Parsons visiting Lincoln

Some so called PSU fans have been bashing Parsons for decommitting
and visiting other schools. We only live once and although Parsons has
said he is long time (for a kid) PSU fan he has a right to explore his options.
He might think he is special but from what I have read, he is right.
You who bash him aren't helping PSU and I know if he decides to become
a Lion will change your tune. Those of you that imply he is immature and not
right for PSU should look in the mirror.
Wow - the Husker faithful are going crazy over the upcoming visit from MP to their "Friday Night Lights" event this Friday. Local sports talk radio makes it sound like they now have the inside track. I know that he is exploring all of his options but I am shocked that he would venture out here for any kind of event.
Better that he wind up a Husker than a Buckeye. Unfortunately I think he's just milking his paid visits to death.
Why is it that every other program is inferior in the eyes of so many posters on this board? We can't mention another school here without accusations of bag men, trashing the school, the location, slamming the coaches, academics, students, athletes, or some other reason. News flash: PSU isn't some god-like school or football program that is better than every other university in existence. Different schools have different pros and cons and what's good for one student or athlete isn't good for the other. If he wants to go check out Nebraska, so be it. I really wish just once, I'd see a thread about a recruit taking visits that takes the high road. I thought maybe a thread about Nebraska, a program many have a ton of respect for, might be that thread. I guess not. Sorry, rant over.
Now I remember why I don't post here very often. I have never seen MP make any reference to NU as a possible destination thus my surprise at the visit. Someone posted that his airfare would be free which answers my question concerning the potential personal cost of an unofficial visit. On a personal note, both of my sons graduated from NU and i think Mike Riley is taking that program in a positive direction so I have no issue the Huskers. They have an amazing fan base and have always treated visiting teams with respect. Finally, compared to some of the threads that I read on this site, I think this one is pretty tame. So what's the problem??
Why is it that every other program is inferior in the eyes of so many posters on this board? We can't mention another school here without accusations of bag men, trashing the school, the location, slamming the coaches, academics, students, athletes, or some other reason. News flash: PSU isn't some god-like school or football program that is better than every other university in existence. Different schools have different pros and cons and what's good for one student or athlete isn't good for the other. If he wants to go check out Nebraska, so be it. I really wish just once, I'd see a thread about a recruit taking visits that takes the high road. I thought maybe a thread about Nebraska, a program many have a ton of respect for, might be that thread. I guess not. Sorry, rant over.
If you are referring to my post, and I'm not sure if you are, I am not sure where I trash Nebraska. When it comes to Parsons it seems that he loves their coaches our campus etc. The problem is more that we are not "big time enough" in his eyes. While I am not trashing Nebraska, I would say that we are ahead of them right now as a program. I feel that he is going to wind up at the school that he perceives to be more "big time "then us.
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They need to bring back the thread view!