Ricky Slade no longer on ODU roster

Ding Ding Ding we have a winner - it’s your first guess. I made up a stupid post in the Johnny Manziel thread to prove my point and sure enough he came right out after me - sooo funny and predictable. Calling me a “moron fanboy”- I played the Organ Grinder he was was my dancing Monkey - now he is on ignore - game set and match. I know it is pretty juvenile on my part but I never claimed to be mature just ask my wife or kids.
You don't need to make up a stupid post....just write what comes natural to you, moron.
This is correct. It was an Instagram live video this past weekend showing Slade engaging in that extracurricular activity. A PSU social media site made comments during the live video, which resulted in Slade replying with “I don’t play football anymore” and “this PSU guy is upset because his team sucks” and “it was F’ed up there (PSU) which is why I left.” It was a bad look for Slade, to be honest with you.

Was he wrong?
Was that an official diagnosis or a self-diagnosis? I’ve run into quite a few people over the last couple of years that have claimed that (either for themselves or for their child) without having been officially diagnosed.
If you think I'm writing about RS go back and read the thread. If you know whom I'm writing about, I got nothing.
Slade was an excellent running back in high school and he dominated in his high school games. He dominated high school as a freshman/sophomore and colleges were drooling over him that early in his career. In fact, Penn State recruited an offensive lineman named Matt Burrell (Top 200 player in the class of 2015) who went to the same high school as Ricky Slade (class of 2018). Burrell told colleges to watch out for Slade, and that's why Penn State was able to develop such a long-lasting relationship with Slade. Burrell should have committed to Penn State, but he became obsessed with the glitz and glamour of Ohio State. Burrell barely sniffed the field at Ohio State and Urban Meyer told him to transfer elsewhere if he wanted playing time, and I think he transferred to Sam Houston State. Anyways, morale of the story is that a player's high school accolades don't always translate to success in college. We saw flashes of Slade's skills, but he was simply out-worked at Penn State by other players.
I'm not saying he was bad, and I am well aware of his High School accolades, but he just wasn't five star material at that size unless he was super fast and super shifty. He wasn't. As we all know, a lot of those High School kids are pumped up by really good teams playing not as good teams.
Ding Ding Ding we have a winner - it’s your first guess. I made up a stupid post in the Johnny Manziel thread to prove my point and sure enough he came right out after me - sooo funny and predictable. Calling me a “moron fanboy”- I played the Organ Grinder he was was my dancing Monkey - now he is on ignore - game set and match. I know it is pretty juvenile on my part but I never claimed to be mature just ask my wife or kids.

No need to, we know! ;)
I'm not saying he was bad, and I am well aware of his High School accolades, but he just wasn't five star material at that size unless he was super fast and super shifty. He wasn't. As we all know, a lot of those High School kids are pumped up by really good teams playing not as good teams.

That wasn't the case with Slade. CD Hylton was not and is not a powerhouse in NOVA, and while they don't normally play the best of the best, like Westfields and South County, they play their share of tough teams. I don't know how he managed to do as well as he did in HS, but it definitely wasn't a case of his team over matching anyone.
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Does nobody on three pages of messages think that Slade ate his way or lifted his way to the bench. His 1st year was filled with fumble issues but he looked lean, quick, and fast.....when he came back for year 2 he looked like an Umpa Lumpa.
Does nobody on three pages of messages think that Slade ate his way or lifted his way to the bench. His 1st year was filled with fumble issues but he looked lean, quick, and fast.....when he came back for year 2 he looked like an Umpa Lumpa.

If by "eating" you mean "munchies" then probably.
I think we now have a pretty good understanding of why he is gone.
Oh and it has nothing to do with Seider. Just wanted to nip that in the "bud". :eek:
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Does nobody on three pages of messages think that Slade ate his way or lifted his way to the bench. His 1st year was filled with fumble issues but he looked lean, quick, and fast.....when he came back for year 2 he looked like an Umpa Lumpa.

I do, and referenced it above in the thread. I don't know if it was his decision or not, but clearly an effort was made to make him into a every down back who would do a lot of his running in between the tackles. Some guys look better with a little weight on and can even maintain speed. Some of the vertically challenged(like myself) lose a step and look rounder more so than "stronger." I think that played a role with him, for sure.
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Rush said
Imagine if this board, and all of us, had been around during the 78 Sugar Bowl? It would have been a bloodbath

The Christmas tree that I kicked halfway across the room would attest to that!

HAA!! At least you only kicked yours. I was sitting right beside ours in the living room, got up, and karate chopped it right in half. Haven't been allowed to watch a football game in the living room since. : ^ )
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The NY Yankees had a third string catcher and pinch hitter par excellence in the late 50's and early 60's named Johnny Blanchard. A left handed hitter with some pop. With Elston Howard and Yogi ahead of him, Blanchard played sparingly, but seemed to have a penchant for being "clutch." As the Yankees declined in the mid 60's Blanchard was traded to Milwaukee. When informed of the trade, he was inconsolable. Teammates tried to cheer him saying...look, over there you'll get to play every day!
To which Blanchard tearfully replied, "but that's part of the problem, I know I can't."
To be serious, perhaps he was merely concerned about how brutal catching is on the legs. I could be wrong, but I don't recall the one knee down much during that era!
We will never know, but I would LOVE to hear his take on what he is referring to.

He was a 5-Star bust so in today's world he had to blame it on someone. So he blamed it on Penn State. It had nothing to do with him not having breakout speed, him having horrible vision, him fumbling what seemed to be his first 10 touches, or him being able to stay off the weed. It was all Penn States fault.

In the end it all plays out and in his case it did when he couldn't even stay on the team at a tiny school.
Sometimes kids just lose passion for the game or never had the passion to begin with. I was just talking this weekend with a friend of mine. His son was a very, very good swimmer. Had been swimming competitively since 8 years old. When he got to high school, practice every morning at 5AM for 6 days a week. That type of dedication. Got some partial schollie money to swim in college. When Covid hit last year, everything obviously stopped and he didn't swim for 2 months. Said it was the happiest two months of his life that he could ever remember and he learned that he really didn't like swimming, he just liked hanging out with all his friends that swam and being on a team, etc....So he stopped doing it as it wasn't worth his time. Instead he started picking up other hobbies for things that he could never do before. And he started instead of swimming getting into going to the gym and weigh training. His parents said he has never been happier as he now feels that he is living a normal real life instead of spending every waking hour on sports.
His Twitter timeline is a presentation on someone being angry and battling some MH issues.

He posted not too long ago that he has Asbergers. In all walks of life, we truly don't know what someone else is battling.
Hey Pearl,
Is Asbergers the same as the guy before you quoted "MH" issues? What the hell does MH mean?
well get the resume ready. alot of business looking to hire. no sympathy here.
One of Bob Uecker's gags is that after warming up the pitcher, he was free to go fishing.
One of the strange things about Uecker was that he could hit Sandy Koufax (something few could do) and yet he couldn't hit anyone else!
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Ding Ding Ding we have a winner - it’s your first guess. I made up a stupid post in the Johnny Manziel thread to prove my point and sure enough he came right out after me - sooo funny and predictable. Calling me a “moron fanboy”- I played the Organ Grinder he was was my dancing Monkey - now he is on ignore - game set and match. I know it is pretty juvenile on my part but I never claimed to be mature just ask my wife or kids.
Not juvenile at all. Not sure if a poster knows you have ignored them actually, if so the best part of the ignore is you get the last word, they know you got the last word, they probably hit their dog because they know you got the last word. I think it is poetic justice because anyone who can't behave like an adult, needs to be taught this valuable lesson. I only have ignored 2 people on this board, both pompous ignoramuses who continued to try to bait me, not realizing their words were going into the ethereal nothingness.
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Sometimes kids just lose passion for the game or never had the passion to begin with. I was just talking this weekend with a friend of mine. His son was a very, very good swimmer. Had been swimming competitively since 8 years old. When he got to high school, practice every morning at 5AM for 6 days a week. That type of dedication. Got some partial schollie money to swim in college. When Covid hit last year, everything obviously stopped and he didn't swim for 2 months. Said it was the happiest two months of his life that he could ever remember and he learned that he really didn't like swimming, he just liked hanging out with all his friends that swam and being on a team, etc....So he stopped doing it as it wasn't worth his time. Instead he started picking up other hobbies for things that he could never do before. And he started instead of swimming getting into going to the gym and weigh training. His parents said he has never been happier as he now feels that he is living a normal real life instead of spending every waking hour on sports.

I had the same experience with my Son (not at the same athletic level) when it comes to basketball. He had been playing since 5th grade on the school team. Loved basketball and playing with his friends. Practice 4 days a week with games twice a week. 8th grade started snd he couldn’t play anymore, all camps were cancelled, and he basically stopped all together. He took up electric guitar watching YouTube and asked for lessons. We signed him up and he takes them every week and loves it. Plays nonstop and has immersed himself in music and music theory studying all kinds of musicians on his own.

I love sports and played basketball all my life and would loved to have seen him stick with it, but nothing makes me happier than seeing my son passionate about something HE loves.

Oh...just to stay on thread topic...sorry Ricky’s career didn’t turn out the way he wanted.
He blames everyone. And he might have a case against the doctors and trainers if they messed him up or missed things. He sued but represented himself. That pretty much never works.

But then he blames the coaches for pushing him too hard when he was injured. But if doctors and trainers are telling the staff he’s fine, what is the staff supposed to do? And he says teammates still call him out as a problem of some sort (I didn’t understand what he meant). He also blames Sandy and the assistant that just left (Green???). We don’t know the entire story. I don’t want to say it’s on the kid. Could be a lot of miscommunication, mistakes, emotions and just too many other things to deal with so one kid fell through the cracks.

I feel bad for the kid. He was a stud in high school and looked to have a bright future until his injury and ongoing setbacks. Now he’s depressed because his peers are headed to the NFL and he’s still trying to get back on the field.

At the end of the day, he has a degree from Penn State. And he’s still young with his whole life in front of him. He needs to get out of his own head and use his degree (if football is really over) to become successful in some other area. There is no flux capacitor that can change his reality.
Can you tell me who I’m supposed to blame then since I can’t blame people responsible for re injuring my knee, isolating me just because of my depression that was caused after the trainers re injured my knee and not telling me about MRSA infection that had been in my knee for a year which messed up my football career? Who am I supposed to blame then?
Can you tell me who I’m supposed to blame then since I can’t blame people responsible for re injuring my knee, isolating me just because of my depression that was caused after the trainers re injured my knee and not telling me about MRSA infection that had been in my knee for a year which messed up my football career? Who am I supposed to blame then?
How did the trainers mess up your knee? The MRSA infection should’ve been identified by physicians, but yes a trainer should have some sense of what was occurring.

Unfortunately, lots of promising and talented players get injured. Hope you were serious in the classroom and are starting to figure out post football career plans.
How did the trainers mess up your knee? The MRSA infection should’ve been identified by physicians, but yes a trainer should have some sense of what was occurring.

Unfortunately, lots of promising and talented players get injured. Hope you were serious in the classroom and are starting to figure out post football career plans.
The re broke my knee cap by bending it during treatment just nearly two weeks after surgery on my knee cap. They weren’t supposed to bend it and they did anyway. As for the MRSA, I told them throughout the summer workouts, practices how my knee was feeling and they didn’t do any type of protocols to identify the MRSA. Come to find out later there were documents identifying a “super imposed infection” that they never showed me and the infection was in my hardware when I had to get surgery again after the trainers rebroke my knee cap, separated 3.7 mm. This is a scandal yes injuries happened but people causing your injury and leaving infection in your body for nearly a year doesn’t “happen” on a regular basis. Y’all mock me and make fun of me calling me crazy and stuff of that nature when I got screwed over in my playing career and y’all come on here to do so and then when I respond to the comments defending myself, I’m the one with the problem but y’all be making fun of me and saying false stuff about me regarding my injury that’s just simply not true.
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The re broke my knee cap by bending it during treatment just nearly two weeks after surgery on my knee cap. They weren’t supposed to bend it and they did anyway. As for the MRSA, I told them throughout the summer workouts, practices how my knee was feeling and they didn’t do any type of protocols to identify the MRSA. Come to find out later there were documents identifying a “super imposed infection” that they never showed me and the infection was in my hardware when I had to get surgery again after the trainers rebroke my knee cap, separated 3.7 mm. This is a scandal yes injuries happened but people causing your injury and leaving infection in your body for nearly a year doesn’t “happen” on a regular basis. Y’all mock me and make fun of me calling me crazy and stuff of that nature when I got screwed over in my playing career and y’all come on here to do so and then when I respond to the comments defending myself, I’m the one with the problem but y’all be making fun of me and saying false stuff about me regarding my injury that’s just simply not true.
This thread was not about you to my knowledge.

I’m truly sorry you were injured. I just played at the FCS level, and had my knee destroyed, so I completely get how such an injury can impact a young person physically and mentally.

I understand your prior case was dismissed. If you feel you were wronged and have justification for continued litigation, I highly suggest consulting with proper legal representation. If they feel you have a case, you will be represented via contingency. This means the attorney will make money only if you win the case, and he takes a percentage of the settlement.

Otherwise, I suggest you work on your mental and physical health, and future career plans. Your whole life is ahead of you. Focus on what is yet to come, rather than what has already transpired that you can’t change.

Yes, us message board guys certainly don’t know full stories, or what goes on in the locker room. We can only speculate. Nobody here knows you, or the situation in detail.
The re broke my knee cap by bending it during treatment just nearly two weeks after surgery on my knee cap. They weren’t supposed to bend it and they did anyway. As for the MRSA, I told them throughout the summer workouts, practices how my knee was feeling and they didn’t do any type of protocols to identify the MRSA. Come to find out later there were documents identifying a “super imposed infection” that they never showed me and the infection was in my hardware when I had to get surgery again after the trainers rebroke my knee cap, separated 3.7 mm. This is a scandal yes injuries happened but people causing your injury and leaving infection in your body for nearly a year doesn’t “happen” on a regular basis. Y’all mock me and make fun of me calling me crazy and stuff of that nature when I got screwed over in my playing career and y’all come on here to do so and then when I respond to the comments defending myself, I’m the one with the problem but y’all be making fun of me and saying false stuff about me regarding my injury that’s just simply not
The re broke my knee cap by bending it during treatment just nearly two weeks after surgery on my knee cap. They weren’t supposed to bend it and they did anyway. As for the MRSA, I told them throughout the summer workouts, practices how my knee was feeling and they didn’t do any type of protocols to identify the MRSA. Come to find out later there were documents identifying a “super imposed infection” that they never showed me and the infection was in my hardware when I had to get surgery again after the trainers rebroke my knee cap, separated 3.7 mm. This is a scandal yes injuries happened but people causing your injury and leaving infection in your body for nearly a year doesn’t “happen” on a regular basis. Y’all mock me and make fun of me calling me crazy and stuff of that nature when I got screwed over in my playing career and y’all come on here to do so and then when I respond to the comments defending myself, I’m the one with the problem but y’all be making fun of me and saying false stuff about me regarding my injury that’s just simply not true.
After I got surgery becuase the trainers rebroke
This thread was not about you to my knowledge.

I’m truly sorry you were injured. I just played at the FCS level, and had my knee destroyed, so I completely get how such an injury can impact a young person physically and mentally.

I understand your prior case was dismissed. If you feel you were wronged and have justification for continued litigation, I highly suggest consulting with proper legal representation. If they feel you have a case, you will be represented via contingency. This means the attorney will make money only if you win the case, and he takes a percentage of the settlement.

Otherwise, I suggest you work on your mental and physical health, and future career plans. Your whole life is ahead of you. Focus on what is yet to come, rather than what has already transpired that you can’t change.

Yes, us message board guys certainly don’t know full stories, or what goes on in the locker room. We can only speculate. Nobody here knows you, or the situation in detail.
I was responding to what someone said about me on this thread. But there has been threads about me poking fun at me without knowing everything yet when I respond back try to defend myself im the one with the wrong. The case was thrown out on a technicality regarding the certificate of merit that’s it. Reason why I didn’t get an attorney was because mainly I didn’t lose a limb or die. So the gain wouldn’t be as much because I’m still alive and functioning. This is a scandal and nobody seems to care about it. And there’s a lot more they did to cause my mental health. But I’m getting viewed as “crazy” “looney” etc that’s not right to me.

I was responding to what someone said about me on this thread. But there has been threads about me poking fun at me without knowing everything yet when I respond back try to defend myself im the one with the wrong. The case was thrown out on a technicality regarding the certificate of merit that’s it. Reason why I didn’t get an attorney was because mainly I didn’t lose a limb or die. So the gain wouldn’t be as much because I’m still alive and functioning. This is a scandal and nobody seems to care about it. And there’s a lot more they did to cause my mental health. But I’m getting viewed as “crazy” “looney” etc that’s not right to me.
It’s not a technicality, but a critical step in litigation that is required to move forward with trial. Litigating a malpractice or personal injury case needs a seasoned attorney who specializes in such matters. Health providers get sued constantly and have very good attorneys on retainer to handle these matters. Again, I’d advise you to litigate the case properly or move on with your life.

I’m not replying again. Good luck in whatever you decide to do moving forward.
It’s not a technicality, but a critical step in litigation that is required to move forward with trial. Litigating a malpractice or personal injury case needs a seasoned attorney who specializes in such matters. Health providers get sued constantly and have very good attorneys on retainer to handle these matters. Again, I’d advise you to litigate the case properly or move on with your life.

I’m not replying again. Good luck in whatever you decide to do moving forward.
That’s all you can say even when I tell you how they dirty they did me I should just let it go… guess y’all ok with scandals y’all don’t care about the players for real.
That’s all you can say even when I tell you how they dirty they did me I should just let it go… guess y’all ok with scandals y’all don’t care about the players for real.
Yes, because I don’t know the details of the incident and treatment, and I don’t find you as a reliable source. You haven’t proved there was any scandal or mistreatment. Your “not caring about players” comment is a false equivalency. Looking to understand the facts of your situation, has no bearing on the overall “care” players receive from PSU.

Done for real now.
Yes, because I don’t know the details of the incident and treatment, and I don’t find you as a reliable source. You haven’t proved there was any scandal or mistreatment. Your “not caring about players” comment is a false equivalency. Looking to understand the facts of your situation, has no bearing on the overall “care” players receive from PSU.

Done for real now.
1. How am I not “a reliable source” if I’m the one that had the injury and I’m the one that had the surgeries?

2. I told you the specific details of my injury and how they were caused by trainers.

3. I told you that the trainers rebroke my knee cap after my patella surgery, then I told you there was MRSA in my knee for a whole year and they never told me about it. How is that not mistreatment?

4 And when I say that you don’t care about players what I mean is that when we go to speak out about our experiences we get chastised for speaking out about the wrong doings. That’s what I meant by that.
Can you tell me who I’m supposed to blame then since I can’t blame people responsible for re injuring my knee, isolating me just because of my depression that was caused after the trainers re injured my knee and not telling me about MRSA infection that had been in my knee for a year which messed up my football career? Who am I supposed to blame then?
You have dug up a thread that is over 2 years old and felt it necessary to post this drivel? It is apparently a surprise to you, but not all medical outcomes are positive and not all dreams come true. What have you been doing to improve your life for the past 3 years?
You have dug up a thread that is over 2 years old and felt it necessary to post this drivel? It is apparently a surprise to you, but not all medical outcomes are positive and not all dreams come true. What have you been doing to improve your life for the past 3 years?
So the stuff that I post about how I got injured and telling you how I got injured is drivel? I’m telling the truth on how people screwed me over and I’m being pretty detailed and you call it drivel? Why can’t y’all just acknowledge that people did me wrong instead of being blind and trying to defend them just because y’all fans
That’s all you can say even when I tell you how they dirty they did me I should just let it go… guess y’all ok with scandals y’all don’t care about the players for real.

"Again, I’d advise you to litigate the case properly or move on with your life."

My friend, as someone with a few more years on this planet than you, and as someone who has had to wrestle with some things, let me say that this is the best advice you will ever get.
That's not said to discount anything you went through. It's said for your own well-being. Ask yourself who is being hurt by focusing your life on "how they did you dirty." The answer is solely, You. No one else is losing sleep over it. It's only you being hurt. You seem to be 'renting a large space' in your head to it, which is only going to hold you back in life. You need to evict it.
The past cannot be changed. For your own benefit and well-being, the question is how you make your life better tomorrow and the day after that. The first step is to stop focusing on something in your past, that cannot be changed.

dion gave it to you straight - you need to move your life forward - either properly litigate it, or find a way to let it go. My gut says the latter is a better option, regardless. Life is short and humbly, you've spent far too long being a victim, even if you were. The world doesn't care. I don't know the details of exactly what happened, and frankly, for the purpose of your own outcome, I don't care. Unless an attorney on contingency thinks you can get life-changing money, the only choice for your best outcome, is to let it go. It may seem difficult at this point, but remember that as bad as you think you have it, there are millions of people on this planet who have it far worse. I say this next part from a place of self-reflection, but please find a way to live your life from a place of gratitude. Instead of focusing on how you've been wronged, find a way to be thankful for what you DO have. If you can truly do that, the negative goes away. It won't be able to rent space in your head.

You may not be ready to hear this yet in your life, and if not, I hope one day you are.

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