Not what I said - he could not be seeded higher than the Finalists of the Championship & Consi Brackets. So he could be seeded as high as 5th if all four of the wrestlers in front of him were the 4 from his Conference in Finals of Championship & Consi B1G Brackets. Beyond that, if he was hurt so badly that he was unable to wrestle or continue in the B1G Tourney, then there's a good chance that he would not be able to go at Nationals (which is less than two weeks later) - or at the very least, would be significantly less than 100% which absolutely should impact his seeding. If by "tweaking his ankle" you mean that he could easily continue in B1G Tourney, but decides not to to protect his current ranking (i.e., MFF'ing out of Tournament after continuing in, and winning, match he tweaked his ankle in - i.e., ducking via fake MFF), this Seeding Protocol would make him think twice about doing that and would likely see him wrestle out the Tournament to protect his current ranking/seed if healthy enough to do so. How is that a bad thing pray tell??? If you're saying he Medically Forfeited the match where hurt his ankle because he was unable to go any further in match, this would be a loss in the Conference Tourney and it would be unclear if he could even go at NCAAs (or if he could go, it might be at significantly less than 100%), this type of situation absolutely should have a significant impact on his NCAA seeding.