Exactly ---->
Here we are, years later, with the legal system arguing amongst themselves and pushing massive amounts of paper back and forth about this core issue of Baldwin appearing before the grand jury.
Yet the Commonwealth wants us to believe that Tim Curley, Gary Schultz & Graham Spanier are supposed to just know in an instant that Penn State University General Counsel Cynthia Baldwin, who accompanied these guys to this grand jury hearing, isn't there to....you know, actually represent them in any way or look out for their best interests or anything .....because she signed her name and "Penn State" on a clipboard when she strolled in the door.
People who respect the rule of law have been befuddled.
Here we are, years later, with the legal system arguing amongst themselves and pushing massive amounts of paper back and forth about this core issue of Baldwin appearing before the grand jury.
Yet the Commonwealth wants us to believe that Tim Curley, Gary Schultz & Graham Spanier are supposed to just know in an instant that Penn State University General Counsel Cynthia Baldwin, who accompanied these guys to this grand jury hearing, isn't there to....you know, actually represent them in any way or look out for their best interests or anything .....because she signed her name and "Penn State" on a clipboard when she strolled in the door.