RPO going away?

Huh? splane yourself! you just hate joepa or what! The man's teams won 409 games.
I was defending Joe. The post to which I responded said "There is a contingent on this board that would be happier if we recruited three fullbacks a class, lined up under center, handed the ball off 35 times a game, scored 13 points a game and went 4-8 every year because that's how Joe coached". Joe's teams scored many more points per game and he never went 4-8. That is why I suggested that the poster improve his research.
There is a contingent on this board that would be happier if we recruited three fullbacks a class, lined up under center, handed the ball off 35 times a game, scored 13 points a game and went 4-8 every year because thats how Joe coached instead of going 10-2 with the RPO.
Joe didn’t go 4-8 every year....not defending either side, but if you’re gonna slam someone, at least get it right
Believe it or not, back in the 70's it used to be legal for DBs to engage and make contact with receivers all over the field until the ball was in the air.

This has been like the highway speed limit laws. Doesn't exist unless it gets enforced. Don't see much difference now compared to the way it was back then.
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Joe didn’t go 4-8 every year....not defending either side, but if you’re gonna slam someone, at least get it right

I think the 4-8 comment means a new coach could go 4-8 as long as we had a QB under center and a fullback (2 things Joe did). Not that Joe went 4-8.

Point could have been made a little better though.
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Joe didn’t go 4-8 every year....not defending either side, but if you’re gonna slam someone, at least get it right

Those are the results if we tried this today. And yes, people would be happier with those results than the current ones as long as we lined up under center with a fullback.

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