Sandusky got 30 years; McQueary got $12 million. Those were not lynch mobs. The McQueary civil was quite long and gave us all new information.
Oh, is it? And were these trials "corrupt," or do you define corrupt as being decisions you don't like.
No, I think it needs further investigation. As far as I can tell, Sandusky is the only common thread in that meeting. I will be open to other possibilities. Give a few.
No, again. Nobody is saying that this indicates anything; more than a few of, however, say it is suspicious. It becomes even more suspicious when looking at the emphasis put on 1998 in the presentment 11/01/12. You did read that presentment, right?
(1) It becomes even more suspicious when looking at the emphasis put on 1998 in the presentment 11/01/12.
The presentment AND the Liar-for-Hire Freeh report are certifiable TRASH. So many issues with validity here I won't waste time discussing the dozens of known fabrications.
(2) "...Those were not lynch mobs..." So you think all of this makes perfect sense and is unbiased legal processes which have brought both justice and truth to the public about this entire matter??
Well ---- that means you feel it is judicially proper for the state to ignore perjury which was permitted and charges which should have been made against OAG investigators. You find no fault in releasing an OAG document that to this day is quoted as saying MM witnessed "anal rape" when by all accounts - including MM this was a fabrication. You see nothing unusual about the 5+ years for C/S/S trials? You see nothing wrong with improperly using the Grand Jury system to hide key information so that it takes YEARS to expose the known questionable issues with the OAG assertions ? This is the quality of information which creates the same "facts" you quote and on which the "honorable PA wheels of justice" have taken us. You see nothing wrong with this...RIGHT???
I am only going to say this about how you post....
you consistently pick one frame out of this movie and debate something contained in that frame alone. then give your opinion on that frame of the movie and denounce anything different than your one frame conclusion. If you get into a "discussion" flat out ignore anything.that exposes issues which do not fit your "story".
I have tried to get you to move beyond your one frame viewpoint and
look at the whole movie.
Truth is, if you look at everything....
SOMETHING IS UNDOUBTEDLY ROTTEN HERE - and I mean the "Public Story" which you so desperately try to promote.
Too many things have suspicious elements to them. Someone or some group is exerting control over the information and processes that have occurred for 5+years (Actually since 2010). THIS IS UNNATURAL and it is this fact that raises
indisputable suspicions in the content validity of the "Public View" of everything concerning Penn State 2001.
You need to look at all of this as the complex movie that it is...not a frame-by-frame debate club event.
Answer this...WHO benefits from this unnatural story? Who has
the capacity and the expertise to create the level of misinformation needed to support this story? Who has the influence on the PA legal processes to "bend the rules" so that an un-level playing field is assured for any media reporting?
If you have a real interest in exposing new information or discussing other posts here...GREAT. Problem is -
I have yet to see anything but someone trolling to promote old illusions.