Press Release from PS4RS on ruling in C/S/S case

You may be correct as I haven't studied these actual cases. Even if true what would expect to find out in the C/S/S trial? It just seems like we would hear what we have heard in every other hearing or depositions except maybe this time a jury sides with C/S/S.
You COULD hear a lot in CSS (not as much now, that it's down to the EWC only)

But, even at that, just as one "for instance", the entire deal with the 2nd Mile folks comes under review:

What did C tell them? Who did he talk to? What did THEY do with the info?

That can all be brought in on defending EWC - and that could go deep into many of the things that are currently buried in the Kremlin

Based on past history, WILL those avenues be obstructed? Who knows? But it would take an awfully, blatantly corrupt Bench to do so
Will CSS travel down that route? If they are on trial - they damn well should...... But we will see - IF there ever is a trial

There could be a lot brought out - - - - but there are still a lot of steps to go, to even get to that point

I'm hopeful - - - I'm not optimistic
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Stupid question. Now you're doubling down.

You act as if they only way they could set the record straight is if they went to trial. That's not the case at all. They could set the record straight if the charges were dropped.

They could also set it straight if they were acquitted, but you always take a chance when you go to trial. No matter how good a defense they have, no trial lawyer would advocate for a trial if they could get the charges dismissed pre-trial.

Read fair's reply in this thread.
Especially i might add in the great state of Pennsylvania who it appears has been protecting their own in this case for 5 years.
So many here continue to try to discredit the wrong scoundrels/incompetents. The key to rehabilitating JVP's image/legacy lies not in Daughin or Centre Counties. Look further north.
You COULD hear a lot in CSS (not as much now, that it's down to the EWC only)

But, even at that, just as one "for instance", the entire deal with the 2nd Mile folks comes under review:

What did C tell them? Who did he talk to? What did THEY do with the info?

That can all be brought in on defending EWC - and that could go deep into many of the things that are currently buried in the Kremlin

Based on past history, WILL those avenues be obstructed? Who knows? But it would take an awfully, blatantly corrupt Bench to do so
Will CSS travel down that route? If they are on trial - they damn well should...... But we will see - IF there ever is a trial

There could be a lot brought out - - - - but there are still a lot of steps to go, to even get to that point

I'm hopeful - - - I'm not optimistic
Don't we know that already. C will say he told JR of Horseplay and that they don't want JS around the facilities. JR will say we never thought he was a ped but if you want we'll tell him to wera swim trunks, and we know they didn't do anything. Now you and i might like some follow on questions like why didn't you follow up since these were your kids and he was your employee etc. etc and JR will just answer TC didn't tell him anything that warranted further follow up.[takes us back to did TC tell JR a watered down story] Sort of like when Dranov said he heard nothing that warranted a call to the police from MM. That didn't seem to affect any jurors opinion about anything.
I would love to see MM taken apart and Dranov taken apart and JR taken apart but I don't see that happening.
Penn State has been paying their attorney's fees.

Al Lord may have also paid some of Spanier's.
I don't know what Al Lord has been doing, but I recall reading several weeks ago, in reports posted here, that the University (read: the OGBOT) notified C/S/S that they would henceforth cease paying their legal bills. Which some thought might be a good strategy on their part, as it would ratchet up the financial pressure on C/S/S to accept a plea deal or otherwise fold their tent. I recall arguing that it would likely have the reverse effect, since it would likely piss them off, and also noting that the OGBOT was taking the substantial risk that C/S/S would ultimately be deemed entitled to the indemnity for their legal fees as officers of PSU acting in good faith, which would mean likely mean a punitive damage against the University for bad faith. The OGBOT taking risks with the University's (i.e., other people's) money. What a surprise.
Penn State?

"As of Jan. 31 [2012], Penn State has spent more than $813,000 on university legal services and defense, according to its website. The university says an additional $338,545 has been spent on the legal defense of Graham Spanier, Tim Curley and Gary Schultz."

When did PSU stop paying Spanier, Curley, and Schultz's attorney's fees?
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Yeah that was a good one...Roberto called him out on that (how could you see fondling if you couldn't see any hands/privates??) then he tried to cover for that by saying his definition of fondling was touching in a sexual way. This testimony was in 12/16/11 prelim.
and yet none of that mattered. Hence the reason not to go to trial if it can be avoided
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and yet none of that mattered. Hence the reason not to go to trial if it can be avoided

Oh I definitely way the state can produce an biased jury at this point. I wouldn't take my chances on that even if I knew for sure I was innocent.
So you are mad at the world then? Good luck with that.

I'm actually very happy and optimistic by nature. I'm not mad at you. You are simply just not very bright (some would say stupid), and unfortunately there really isn't anything you can do about that.
I'm actually very happy and optimistic by nature. I'm not mad at you. You are simply just not very bright (some would say stupid), and unfortunately there really isn't anything you can do about that.
Is the majority of the world stupid in your eyes for having the same opinion on Paterno's testimony as me?
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More importantly, welcome back've been missed.
Thanks for the kind words. I'm not back on a full time basis....just checking in as time permits. I had a birthday not long ago and, as I grow older, my bucket list gets longer. I'm working on some professional and personal goals right now that are taking up a lot of my time, but I do miss this board so I will stop by as often as I can.
Thanks for the kind words. I'm not back on a full time basis....just checking in as time permits. I had a birthday not long ago and, as I grow older, my bucket list gets longer. I'm working on some professional and personal goals right now that are taking up a lot of my time, but I do miss this board so I will stop by as often as I can.
I was just kidding w/ the oil change crack Fair. Heh. To make it up to you I created a Farrah shrine for you over on Tom's thread...
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So.... Word is that the lawyers will attack MM and company on how actionable his story was in 2001. Supposedly there isn't a lot new. Just what Mm told mom dad dravov Joe curly and Schultz that night and the next several days.
Thanks for the kind words. I'm not back on a full time basis....just checking in as time permits. I had a birthday not long ago and, as I grow older, my bucket list gets longer. I'm working on some professional and personal goals right now that are taking up a lot of my time, but I do miss this board so I will stop by as often as I can.
Ah, 38 isn't too old...Happy Birthday, Sir!!
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They believe that if all of the charges are dropped, it clears Joe in the eyes of those who think he did anything wrong. As always, they are about Paterno and nothing more.

Joe should be cleared - in fact he never should have been in this sh!t storm in the first place
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Is the majority of the world stupid in your eyes for having the same opinion on Paterno's testimony as me?

Wow - that's quite a statement there Jive.
That really kind of doubles down on "stupid" - it I really don't like using that word but ....just wow!
Those who insist a trial is a good thing are prepared to fight to the last ounce of Curley, Schultz and Spanier's blood. If and when the charges are dropped, I firmly believe that Tim Curley will clear the air. I feel that Graham has been very forthcoming despite the charges and will defend himself and the actions of his administrators vigorously.
I am curious what makes anyone think that the "truth" will come out in a Commonwealth Court? How much truth was revealed in the Sandusky Trial? By the state troopers? The crying janitor? The little boy in the shower known only to God?
This is a group of prosecutors who lied about the date of the incident to deal with a SOL issue. Let's not even turn the page to the ex post facto charges.
I doubt any of the internet heroes would be looking forward to clearing their names at a trial in this state and its Star Chamber Justice.
"As of Jan. 31 [2012], Penn State has spent more than $813,000 on university legal services and defense, according to its website. The university says an additional $338,545 has been spent on the legal defense of Graham Spanier, Tim Curley and Gary Schultz."

When did PSU stop paying Spanier, Curley, and Schultz's attorney's fees?
I don't know for certain that they have. I DO know that there were reports posted to that effect on this Board roughly a month or so ago, and they looked pretty credible to me. We had a long thread discussing it, and my earlier post in this thread summarizes a couple of the issues that were discussed.

WRT the $338,545 reportedly spent on legal defense costs for C/S/S, through what date were those legal defense costs computed? That does not seem like a very large amount, given that there are three individuals involved and they each (obviously) have their own counsel.
How much truth was revealed in the Sandusky Trial?
Not a whole hell of a lot, huh? I'd love to post a poll where posters are put to a life/death - bullet/brain decision that is based on whether AF was actually abused by JS. Yes or No. Of course most would lie anyway.
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I don't know for certain that they have. I DO know that there were reports posted to that effect on this Board roughly a month or so ago, and they looked pretty credible to me. We had a long thread discussing it, and my earlier post in this thread summarizes a couple of the issues that were discussed.

WRT the $338,545 reportedly spent on legal defense costs for C/S/S, through what date were those legal defense costs computed? That does not seem like a very large amount, given that there are three individuals involved and they each (obviously) have their own counsel.
That was five years ago.

And I would avoid drawing conclusions based on what you read on this board.
Not a whole hell of a lot, huh? I'd love to post a poll where posters are put to a life/death - bullet/brain decision that is based on whether AF was actually abused by JS. Yes or No. Of course most would lie anyway.

Here is my opinion based on working in public schools for 38 years. I am not equipped to, nor do I have access to the evidence (if any exists ) of AF's abuse.
According to my understanding, when AF informed school officials of his alleged abuse at the hands of JS, there was, shall we say, some who were skeptical? I am of the impression that perhaps there was a pattern of less than truthful and questionable behavior.
Now an adolescent certainly can earn a reputation as a "fibber" and still be a victim. Unfortunately, however, even as a high school student, at some point you can be the victim or beneficiary of your credibility.
Is the majority of the world stupid in your eyes for having the same opinion on Paterno's testimony as me?

The majority of the world is uniformed about the intricacies of this case and developed their view in the first few days based on a fictitious Grand Jury Presentment and a media with a 15 minute attention span that could not have cared less about what really happened once Joe Paterno's name was involved.

You on the other hand are stupid.
That was five years ago.

And I would avoid drawing conclusions based on what you read on this board.
Agree. My recollection is that it was a news report that was linked here. But I do not recall it firmly enough to merit engaging in debate over it.
The majority of the world is uniformed about the intricacies of this case and developed their view in the first few days based on a fictitious Grand Jury Presentment and a media with a 15 minute attention span that could not have cared less about what really happened once Joe Paterno's name was involved.

You on the other hand are stupid.
There is nothing fictitious about Paterno's testimony unless he committed perjury.
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Don't we know that already. C will say he told JR of Horseplay and that they don't want JS around the facilities. JR will say we never thought he was a ped but if you want we'll tell him to wera swim trunks, and we know they didn't do anything. Now you and i might like some follow on questions like why didn't you follow up since these were your kids and he was your employee etc. etc and JR will just answer TC didn't tell him anything that warranted further follow up.[takes us back to did TC tell JR a watered down story] Sort of like when Dranov said he heard nothing that warranted a call to the police from MM. That didn't seem to affect any jurors opinion about anything.
I would love to see MM taken apart and Dranov taken apart and JR taken apart but I don't see that happening.
You have to consider where those questions may lead
"As of Jan. 31 [2012], Penn State has spent more than $813,000 on university legal services and defense, according to its website. The university says an additional $338,545 has been spent on the legal defense of Graham Spanier, Tim Curley and Gary Schultz."

When did PSU stop paying Spanier, Curley, and Schultz's attorney's fees?

You back? Must be getting close to that time.......
And as uninformed / disingenuous / and self-serving as ever

Or maybe we can just summarize by saying the "dumb, lying bitch is back"


There is nothing fictitious about Paterno's testimony unless he committed perjury.

Paterno's vague GJ testimony was read into the record over a month later at the 12/16/11 preliminary hearing. Thanks for proving my point goofus.

You're boring me. Beat it.
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You back? Must be getting close to that time.......
And as uninformed / disingenuous / and self-serving as ever

Or maybe we can just summarize by saying the "dumb, lying bitch is back"


You're a university professor, right? And this is how you communicate? Are you proud of yourself for behaving this way? Do you teach your students to communicate in this manner? Do you think that maybe there's something wrong with you?

I hope you're tenured because you wouldn't last five minutes in the real world.
You're a university professor, right? And this is how you communicate? Are you proud of yourself for behaving this way? Do you teach your students to communicate in this manner? Do you think that maybe there's something wrong with you?

I hope you're tenured because you wouldn't last five minutes in the real world.
I would guess that you're struggling yourself!