Beitz up and gets a quick takedown. Kingsley with an escape, its 2-1. Period ends that way.
Beitz down to start 2nd. Beitz with a reversal for a 4-1 advantage. Beitz with a rideout and has 1:40 riding time.
We're neutral to start the 3rd. Beitz takedown, up 6-1. Beitz with a rideout and with the riding time point wins 7-1.
Morelli up 2-0 with a first period takedown. Fuller escapes, 2-1. Period ends.
Morelli down to start 2nd. Out for an escape and a 3-1 lead. They end the period on their feet, still 3-1.
Fuller down to start third and escapes. 3-2. Morelli takedown late in the 3rd for a 5-2 win.
0-0 through one with Preisch from Lehigh.
Preisch escapes in second for a 1-0 lead and then gets a takedown, 3-0.
Rasheed on bottom, escapes for a 3-1 deficit. And, no real effort to get takedown. Rasheed loses and is out of tournament.
Beitz up and gets a quick takedown. Kingsley with an escape, its 2-1. Period ends that way.
Beitz down to start 2nd. Beitz with a reversal for a 4-1 advantage. Beitz with a rideout and has 1:40 riding time.
We're neutral to start the 3rd. Beitz takedown, up 6-1. Beitz with a rideout and with the riding time point wins 7-1.
Morelli up 2-0 with a first period takedown. Fuller escapes, 2-1. Period ends.
Morelli down to start 2nd. Out for an escape and a 3-1 lead. They end the period on their feet, still 3-1.
Fuller down to start third and escapes. 3-2. Morelli takedown late in the 3rd for a 5-2 win.
0-0 through one with Preisch from Lehigh.
Preisch escapes in second for a 1-0 lead and then gets a takedown, 3-0.
Rasheed on bottom, escapes for a 3-1 deficit. And, no real effort to get takedown. Rasheed loses and is out of tournament.