What the f are the University Police doing? I sure hope they're not wandering the halls of students' private residences sniffing for pot smoke or searching lockers for beer. Surely there are better uses of taxpayer money (and students' tuition) than this. The mission of University Police should be to keep the peace and make Penn State safe for students and the community. Arresting people for pot possession is totally pointless and can inflict serious consequences on a young person for the crime of basically being a young person. Mr. Carter hopefully has a lucrative career ahead as an NFL linebacker, but if he does want to, say, be a teacher or a coach or a counselor later in life and help out kids in North Philly, this stupid nitpicky pot possession arrest could prevent him from doing that -- and it's the community that loses. If the football program really doesn't want players using marijuana, they can test for it but I doubt they do that any more.