I surmise that folkstyle-season Bo and Zain might have done better than freestyle-shape Bo and Zain.Any future Navy SEALS in this group?
A good alumni team would be Matt Brown and Morgan Macintosh. They would take the current group to the cleaners.
Those are some weak A push ups.
If football players could be in wrestling shape!
James Franklin is a wrestling fan, he should know this.
I think his point was Micah was there but got destroyed by the wrestlers!Micah Parsons is there...
Now I know why his walk out song is “Dungarees—Done Dirt Cheap.”Lol @ Nick and Cenzos dungarees. Loved that. I always thought Nick seemed like the quiet type but the more I see him in vids like this he seems like a hoot to be around. Lol
Now I know why his walk out song is “Dungarees—Done Dirt Cheap.”
There is no way these guys don't make each other better (FB and Wrestling). Imagine being a neighbor kid, Hey mom I think a national champion wrestler just ran by, mom some guy that won worlds just ran by, mom some guy who won the Hodge just ran by, MOM SOME GUY WHO IS GOING TO BE DRAFTED IN THE FIRST ROUND JUST WALKED BY AND I THINK JUST GOT LAPPED!