Today I had to put down my loyal buddy and friend of 14 years, a golden retriever that was as good a companion as you could ever have. Today was the only bad day he ever gave us. Well done boy.
Today I had to put down my loyal buddy and friend of 14 years, a golden retriever that was as good a companion as you could ever have. Today was the only bad day he ever gave us. Well done boy.
Today I had to put down my loyal buddy and friend of 14 years, a golden retriever that was as good a companion as you could ever have. Today was the only bad day he ever gave us. Well done boy.
Staring down the inevitability of the same situation here with our lab of 14 years. Not easy.Sorry to hear it. These animals are real parts of the family
Indeed but you’ll know when it’s for the best.Staring down the inevitability of the same situation here with our lab of 14 years. Not easy.
We had to put our golden down 3 years go this past christmas. Just last night the wife and I were talking about him because we had popcorn watching the NW match. Popcorn was the Captain's favorite people food. He would sit still for minutes waiting for it. If he was particularly hungry he would drool.
. We still have his half brother pickles but mrs aardvark is already asking about breeders so he doesn’t get lonely.Aardvark86... Real sorry to hear about your Dog. Never a good day when your Dog passes. It's brutal. I found getting a puppy always helps...
Aardvark86... Real sorry to hear about your Dog. Never a good day when your Dog passes. It's brutal. I found getting a puppy always helps...
Really tough sometimes...Had a 16 year old mutt (We rescue mutts) that passed. We go to deep West Virginia near Ohio/Kentucky line to a shelter to rescue another mutt. Great dog...9 days later he starts taking seizures so we have vet visits. Go through the tests and meanwhile give fenarbarbotol hoping it is epilepsy. Good for a few days and then has seizures right through the meds...take him back only to find out tests revealed distemper. 23 days and $4,000 before we had to put him down. We love our mutts but that was tough. Probably the best 23 days the dog had so we never regretted our path. Have mutts 13, 12 and 5 right now.Since were telling sad animal stories, here’s mine. Had English Bulldog 10 yrs, died in his sleep, crushing but 10 yrs is a good run for a bulldog. We wait 2 yrs, time to get a new English Bulldog Pup. The wife follows the mother all thru pregnancy, we get the pup at 2 mths old. 5 mths later we take him to get neutered, and he never wakes up from the anasthesia.
for them not you. my Vinnie is 14 and his brother was put down last year. i held him while the vet did the deed. my wife said she was looking at him in the eyes and i felt the passing. we couldn't look at each other for awhile. it took 10 minutes until i felt it was safe to drive home. vinnie understood what we had wrapped up and how his life would be changed. i pray he goes in his sleep. for our sakeIndeed but you’ll know when it’s for the best.
Staring down the inevitability of the same situation here with our lab of 14 years. Not easy.
My best buddy has been gone three years now. I think of him every day and miss him dearly. I know your pain right now. I live in NoVa too, Maybe someday we'll encounter each other walking another couple of great dogs.Today I had to put down my loyal buddy and friend of 14 years, a golden retriever that was as good a companion as you could ever have. Today was the only bad day he ever gave us. Well done boy.
not a popular opinion.....but many dogs/pets/animals are better than humansMy wife loves animals more than people..we rescue dogs, cats, and horses.. Enjoy their gifts. They make us better humans.
Sorry.Today I had to put down my loyal buddy and friend of 14 years, a golden retriever that was as good a companion as you could ever have. Today was the only bad day he ever gave us. Well done boy.
Mine typically is never shy sharing an opinion.not a popular opinion.....but many dogs/pets/animals are better than humans
maybe just maybe because they keep their opinions to themselves......