Boobs, tits, mellons, jugs, fun bags, cans, the rack, whatever you call them we all love em. Or at least almost all of us.
Side boob, under boob, cleavage, see through, bouncing, any thing at all.They have a strange, magical power over us. They make us do strange things, write checks we cannot cash.
And women know this and use them to their great advantage. They love to show enough to distract us, to manipulate us, get us to do their bidding.
Ever wonder why they have such magical power over us? After all, they are just enlarged glands that supply milk to the very young. So why the powerful influence through out our lives? And why are human female breasts always enlarged?
Seems it is rooted in our ancient brains, in eons old synapses and neurons that respond instantly upon sight releasing endorphins, acetylcholine and more. Its biology, we just can't help it.
Humans are in the animal class known as mammals. Mammals are animals that give live birth and nurse their young. There are hundreds of mammalian species from farm animals to wild game to the great beasts of Africa. All of these have breasts and nurse their young. But humans are unique in that their breasts are permanently enlarged from puberty on. In other mammals, the breasts enlarge only while nursing and shrink back to nearly their previous size once lactation stops.
So why do female humans maintain enlarged breasts throughout their adult life?
Well, its complicated with several reasons. Seems that humans are the only species that mates predominately face to face. Most all mammals mate 'doggie style'. Anthropologists believe that came about because humans have a very long childhood/adolescence that requires the help of both parents. That means the parents must bond emotionally as well as physically to stay together and successfully raise their offspring. Mating face to face helps build such a strong bond.
So whats that got do with it? Well, females in other species have an estrus cycle and mate only when they are fertile. And they signal when they are fertile with pheromones and physical signs like enlarged genitals. If you lived on a farm you have seen females thus signal males its time by exposing their rear ends and pointing them at a male.
But in humans, with a menstrual cycle, there is no outward sign that fertility is here. Couples trying to get pregnant must keep exact records and rely on body temperatures to know when it is optimal to mate. Again, it is believed this came about because having no outward signs of fertility now means that mating must occur often for one to coincide with fertility and result in a pregnancy. This again greatly strengthens the emotional bonds and ensures a longer bonding of the couple to help raise the offspring.
So whats that got to do with big, beautiful boobs? Well it seems that boobs replace the buttocks in other species as a symbol to mate. (And why some men are butt men) The sight of bouncing round masses stimulates the male libido and encourages mating. And being permanently enlarged keeps men interested so that they will encourage frequent mating, bond with their mate, and stick around for a long time and help in child rearing.
That is the theory of their magical powers. (A similar theory exists for large, pouty lips with red or pink lipstick but I will leave that one alone)
I am sure this all more than you wanted to know.
So just sit back and enjoy!
Side boob, under boob, cleavage, see through, bouncing, any thing at all.They have a strange, magical power over us. They make us do strange things, write checks we cannot cash.
And women know this and use them to their great advantage. They love to show enough to distract us, to manipulate us, get us to do their bidding.
Ever wonder why they have such magical power over us? After all, they are just enlarged glands that supply milk to the very young. So why the powerful influence through out our lives? And why are human female breasts always enlarged?
Seems it is rooted in our ancient brains, in eons old synapses and neurons that respond instantly upon sight releasing endorphins, acetylcholine and more. Its biology, we just can't help it.
Humans are in the animal class known as mammals. Mammals are animals that give live birth and nurse their young. There are hundreds of mammalian species from farm animals to wild game to the great beasts of Africa. All of these have breasts and nurse their young. But humans are unique in that their breasts are permanently enlarged from puberty on. In other mammals, the breasts enlarge only while nursing and shrink back to nearly their previous size once lactation stops.
So why do female humans maintain enlarged breasts throughout their adult life?
Well, its complicated with several reasons. Seems that humans are the only species that mates predominately face to face. Most all mammals mate 'doggie style'. Anthropologists believe that came about because humans have a very long childhood/adolescence that requires the help of both parents. That means the parents must bond emotionally as well as physically to stay together and successfully raise their offspring. Mating face to face helps build such a strong bond.
So whats that got do with it? Well, females in other species have an estrus cycle and mate only when they are fertile. And they signal when they are fertile with pheromones and physical signs like enlarged genitals. If you lived on a farm you have seen females thus signal males its time by exposing their rear ends and pointing them at a male.
But in humans, with a menstrual cycle, there is no outward sign that fertility is here. Couples trying to get pregnant must keep exact records and rely on body temperatures to know when it is optimal to mate. Again, it is believed this came about because having no outward signs of fertility now means that mating must occur often for one to coincide with fertility and result in a pregnancy. This again greatly strengthens the emotional bonds and ensures a longer bonding of the couple to help raise the offspring.
So whats that got to do with big, beautiful boobs? Well it seems that boobs replace the buttocks in other species as a symbol to mate. (And why some men are butt men) The sight of bouncing round masses stimulates the male libido and encourages mating. And being permanently enlarged keeps men interested so that they will encourage frequent mating, bond with their mate, and stick around for a long time and help in child rearing.
That is the theory of their magical powers. (A similar theory exists for large, pouty lips with red or pink lipstick but I will leave that one alone)
I am sure this all more than you wanted to know.
So just sit back and enjoy!