better not to make the playoffs than be done in four or five games."

Ha ha ha. Some people on this board are funny. If Malkin and Letang come back, we will see if Rutherford is right when he built the team for the playoffs.
Funny how nobody blamed the goalie now that it is April!

Sid's not the problem.

He's not the same player this year, in spite of his scoring totals, but I think we'll find out after the season that the wrist they didn't operate on last summer, should have been operated on. He can't shoot or stickhandle like he used to, it's painfully obvious.

But agree with some of your other stuff. Shero has handicapped the team with the Kunitz/Dupuis/Scuderi contracts, and BB has been badly mishandled. And with no picks to rebuild with, this is a team potentially in decline.

Financially they will be fine, as their base is much stronger than it was a couple of decades ago, and the building gives them a lot more cushion, but they need to reassess their management structure completely, starting at the very top.
Re: Sid's not the problem.

Being a Lightning season ticket holder for a number of past years, the Penguins and Bruins own us and until we prove we can beat those two teams consistently I would not count either of them out against us if we finish first in the Atlantic. Our young kids seem to watch as stars/legends play against them.

Go Lightning.