Funny stuff coming from a servile, zero-priciples, zero-character, say-anything & do-anything he's told BOT-bot boot-licking lacky. Your latest made-up bullshat crusade regarding armPITT is up to your high standards of pure bull$hit spin and demagoguery.
You epitomize something that I was raised to never become...the most dangerous monster on earth, the narcissistic, zero-charachter, self-promoting, self-righteous moral-hypocrite who BELIEVES IN NOTHING and will STAND FOR ANYTHING THAT BENEFITS HIS SELF-INTERESTED NARCISSISTIC BELIEF SYSTEM.
I was raised in the "Old World" Western ethic of the "Golden Rule" and to be a person of substance and principle -- the diametric opposite of a shallow, shameless, say-anything, do-anything, soulless, narcissistic sellout and boot-licking whore such as yourself. I had the following sound advice drilled into me as a youth: "If you BELIEVE in nothing but your own subjective self-interest, you will stand for anything, but if you truly BELIEVE in something (the universe's fundamental laws of moral right & wrong), you will stand on principle when you face pure wrong (e.g., evil) eye-to-eye. In other words, you will act with courage and do the right thing even when in harm's way (hence Christ's words that the greatest sacrifice and love one can show for another is to risk harm to themselves in defense of another) - the zero-character, zero-principles, narcissistic coward will act in self-interest. IOW, adversity will reveal an individual's"true colors" and character - and your colors are the bright piss-yellow color of the hypocrite and coward.
Yep, I was raised to NEVER be a zero-character, zero-principle narcissist who BELIEVES in absolutely nothing and will stand for absolutely anything...a servile little toad, happy you're so proud of yourself and what you've become, but haven't a clue why you think your arrogant, hubris-filled opinion of yourself is important to the rest of us.