Question for Tom McAndrew...

Ranger Dan

Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Aug 31, 2003
York PA
Why aren't there other wrestling related pages available at the top of BWI site?

At the top of the page, there is a link to Home, Forums, Football, FB Recruiting, Basketball, BB Recruiting, and More. I realize that from a Rivals perspective, football and basketball are by far the two most popular college sports. Is there any ability to modify this to add another option for wrestling, or maybe one option for "other" sports where links for information related to other popular sports (volleyball, soccer, gymnastics, etc.)? I obviously know how to navigate to the forum for wrestling, but it would be convenient if there were links to schedule/results, roster, recruiting, etc.
Why aren't there other wrestling related pages available at the top of BWI site?

At the top of the page, there is a link to Home, Forums, Football, FB Recruiting, Basketball, BB Recruiting, and More. I realize that from a Rivals perspective, football and basketball are by far the two most popular college sports. Is there any ability to modify this to add another option for wrestling, or maybe one option for "other" sports where links for information related to other popular sports (volleyball, soccer, gymnastics, etc.)? I obviously know how to navigate to the forum for wrestling, but it would be convenient if there were links to schedule/results, roster, recruiting, etc.
If you "hover" over "Forums," the selections show up in a menu. Would be a little nicer, though, if it was a one-click.
If you "hover" over "Forums," the selections show up in a menu. Would be a little nicer, though, if it was a one-click.

No, I can find the forum just fine. My suggestion is that they could add additional wrestling related content like they have for football and basketball. Here is a link to the gopsusports page for wrestling. It has links to separate Team, Schedule, Stats. etc. pages. This is sort of what I was suggesting. I don't think anything other than the Wrestling Room forum is available on the BWI site. Am I missing something?
Why aren't there other wrestling related pages available at the top of BWI site?

all the years you've been on BWI, and you ask a question like that? surprising

do any of the links at the top of the site take you to a non-Rivals location? the answer is no

Is there any ability to modify this to add another option for wrestling, or maybe one option for "other" sports where links for information related to other popular sports (volleyball, soccer, gymnastics, etc.)?

in essence, no
all the years you've been on BWI, and you ask a question like that? surprising

do any of the links at the top of the site take you to a non-Rivals location? the answer is no

in essence, no
Tom, thanks for the response, but I don't get the snarkyness... I have been on BWI for a long time, and before that the Plotit board.

I'm not complaining, as much as I'm suggesting. And, I'm not suggesting non-rivals content, as opposed to suggesting that there could be content here that is similar to the scope of content on the gopsusports wrestling page and that you already have for football and basketball. I honestly don't visit other teams rivals boards, so I don't know what is Rivals and what is local configured. I suggested that one possibility is that these options are controlled by Rivals, so if this is the case then it may fully resolve my inquiry by confirming this. Thanks.
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