PSU Won't Contest $2.4 Million Clery Act Fine.

The sick culture will die in another 30-40 years. I regret my own life; that I am such a scar on Penn State but alas, I seem to wake up every day, for now. Hopefully I will soon die so that PSU can cleanse itself from my horrible stain of being a football fan. Just a wild hope, but I'm keeping hope alive.

Let's just kill ourselves all together. If we all commit hara-kiri on the 50 yd line, in a glorious group ritual, perhaps that will be enough to eradicate the evil spirits that have infested this program since Joe took over.
True, but I have a feeling many people just want to put this nightmare behind us.

AKA, Move On.

Nobody at the top seems to realize that this is never going to happen. Ever. Not now, not in 2014, not in 3014. It will never die, because they refuse to kill it. By saying nothing and continuing to feed the beast financially, it will just thrive and grow. Like it has since Day One.
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