Not all, but tried to paraphrase those of highest interest;
-- Competition uniform language provides for loose-fitting shorts designed for wrestling as a uniform option.
-- Dual meet wrestling order, when the coaches don't agree is now done by coin toss. The winner gets to choose either; (1) the starting weight, or (2) the odd/even bouts. (NOTE: My opinion is that we will fewer coaches agreement, and more coin flips, and therefore see MORE dual meets that start at weight classes other than 125. Rarely will we see/hear about the choice of "odd/even" bouts.)
-- Wrestler's hair length is no longer restricted. Was required to be of certain length at a typical shirt collar and at the ear, or a cover was required. That hair length language was removed completely, though the CHOICE of wearing a cover is still in the rulebook.
-- Verbal/visual counts shall be more visible for; (1) neutral danger rule, (2) dropping to the lower leg, (3) waist and ankle rides, and (4) side headlocks.
-- Hands to the face rule change is now officially in the rulebook as an "illegal hold".
-- The stalling penalty sequence was changed. The fourth violation is now 2 points (it was 1 point).
-- The second referee language now consists of the added words "and authority", meaning that they have the same authority as the referee.
-- Weight management violations AND weigh-in/medical exam violations can not be appealed, basically a clarification.
-- Competition uniform language provides for loose-fitting shorts designed for wrestling as a uniform option.
-- Dual meet wrestling order, when the coaches don't agree is now done by coin toss. The winner gets to choose either; (1) the starting weight, or (2) the odd/even bouts. (NOTE: My opinion is that we will fewer coaches agreement, and more coin flips, and therefore see MORE dual meets that start at weight classes other than 125. Rarely will we see/hear about the choice of "odd/even" bouts.)
-- Wrestler's hair length is no longer restricted. Was required to be of certain length at a typical shirt collar and at the ear, or a cover was required. That hair length language was removed completely, though the CHOICE of wearing a cover is still in the rulebook.
-- Verbal/visual counts shall be more visible for; (1) neutral danger rule, (2) dropping to the lower leg, (3) waist and ankle rides, and (4) side headlocks.
-- Hands to the face rule change is now officially in the rulebook as an "illegal hold".
-- The stalling penalty sequence was changed. The fourth violation is now 2 points (it was 1 point).
-- The second referee language now consists of the added words "and authority", meaning that they have the same authority as the referee.
-- Weight management violations AND weigh-in/medical exam violations can not be appealed, basically a clarification.