Press Release from PS4RS on ruling in C/S/S case

Tom McAndrew

Well-Known Member
May 29, 2001

PA Court of Common Pleas Ruling Against Penn State Admins
Calls Entire Indictment Into Question

February 1, 2017 —— Members of Penn Staters for Responsible Stewardship (PS4RS) are pleased with today’s Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas ruling to dismiss the most serious of the remaining charges against Penn State University administrators. The ruling dismisses the felony charge of ‘Failure to Report Child Abuse’ against administrators Tim Curley, Gary Schultz and Graham Spanier.

With only the charge of ‘Endangering Welfare of Children’ remaining, members of PS4RS question the necessity of a jury trial, set to begin March 20, 2017.

“Save the courtroom for those connected with the Second Mile,” said PS4RS spokesperson Maribeth Roman Schmidt. “For the last five years, the Office of the Attorney General has speciously tried to position Penn State and its administrators as villains in the Jerry Sandusky scandal. The reality is that Sandusky used his charity, the Second Mile, as the gateway to his victims. It defies every sense of reason that those in the Second Mile who allowed him that access have not been held accountable.

“In the meantime, the Penn State Board of Trustees, Louis Freeh, the NCAA have all been responsible for rushing to judgment and impugning loyal, respectable, generous and -- most of all -- innocent men. As we have contended from Day One, this was never a Penn State problem. It was – and still very much is -- a state of Pennsylvania problem.”

Penn Staters for Responsible Stewardship (PS4RS), with more than 50,000 members nationwide, was formed to promote positive change within the University Board of Trustees, demanding transparent, trustworthy leadership. For further information on PS4RS, please visit, email, or go to Follow PS4RS on Twitter at @PS4RS.
To be fair, they are suggesting only a trial with C/S/S isn't needed. I think they would welcome one for anyone from TSM.
Also while a trial would bring out lots of good information the Pa. court system appears so corrupt I would actually enjoy seeing the final charges dropped.
To be fair, they are suggesting only a trial with C/S/S isn't needed. I think they would welcome one for anyone from TSM.
Also while a trial would bring out lots of good information the Pa. court system appears so corrupt I would actually enjoy seeing the final charges dropped.
For a group or organization that touts itself as one that seeks truth and transparency, I find it hard to believe they would be perfectly ok with all charges being dropped and that being the end of it. Then what?

The Second Mile will never be held accountable. That's glaringly obvious. Penn State and Harrisburg have gone out of their way to protect the charity.

I understand that to us the elephant in the room is the charity, but there's nothing on the horizon that says to me that focus will shift to TSM. Right now all we have is this trial. For that to not happen will be a devastating blow for the sake of justice and the truth.

5.5 years and the state says "we're done here, everyone move on" isn't going to cut it.

This trial must go forward. PS4RS suggesting otherwise is a farce.
The housewives have spoken! Which empty suits will they endorse this year?

It shall be Jay...
For a group or organization that touts itself as one that seeks truth and transparency, I find it hard to believe they would be perfectly ok with all charges being dropped and that being the end of it. Then what?

The Second Mile will never be held accountable. That's glaringly obvious. Penn State and Harrisburg have gone out of their way to protect the charity.

I understand that to us the elephant in the room is the charity, but there's nothing on the horizon that says to me that focus will shift to TSM. Right now all we have is this trial. For that to not happen will be a devastating blow for the sake of justice and the truth.

5.5 years and the state says "we're done here, everyone move on" isn't going to cut it.

This trial must go forward. PS4RS suggesting otherwise is a farce.
Could either one or all of C/S/S counter sue the state for defamation (or something else)? It seems that those three gentlemen have had their lives on hold for 5+ years waiting to defend themselves, and would have grounds to hold the state responsible for false accusations which have severely damaged their reputations.

Regardless, I agree that one way or another, dirty laundry must be publicly aired...too many State and local resources have been wasted in this case for more than half a decade, and the people deserve the truth.
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would you feel the same way if you were one of the individuals that was charged?
After having my name tarred and feathered, my future job prospects trashed, being called an enabler for one of the most heinous child molesters in world history, all while having nothing to hide? Absof'nlutely I would.

Wouldn't you like to set the record straight if it were you?

Sorry Tom, but that was a stupid question.
In a fair fight, I would agree with you. But this would be anything but a fair fight.
If this were something stupid that didn't have any public attention, sure let's not go there.

But if I had my face broadcast over news outlets around the world with the headline "pedo enabler" I'd do all I can to correct that.
If this were something stupid that didn't have any public attention, sure let's not go there.

But if I had my face broadcast over news outlets around the world with the headline "pedo enabler" I'd do all I can to correct that.

No you wouldn't. Not a chance.
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After having my name tarred and feathered, my future job prospects trashed, being called an enabler for one of the most heinous child molesters in world history, all while having nothing to hide? Absof'nlutely I would.

Wouldn't you like to set the record straight if it were you?

Sorry Tom, but that was a stupid question.
I am waiting for a 2:30 meeting to start and decided to take a quick glance at the board. (Nice job on the Birthdays Tom).
Jim, you must be a criminal defense lawyer. ;)
I am not, but I know a bit about the law having been in practice for over 40 years. Were I the defendant in a criminal case, I would never go to trial under any circumstances if I could have the charges dropped. Our legal system is good, but it's not perfect. Sadly, innocent men end up in prison and guilty ones go free. I would not take the chance just "to set the record straight".
Well, my meeting is about to begin. Happy Candlemass!
I am waiting for a 2:30 meeting to start and decided to take a quick glance at the board. (Nice job on the Birthdays Tom).
Jim, you must be a criminal defense lawyer. ;)
I am not, but I know a bit about the law having been in practice for over 40 years. Were I the defendant in a criminal case, I would never go to trial under any circumstances if I could have the charges dropped. Our legal system is good, but it's not perfect. Sadly, innocent men end up in prison and guilty ones go free. I would not take the chance just "to set the record straight".
Well, my meeting is about to begin. Happy Candlemass!

Gambit, I respect your opinion, you don't actually think they would get jail time for a misdemeanor do you? No priors for any of them?
Ok, so we've been waiting for trials to get everything on record and because now, only now, that PS4RS says that they shouldn't go to trial, the mindset is that we hope all charges are dropped and that's the end of it?

Am I following this correctly?

Let's say there is no trial and charges are dropped, is that when we finally get to hear the super secret information that certain people claim to have but can't disclose it?
After having my name tarred and feathered, my future job prospects trashed, being called an enabler for one of the most heinous child molesters in world history, all while having nothing to hide? Absof'nlutely I would.

Wouldn't you like to set the record straight if it were you?

Sorry Tom, but that was a stupid question.

Stupid question. Now you're doubling down.

You act as if they only way they could set the record straight is if they went to trial. That's not the case at all. They could set the record straight if the charges were dropped.

They could also set it straight if they were acquitted, but you always take a chance when you go to trial. No matter how good a defense they have, no trial lawyer would advocate for a trial if they could get the charges dismissed pre-trial.

Read fair's reply in this thread.
After having my name tarred and feathered, my future job prospects trashed, being called an enabler for one of the most heinous child molesters in world history, all while having nothing to hide? Absof'nlutely I would.

Wouldn't you like to set the record straight if it were you?

Sorry Tom, but that was a stupid question.
Jim: I would agree wholeheartedly with you, except that I have seen a whole lot of trials go WAY off the tracks and end with verdicts that are both unexpected and crazy. I ALWAYS tell any client considering litigation that trials are crapshoots no matter how strong they think their case may be.

I'd hate to see any of C/S/S doing jail time. But if it ends up going to trial and they get to set the record straight while under oath (and MM gets hammered on cross examination by their attorneys), I will certainly welcome THAT. The best of all possible outcomes is a trial, a full exposition of the facts under oath, and not guilty verdicts all around. Since we are talking about the Pennsylvania judicial system, I am skeptical of that happening.

There is also the Paternos' civil suit. I am not giving up on THAT case, at all.
Gambit, I respect your opinion, you don't actually think they would get jail time for a misdemeanor do you? No priors for any of them?
Quick reply while we wait for the meeting to start.
No, but I would still not risk a trial if I could have the charges dropped. To twist a phrase..."Tis better to have the charges dropped and be thought a criminal than to have a conviction and remove all doubt". Actually, in the real world, no one would insist on a trial if the charges were to be dropped, so this is just an academic exercise.
Now, I really must log out.
Quick reply while we wait for the meeting to start.
No, but I would still not risk a trial if I could have the charges dropped. To twist a phrase..."Tis better to have the charges dropped and be thought a criminal than to have a conviction and remove all doubt". Actually, in the real world, no one would insist on a trial if the charges were to be dropped, so this is just an academic exercise.
Now, I really must log out.
You're really just getting your oil changed, aren't you Fair?
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Stupid question. Now you're doubling down.

You act as if they only way they could set the record straight is if they went to trial. That's not the case at all. They could set the record straight if the charges were dropped.

They could also set it straight if they were acquitted, but you always take a chance when you go to trial. No matter how good a defense they have, no trial lawyer would advocate for a trial if they could get the charges dismissed pre-trial.

Read fair's reply in this thread.
How does having the charges dropped set the record straight on anything?
Look, I'm not naive to the corruption of the system. But these guys are on trial because of what McQueary did or didn't bring to their attention. If I had anything remotely to hide or felt that in any way had a chance of being convicted, I would pray the charges weee dropped as well.

My position is that these 3 men have nothing to hide. Mr. 8milliondollarwrongfulterm gets to take his millions and ride off into the sunset and even if charges are dropped, CSS are still viewed as villains.

Guess there will be no positive ending to this.

I get the PS4RS trying to point out TSM, but going down that road and expecting anything to come from it is a waste of time.

Perhaps civil defamation suits can come into play but the frustrating part is that a dead icon coach and his family have been repeatedly burned at the stake. I feel bad for the paterno family and I want justice for them.

My rants today are because we're oh so close to finally getting some real info and I'm depressed that the majority have switched their positions to not wanting any trial at all.

McQueary McQueary McQueary

Has he been cross examined by anyone in defense of themselves? He has 100 different versions of what went down, he's collected millions, and we have 3 men who have had their lives ruined and nobody really seems to know why, yet.

PA Court of Common Pleas Ruling Against Penn State Admins
Calls Entire Indictment Into Question

February 1, 2017 —— Members of Penn Staters for Responsible Stewardship (PS4RS) are pleased with today’s Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas ruling to dismiss the most serious of the remaining charges against Penn State University administrators. The ruling dismisses the felony charge of ‘Failure to Report Child Abuse’ against administrators Tim Curley, Gary Schultz and Graham Spanier.

With only the charge of ‘Endangering Welfare of Children’ remaining, members of PS4RS question the necessity of a jury trial, set to begin March 20, 2017.

“Save the courtroom for those connected with the Second Mile,” said PS4RS spokesperson Maribeth Roman Schmidt. “For the last five years, the Office of the Attorney General has speciously tried to position Penn State and its administrators as villains in the Jerry Sandusky scandal. The reality is that Sandusky used his charity, the Second Mile, as the gateway to his victims. It defies every sense of reason that those in the Second Mile who allowed him that access have not been held accountable.

“In the meantime, the Penn State Board of Trustees, Louis Freeh, the NCAA have all been responsible for rushing to judgment and impugning loyal, respectable, generous and -- most of all -- innocent men. As we have contended from Day One, this was never a Penn State problem. It was – and still very much is -- a state of Pennsylvania problem.”

Penn Staters for Responsible Stewardship (PS4RS), with more than 50,000 members nationwide, was formed to promote positive change within the University Board of Trustees, demanding transparent, trustworthy leadership. For further information on PS4RS, please visit, email, or go to Follow PS4RS on Twitter at @PS4RS.

The Second Mile will be put on trial during these proceedings. I trust the defense will get all the main characters on the stand and make them sweat.
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For a group or organization that touts itself as one that seeks truth and transparency, I find it hard to believe they would be perfectly ok with all charges being dropped and that being the end of it. Then what?

The Second Mile will never be held accountable. That's glaringly obvious. Penn State and Harrisburg have gone out of their way to protect the charity.

I understand that to us the elephant in the room is the charity, but there's nothing on the horizon that says to me that focus will shift to TSM. Right now all we have is this trial. For that to not happen will be a devastating blow for the sake of justice and the truth.

5.5 years and the state says "we're done here, everyone move on" isn't going to cut it.

This trial must go forward. PS4RS suggesting otherwise is a farce.

Your position is illogical. If you were an innocent man facing a trial for a felony, would you still feel that there should be a trial
Ok, so we've been waiting for trials to get everything on record and because now, only now, that PS4RS says that they shouldn't go to trial, the mindset is that we hope all charges are dropped and that's the end of it?

Am I following this correctly?

Let's say there is no trial and charges are dropped, is that when we finally get to hear the super secret information that certain people claim to have but can't disclose it?

Jim - I read all your posts, and must conclude that you're being completely illogical. You seem to agree that if anyone bears responsibility, it's TSM; and yet, you argue that the trial "must go forward" against three innocent men. Why? For your personal interest? If you were staring down the barrel of felony charges, I guaran-damn-tee you that you'd happily skip off into relative obscurity if the charges were dropped, rather than seeking a forum for vindication. In fact, if I were the defendant, I would take dropping charges as the best vindication possible. I hope those three very decent men are spared further abuse.
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Ok, so we've been waiting for trials to get everything on record and because now, only now, that PS4RS says that they shouldn't go to trial, the mindset is that we hope all charges are dropped and that's the end of it?

Am I following this correctly?

Let's say there is no trial and charges are dropped, is that when we finally get to hear the super secret information that certain people claim to have but can't disclose it?

It's nothing more than bet-hedging from some folks around here.

Hedging their bets against:

(a) there NOT BEING "super-secret information" (I'm on the record that this "super-secret information" doesn't exist, it would have been leaked by now).

(b) an unfavorable ruling.

Now, if I'm Spanier/Schultz or Curley? I disagree with your opinion --- I definitely don't want to go to trial. Even if I'm 100% innocent. Always take the sure thing if you can.
The point here should not be what's better for CSS (clearly dropping all charges would be best for them) but rather what is best for finding the truth? I thought PS4RS was all about finding the truth? Now they look like a group that only wants CSS to go free so they can say "see, nothing happened here!" Of course, that isn't going to convince anyone with opposing views. In the end it would accomplish nothing in terms of changing public perception.
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For a group or organization that touts itself as one that seeks truth and transparency, I find it hard to believe they would be perfectly ok with all charges being dropped and that being the end of it. Then what?

The Second Mile will never be held accountable. That's glaringly obvious. Penn State and Harrisburg have gone out of their way to protect the charity.

I understand that to us the elephant in the room is the charity, but there's nothing on the horizon that says to me that focus will shift to TSM. Right now all we have is this trial. For that to not happen will be a devastating blow for the sake of justice and the truth.

5.5 years and the state says "we're done here, everyone move on" isn't going to cut it.

This trial must go forward. PS4RS suggesting otherwise is a farce.
They believe that if all of the charges are dropped, it clears Joe in the eyes of those who think he did anything wrong. As always, they are about Paterno and nothing more.
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