Best concert you saw
Worst concert you saw
Concert you were going to go to and kick yourself for not going
Act you saw most in concert
Most famous opening act you saw in concert
Concert you went to and wish you could go back in time and see again
Here are mine -
Best - I had front row center for the Stones in 75 and had front row center for many Bowie shows. So, I would say Stones in 75 at the Spectrum and Bowie at Hershey Park for Reality last tour.
Worst - Eagles at the Spectrum in Philly. Left before end. Very mechanical, might as well have just been listening to the albums.
Still Kicking Myself - Bob Marley at Spectrum (classes had just started at PSU and did not want to miss the first couple of days), Led Zeppelin (wasn't the biggest Zeppelin fan and figured I'd see them another time - drummer dieS and that was it, and Pink Floyd The Wall at Nassau Collesium (started new job the next day and did not use my ticket)
Most - Dead, Bowie, Bruce, and Allman Brothers. No triple digits for Dead shows but easy 20 shows for each of these artists.
Most Famous Opening Act - Kind of should be disqualified but saw Traffic reunited as part of Dead RFK shows
Concert I Wish I Could Go Back and See Again - Bruce 1975 Tower shows, the craziest atmosphere for any shows I went too. I had started seeing Bruce a LOT starting in 73 and you realized that it would never be the same after the 75 Xmas - New Years run at the Tower. Honorable mention to a bit of a surprise - I saw Jimmy Cliff a couple of years back and he was spectacular.
Worst concert you saw
Concert you were going to go to and kick yourself for not going
Act you saw most in concert
Most famous opening act you saw in concert
Concert you went to and wish you could go back in time and see again
Here are mine -
Best - I had front row center for the Stones in 75 and had front row center for many Bowie shows. So, I would say Stones in 75 at the Spectrum and Bowie at Hershey Park for Reality last tour.
Worst - Eagles at the Spectrum in Philly. Left before end. Very mechanical, might as well have just been listening to the albums.
Still Kicking Myself - Bob Marley at Spectrum (classes had just started at PSU and did not want to miss the first couple of days), Led Zeppelin (wasn't the biggest Zeppelin fan and figured I'd see them another time - drummer dieS and that was it, and Pink Floyd The Wall at Nassau Collesium (started new job the next day and did not use my ticket)
Most - Dead, Bowie, Bruce, and Allman Brothers. No triple digits for Dead shows but easy 20 shows for each of these artists.
Most Famous Opening Act - Kind of should be disqualified but saw Traffic reunited as part of Dead RFK shows
Concert I Wish I Could Go Back and See Again - Bruce 1975 Tower shows, the craziest atmosphere for any shows I went too. I had started seeing Bruce a LOT starting in 73 and you realized that it would never be the same after the 75 Xmas - New Years run at the Tower. Honorable mention to a bit of a surprise - I saw Jimmy Cliff a couple of years back and he was spectacular.