PSU Won't Contest $2.4 Million Clery Act Fine.

Bad news for Barron is that the BOT is eliminating onion dip at their meetings....they will take the 1.2 million in onion dip savings and put it towards the Cleary fine....Barron is pissed!
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Erickson is asking them to please double the fine. Peetz wants the soft underbelly of athletics to be slit. And Frazier continues to insist that those emails say what they say, and nothing will change it.
Penn State doesn't care about money. There's tons of old people who write those checks every year to cover this. Problem is that they aren't going to be replaced after they die.

If there's one thing I've learned through all this, it's that Penn State is apparently one of the wealthiest institutions of any stripe, never mind higher education, on planet earth.
I'll say this. I work in the Clery compliance arena of a college. PSU got off light. They should pay it and run. The previous biggest fine was Eastern Michigan University that received half about $1.3 mil fine for violations of the Clery Act stemming from one murder, iirc. From an administrative oversight standpoint, Penn State's failure was massive in comparison. I was expecting at least another zero.

Only a portion of the money may be directly related to the Sandusky mess, but a mess like that will get you a Fedgov rectal probe every time.
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They can pay the fine using the money they saved by underpaying Paterno all those years
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I'll say this. I work in the Clery compliance arena of a college. PSU got off light. They should pay it and run. The previous biggest fine was Eastern Michigan University that received half about $1.3 mil fine for violations of the Clery Act stemming from one murder, iirc. From an administrative oversight standpoint, Penn State's failure was massive in comparison. I was expecting at least another zero.

Only a portion of the money may be directly related to the Sandusky mess, but a mess like that will get you a Fedgov rectal probe every time.
We basically had little to no Clery Act compliance prior to 2011... people who think we should appeal have no idea how light the fine is.
We basically had little to no Clery Act compliance prior to 2011... people who think we should appeal have no idea how light the fine is.

So we may have been, in fact, the dirtiest program ever...despite the mirage portrayed; so I stand behind my post. Penn State didn't care because the unbelievable war chest of the institution could handle anything that came at them. The printing press continues to run to this day.
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The sick culture will die in another 30-40 years. I regret my own life; that I am such a scar on Penn State but alas, I seem to wake up every day, for now. Hopefully I will soon die so that PSU can cleanse itself from my horrible stain of being a football fan. Just a wild hope, but I'm keeping hope alive.
Then it's basically a clawback. If the place is propped up on government funds for research and defense, the G is just shaking down a few bucks. State government, with the assistance of Freeh and Emmert, was the catalyst in the first place. Pump money in, siphon money out, demonize anyone who went to school here in the process. Stooges already in place like the 2011 BOT were the cheerleaders.
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So we may have been, in fact, the dirtiest program ever...despite the mirage portrayed; so I stand behind my post. Penn State didn't care because the unbelievable war chest of the institution could handle anything that came at them. The printing press continues to run to this day.

Clery and Title 9 compliance is a growing field. Many colleges, including the one I work for, are very much out of compliance because the administrations just haven't taken it seriously. I've done A LOT over the past year I've been responsible for it, but there's still a lot to do and I don't have control over all of it. All I can do is save the emails I've sent so people can't try to dump it on me :).

Part of the "problem", is the fines just aren't big enough for colleges to care. Penn State got a record fine of $2.4 mil, which is chump change for them. The NCAA fined them $60 mil (where they get the authority for a fine anyway is a topic for another thread).

Let's keep in mind that a dirty football program is a different animal from a college not fulfilling its responsibilities under the Clery Act. Penn State did not have a dirty football program.
Let's keep in mind that a dirty football program is a different animal from a college not fulfilling its responsibilities under the Clery Act. Penn State did not have a dirty football program.

And you're an absolute ignoramus if you think Penn State was fined 2.4 million because of a dirty football program-- or a low-info intaker of media spew, but I'm being redundant.

The fine they got for not-reporting Sandusky-- and by not-reporting, I don't mean not going to police, I mean not writing it down in the little file folder they were supposed to be keeping-- was less than the fine for not having proper fire safety plans on record or not properly sorting out different kinds of crimes in their reports.

But of course, the AP report only mentions Sandusky and 2 cases where Paterno allegedly interfered with the discipline of athletes, courtesy of you know who. That's probably why the administration/BOT isn't interested in appealing the fine. It's worth it to them to keep the false narrative going and divert attention away from their own crimes.

Which reminds me, the Triponey address is very easy to find on the internet in case you want to send her seasons' greetings.
Our "leaders" admit guilt at every turn. Just unbelievable and so sad.
PSU could have EASILY questioned any one of the line item fines, as well as the amount of each fine which has an assigned range. It is reasonable to do so and done frequently with numerous federal agency investigations, which are more common than many realize. Many agencies. Many audits.
PSU could have EASILY questioned any one of the line item fines, as well as the amount of each fine which has an assigned range. It is reasonable to do so and done frequently with numerous federal agency investigations, which are more common than many realize. Many agencies. Many audits.
True, but I have a feeling many people just want to put this nightmare behind us.