good Lord this guy is a gift that keeps on giving:
They are living the death penalty. That is, their continuing to play is their death penalty.
Someone needs to point out the rushing totals from the PSU-RU game to this guy ... PSU: 339, RU: 39 Their LEADING rusher had 20 yards while PSU had SIX rushers with 20 or more yards. Pass what this guy is smoking!
In a report from 247 ...
In a report from 247 ...
Rutgers fired former athletic director Julie Hermann as well as Flood, and replaced her with Patrick Hobbs. According to the report, “the hope is since Rutgers made significant changes in personnel and operating procedures, the football program will avoid getting banned from future bowl opportunities and escape a significant loss of scholarships.”
I nearly died laughing reading the part in bold!
In a report from 247 ...
Rutgers fired former athletic director Julie Hermann as well as Flood, and replaced her with Patrick Hobbs. According to the report, “the hope is since Rutgers made significant changes in personnel and operating procedures, the football program will avoid getting banned from future bowl opportunities and escape a significant loss of scholarships.”
I nearly died laughing reading the part in bold!
This is serious. Among the alleged violations, there is one that might get them the death penalty....
Failure to field a competitive football team for over 140 years.![]()
I wonder what T-shirt dipshit from 2014 is thinking right now. rutgres is 0-3 against Penn State since 2014, with the last two games being ass-beatings. Penn State is flourishing, and now rutgres is in trouble with the ncaa.
This is fun.
If they vacate wins....oh never mind.
And you are not outraged!![]()
I think the NCAA will have them vacate lossesI know it's a bold move, but that's how the NCAA "levels" the playing field.
Read that we're back post from rutgersal.According to him Rutgers will be a b10 contender by next September.All their recruits have freshman all American written all over them and the only teams with more talent will be ahia st and washingtonHow do you punish a school that has nothing? Make them listen to rutgersal who now has RU's freshman class in Canton already ahead of LOI.
I think the NCAA will have them vacate lossesI know it's a bold move, but that's how the NCAA "levels" the playing field.
Actually more than they scored against Michigan, Ohio AND Pennsylvania combined.SEVEN violations! More violations than points scored agains the entire stste of Michigan this do make me chuckle!!!
Taken in their worst possible light.......the accusations vav Rutgers wouldn't amount to a "Pimple on an Elephant's Ass" relative to the shenanigans at UNC
What does that tell us about the NCAA?
Normally i would not care about this but as you stated too many of their fans are vile. As such I find it hilarious, especially after the Beat Downs they took this year in the B1G. These people deserve a dose of humility.Karma coming back on their fans for signs displayed several,years ago. Karma is a beetch.
And don't forget by September they will close the talent gap with if PSU isn't bringing in any talent to go with the talent we already have. And Rutgers will win 10 games next year (of course that's a pessimistic predicition for Al).Read that we're back post from rutgersal.According to him Rutgers will be a b10 contender by next September.All their recruits have freshman all American written all over them and the only teams with more talent will be ahia st and washington
If they vacate wins.... they're overall winning percentage in their history might actually go up.If they vacate wins....oh never mind.
More like counterfeit pennies...Reutgors cheating at football is like making counterfeit $1 bills. Why?
I guess Delany isn't planning on piling on ... never mind...