Serious question....If the C-19 has about a 1% mortality (very very low) rate in anyone 70 or younger, and the risk factor really just increases among people 70 and older, then shouldn't we all be trying to figure out a way to isolate that "at risk" group and allowing the "other groups" to move on with their lives?? I'm not offering an answer. The answer would have to come from someone way smarter than me. I'm just thinking about what makes common sense logic to me. We have a virus that is now proving to have a very low mortality rate to younger age groups, yet we are keeping those groups in quarantine. Apparently masks are a key. Seems like many State Governors : PA, MI, NY, CA, IL.... are requiring masks to be worn. So obviously these governors have info & knowledge that masks are a key. Can we not just require (strongly ask) people 70 and greater to continue to wear masks? Can we give tax incentives and tax breaks to businesses who are willing to have special hours to accommodate the elderly? For example, tax breaks on payroll taxes to restaurants who are willing to open from 3pm-5pm only for elderly? Tax breaks and payroll tax exemptions for grocery stores, car dealers, retail stores... who are willing to open from say 6am-8am only for the elderly??? I know these things are not perfect, but it's "make the best of a bad situation". I do not want to see the elderly cut off from life and forced into assisted care facilities like they are dogs. That's horrible. But you'd think brighter minds could come up with feasible plans to protect the elderly and allow them to live, while also allowing the other 99% of us who are not "high risk" to move on.