PSU played duhO$U far better @TheShoe than scUM is playing them @home

PSU will end up with 10 wins in the regular season for the 3rd time in four years - one of only a handful of teams that can say this, but all you hear is endless negativity on this board from all the poser fake PSU fans. Go figure... :rolleyes:

If you're happy with 'also-ran' status then go shake your pom-poms to your heart's content, but don't impose it upon others.
Don Brown = 49 points yielded (game not over)

PSU = 28 at Shoe

why do they talk this guy up?

I'm fairly certain that DON BROWN is running some kind of nationwide surveillance program that has captured a myriad of TV personalities in compromising positions, and he's holding the video/photo evidence as leverage.

That's the only thing that makes sense.

God, I'd hate to even think about what he has on Corso.
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I'm fairly certain that DON BROWN is running some kind of nationwide surveillance program that has captured a myriad of TV personalities in compromising positions, and he's holding the video/photo evidence as leverage.

That's the only thing that makes sense.

God, I'd hate to even think about what he has on Corso.
Don Brown's defense should be dubbed the "Coffee Filter" defense. Looks like its gonna stop everything but gets shredded fairly easily.
If you're happy with 'also-ran' status then go shake your pom-poms to your heart's content, but don't impose it upon others.

So 3 ten win seasons in the last 4 years and a Big Ten Championship is “also ran” status. Someone needs a reality check.