Pair may testify against Spanier

Somewhat... my understanding is if there was some key evidence, tidbit etc that is in the Freeh materials, and nowhere else that Lubrano could have accessed it, he's not free to comment. But can probably alert the Judge.

Outside of Freeh material, he can comment on anything.

My point was he & A9 cannot publicly sweep in with an overlooked detail, so if something exists from the review, it would be discussed in Chambers not on a board.
"My understanding"......"MY UNDERSTANDING"??

Coming from you?

Never before have two words been placed together in a sentence, that were more incompatible.
Let me weigh in on several matters raised in this thread.

Louis Freeh is a fraud-- and he knows it! That's a fact!

C/S/S each were given the same opportunity to plea. Curley and Schultz were never going to testify at trial. Too much risk given their perjurious GJ testimony. They will testify now.

Curley and Schultz testimony will have no bearing on their sentences. The state WILL NOT make a sentencing recommendation.

Sentencing guidelines range from probation to nine months. Unlikely the Judge will impose jail time.

Spanier chose to fight because he is innocent. So too are Curley and Schultz but they feared a poisoned jury. If found guilty they could have faced up to 21 years in prison though that was highly unlikely.

Spanier believes this fight is about more than just him. He recognizes the impact on the Penn State community so he has decided to fight.

I wish him well.
I don't know whether TC and GS would have, or would not have, testified in their own defense - if they had gone to trial.
I would certainly hope that they both would have been intelligent enough to know that - no matter what advice they might receive from an attorney - testifying in their own defense would have been an absolute requirement.

I do know - if they had gone to trial, and been stupid enough to NOT testify in their own defense - they almost certainly would have been convicted........and would have deserved it - if for no reason other than stupidity.

Which probably means - based on everything that has transpired over the last decade - the most likely outcome is that they would have "pled the fifth" :)

But - alas - that entire scenario is now moot.
Let me weigh in on several matters raised in this thread.

Louis Freeh is a fraud-- and he knows it! That's a fact!

C/S/S each were given the same opportunity to plea. Curley and Schultz were never going to testify at trial. Too much risk given their perjurious GJ testimony. They will testify now.

Curley and Schultz testimony will have no bearing on their sentences. The state WILL NOT make a sentencing recommendation.

Sentencing guidelines range from probation to nine months. Unlikely the Judge will impose jail time.

Spanier chose to fight because he is innocent. So too are Curley and Schultz but they feared a poisoned jury. If found guilty they could have faced up to 21 years in prison though that was highly unlikely.

Spanier believes this fight is about more than just him. He recognizes the impact on the Penn State community so he has decided to fight.

I wish him well.
Thanks for weighing in, Anthony, and in a very forthright manner. I agree with your statements and given that, it will be reprehensible if CS testify against Spanier (assuming he sees this through). Let's hope for just once justice prevails in this particular case. Easy there, LaJolla. I'm referring to the CSS case only.
Thanks for weighing in, Anthony, and in a very forthright manner. I agree with your statements and given that, it will be reprehensible if CS testify against Spanier (assuming he sees this through). Let's hope for just once justice prevails in this particular case. Easy there, LaJolla. I'm referring to the CSS case only.
If the trial goes off - almost certainly TC and GS will testify (though, the way some of these trails have been "managed", who TF knows :) )

If so, whether their testimony is "for" or "against" Spanier will be subject to interpretation.
No plea deal for Spanier.

Barry, I agree with your assessment regarding C/S testimony before their please. They will testify now. Likely Schultz will be the last person called by the prosecution.
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With Curley and Schultz pleading guilty and all set to testify against Spanier he will be a complete fool if he lets it go to trial and doesn't take a last minute plea agreement.

Since they were all 3 offered a plea agreement and Spanier turned it down the state may not even have a deal still on the table.

Tomorrow morning will be a big morning either way. Jury selection or all 3 will have pleaded guilty.
No plea deal for Spanier.

Barry, I agree with your assessment regarding C/S testimony before their please. They will testify now. Likely Schultz will be the last person called by the prosecution.
The prosecution isn't putting someone on the stand unless they know exactly what they'll say. That's not good for Spanier anyway you look at it.
With Curley and Schultz pleading guilty and all set to testify against Spanier he will be a complete fool if he lets it go to trial and doesn't take a last minute plea agreement.

Since they were all 3 offered a plea agreement and Spanier turned it down the state may not even have a deal still on the table.

Tomorrow morning will be a big morning either way. Jury selection or all 3 will have pleaded guilty.
Sweating a bit there Towny?
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With Curley and Schultz pleading guilty and all set to testify against Spanier he will be a complete fool if he lets it go to trial and doesn't take a last minute plea agreement.

Since they were all 3 offered a plea agreement and Spanier turned it down the state may not even have a deal still on the table.

Tomorrow morning will be a big morning either way. Jury selection or all 3 will have pleaded guilty.
I expect TC and GS will testify (It would take a real bizarro world trial for them to NOT testify)

But stating that they will testify "against Spanier" is - even with them now being beholden to the Prosecution - at least a little bit of a leap.

If the trial goes off (IF), we shall see - maybe.

Maybe, because even if we do see a trial - and testimony - I expect that it will continue to be "debated" as to what any of the testimony "really meant"
Haven't C and S already made statements under oath that it was horseplay? Maybe the plea is so that they don't take the stand.
I expect TC and GS will testify (It would take a real bizarro world trial for them to NOT testify)

But stating that they will testify "against Spanier" is - even with them now being beholden to the Prosecution - at least a little bit of a leap.

If the trial goes off (IF), we shall see - maybe.

Maybe, because even if we do see a trial - and testimony - I expect that it will continue to be "debated" as to what any of the testimony "really meant"

They will testify against spanier -
I expect TC and GS will testify (It would take a real bizarro world trial for them to NOT testify)

But stating that they will testify "against Spanier" is - even with them now being beholden to the Prosecution - at least a little bit of a leap.

If the trial goes off (IF), we shall see - maybe.

Maybe, because even if we do see a trial - and testimony - I expect that it will continue to be "debated" as to what any of the testimony "really meant"

One thing that has become crystal clear over the last 5 years is that you are a complete donkey and you can go f yourself. Don't you have any expensive swimming pools to complain about.
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They will testify against spanier -

One thing that has become crystal clear over the last 5 years is that you are a complete donkey and you can go f yourself. Don't you have any expensive swimming pools to complain about.
I'm wondering if someone has hacked Towny's account. I've defended him in the past b/c he was always respectful. Not so much anymore.

Not sure how anyone would think he was respectful Towny is a pedo enabler and has been since 2001. Sick that he comes here and gloats about Curley and Schultz. He is a disgusting person.
Not sure how anyone would think he was respectful Towny is a pedo enabler and has been since 2001. Sick that he comes here and gloats about Curley and Schultz. He is a disgusting person.

Yup. He's a piece of crap. Aside from what bplionfan posted, towny is constantly pulling the "I know something you don't know, but I'm not going to tell you anything" bullshit. He never posts anything of substance.
Yup. He's a piece of crap. Aside from what bplionfan posted, towny is constantly pulling the "I know something you don't know, but I'm not going to tell you anything" bullshit. He never posts anything of substance.
It's probably best for everyone to just chill.

Plenty of more important issues to be concerned with.
I certainly don't need to come to Towneys defense as he clearly can handle himself on a board or in person.

I will say this through out the five and a half years of this he has tried to provide some opposing insights. Sometimes very politely some times more coarsly. I think if most of you would see a friend or family member talked about in the vile ways Mike has been talked of some of you would be rather coarse. This topic is full of emotion and loyalty to all parties involved. Without question besides Jerry Mike is the person with the most bad treatments on these boards.

Towns has tried to provide insight to what might happen in coming days... he has his knowledge and beliefs. After 5 1/2 years could he be a bit ... could I be very happy and or relieved and or even celebratory ... yes. I think most of you would be.

Anyway just a couple thoughts.
It's obviously a very emotional trying week or two ahead. I sincerely pray for the revelation of the truth.
I certainly don't need to come to Towneys defense as he clearly can handle himself on a board or in person.

I will say this through out the five and a half years of this he has tried to provide some opposing insights. Sometimes very politely some times more coarsly. I think if most of you would see a friend or family member talked about in the vile ways Mike has been talked of some of you would be rather coarse. This topic is full of emotion and loyalty to all parties involved. Without question besides Jerry Mike is the person with the most bad treatments on these boards.

Towns has tried to provide insight to what might happen in coming days... he has his knowledge and beliefs. After 5 1/2 years could he be a bit ... could I be very happy and or relieved and or even celebratory ... yes. I think most of you would be.

Anyway just a couple thoughts.
It's obviously a very emotional trying week or two ahead. I sincerely pray for the revelation of the truth.

I think the one issue you would get the guest level of agreement to in this whole situation is that Mike screwed up by not calling police the moment he saw the situation unfolding in front of him. Every other issue from the moment he left that locker room can be nuanced and twisted in a million different ways. And it has been, to fit a million different conspiracies, beliefs, hopes, dreams. But when Mike left that locker room he left room for all kinds of shady actions to play out.
I don't have a problem with some o e questioning Mike for leaving the locker. I have a problem with people taking shits on a message board saying he's a coward but I let that crap go. Given he took on Chris bell in the knife incident I am comfortable with mikes courage. I am comfortable with all the steps he took. Can I look back and say in a judge mental way wow could be different but I think most of us can say that about situations and life events.
I certainly don't need to come to Towneys defense as he clearly can handle himself on a board or in person.

I will say this through out the five and a half years of this he has tried to provide some opposing insights. Sometimes very politely some times more coarsly. I think if most of you would see a friend or family member talked about in the vile ways Mike has been talked of some of you would be rather coarse. This topic is full of emotion and loyalty to all parties involved. Without question besides Jerry Mike is the person with the most bad treatments on these boards.

Towns has tried to provide insight to what might happen in coming days... he has his knowledge and beliefs. After 5 1/2 years could he be a bit ... could I be very happy and or relieved and or even celebratory ... yes. I think most of you would be.

Anyway just a couple thoughts.
It's obviously a very emotional trying week or two ahead. I sincerely pray for the revelation of the truth.

A few things I think we know about MM:
1. He saw something that upset him.
2. He didn't really break it up.
3. He didn't report to police.
4. He told his dad and Dranov but who knows what it was.
5. His story was not consistent.
6. It's unclear what he told Joe or C&S.
7. He accepted C&S response without complaint.
8. He sued PSU and got more money than he would have ever otherwise earned during his lifetime.

MM isn't the villain in this story but he's not without guilt. He certainly had multiple opportunities to intervene but failed to do so.
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Failed to intervene... if you mean not giving a report that reached to top levels of the university. His supervisor, coach paterno, the top administrator for the department Tim Curley, the Vice President of psu Gary Shultz ( head of psu police and psu hr) and in fact the president of the university Dr Spanier. In fact even university councel was involved Wendel Courtney.

I in my opinion would say intervened a lot. He accepted their report back. Even two others followed up about report again both showing great concern. They accepted the report back. I would like to think most would be trusting of the reports given back... these are the very top official at penn state at the time.

I can hash all the details and answer every question. Those who have been polite enough kind enough to listen and exchange thoughts. I think have a better u derstabding whether they agree or not is fine.
Failed to intervene... if you mean not giving a report that reached to top levels of the university. His supervisor, coach paterno, the top administrator for the department Tim Curley, the Vice President of psu Gary Shultz ( head of psu police and psu hr) and in fact the president of the university Dr Spanier. In fact even university councel was involved Wendel Courtney.

I in my opinion would say intervened a lot. He accepted their report back. Even two others followed up about report again both showing great concern. They accepted the report back. I would like to think most would be trusting of the reports given back... these are the very top official at penn state at the time.

I can hash all the details and answer every question. Those who have been polite enough kind enough to listen and exchange thoughts. I think have a better u derstabding whether they agree or not is fine.

That's all fine and dandy but the top levels of the university were not child abuse investigators. If he wanted to report an inappropriate shower that weirded him out by ONLY telling some non professional investigator/non child care expert college admins, then not uttering one word of dissatisfaction when these admins followed up with a plan that didn't involve JS getting arrested makes perfect sense.

But MM said from day one that he was 99.9% sure a kid was getting sodomized and reported it as such to the admins so forgive us if we're a little confused why MM, JM, and Dr. D didnt have a conniption fit when they still saw JS accessing TSM kids on a daily basis and when the admins followed up with a plan that didn't involve UPPD sending someone to take Mike's statement so JS could be FORMALLY investigated.

It's beyond me how MM and JM discussed calling the police that night but then decided against it if MM's 2010 version is true. How could there even be a debate about whether or not police should be called let alone decide against it if MM was certain a kid was getting violently abused?? Sounds to me there was an awful lot of grey area in what MM reported to people in 2001 if two adults had to debate about whether or not a report to LE was needed.
I don't have a problem with some o e questioning Mike for leaving the locker. I have a problem with people taking shits on a message board saying he's a coward but I let that crap go. Given he took on Chris bell in the knife incident I am comfortable with mikes courage. I am comfortable with all the steps he took. Can I look back and say in a judge mental way wow could be different but I think most of us can say that about situations and life events.
I get where you are coming from and I am not one crapping on Mike. But the simple fact remains that he should have called the police on the spot. It wasn't a man with a gun robbing somebody of their wallet, where his life could have been in jeaopardy. It was a naked (60 year old) man in a shower. Not much of a threat to Mike at that point.
Again, I get that people react differently to crazy situations. Fight, flight, freeze. But it can't be denied that the optimal response would have been for Mike to call the police immediately. With the assailant and victim on the premises.
Wer I have heard your thoughts you have your opinion it's fine. Sometime I hope you tKe the time to say hi in person so you can gain more perspective as I can from you. I have had the pleasure of meeting ray, jimmy, bhf... always cordial exchange of ideas and thoughts. This doesn't mean we all agreed means we were able to talk listen and learn.

Agree to disagree and move on.
...say intervened a lot.


I'm sorry but 10 years of silence after the initial event do not indicate intervention. Mike had no idea who the boy was in the shower. Had he actually intervened, he would have been able to discern who the boy was and exactly what happened.

If Mike had intervened, he would have been able to tell John McQ and Dranov what happened. As it was, neither JMcQ nor Dranov felt that what they were told rose to the level of 'call police, a crime occurred'. That is because there was no intervention.

If Mike had intervened, he would have been able to tell JoePa exactly what happened. Instead, Mike said he told a watered down story out of respect for Paterno.

I feel for Mike. He was bullied by the OAG. They made him tell a very tall tale. But, there is no way that I can agree with you that he intervened even a little.
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I just don't see Spanier's case as being important to the future of the University at all. What's done is done... Sandusky has been convicted of crimes against Vic 2, C&S has plead guilty for their role in it and PSU has already lost a quarter of a billion dollars that isn't coming back. The public has largely made up their minds and have moved on.
Wer I have heard your thoughts you have your opinion it's fine. Sometime I hope you tKe the time to say hi in person so you can gain more perspective as I can from you. I have had the pleasure of meeting ray, jimmy, bhf... always cordial exchange of ideas and thoughts. This doesn't mean we all agreed means we were able to talk listen and learn.

Agree to disagree and move on.

Yeah we'll have to agree to disagree. Thanks for the invite Dukie. Always open for some more perspective and would love to stop by and have a cordial exchange but I live on the west coast so I don't make it back to State College often unfortunately ...but if I do I'll definitely look you up.
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So, you 100% rule out that they just might possibly be testifying for the prosecution solely to save themselves from jail time? You obviously didn't read the original post very closely, or those from some knowledgeable attorneys on this board.
But testify what? They'd have to change their stories to have a negative impact on Spanier. And it would most likely be a lie.
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