ADVERTISEMENT do we contend with this?

They also don't have 40-50% of their class leave early every single year. You don't make rules to cater to 1-2 schools, that isn't how it works. You make rules for the good of the sport and equality in the sport. I don't even understand how anyone could argue this is unfair, but you did it. Congrats. You have no idea on how it would impact them as they would have to adjust to the new rules and maybe instead of running off a 4th year guy, they bring him back. Oh heaven forbid they had to do that. You just basically made up a scenario in your head and now are working to get with it.

Essentially you're saying that we need to punish the elite programs that send guys to the NFL to help out weaker programs. That's nonsense.

You can keep saying how you're idea is so great but it never happen. There will always be a max and teams will be allowed to bring their team up to that max. 22-23 per year only works in theory not practice.
Just go down to alabama and you will see they have no reason or need to cheat. They have nice campus, best facilities, loyal fans, tradition, beautiful co-eds and they win.
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For those saying that Bama is recruiting dirty, show me the proof. Saban can all but guarantee a MNC and guarantee that every NFL scout will be looking at them for 3-4 years. He doesn't need to pay kids to come to Bama!
Google 'The bagmen of the SEC' it explains how all the schools do it.
Well as someone (I forget who) once said, Notre Dame ought to be good, they have every priest, cop, and the mafia recruiting for them. Priceless, and at the time not that far off the mark.

If Notre Dame were in the B1G, this season would have been the first legitimate chance they'd have had to win the league in years, and I doubt they'd beat Ohio State if Ohio State played like they did Saturday. They had trouble with Michigan and caught them in the first game before Patterson had settled in. Given the supposed quality of their recruiting classes for years, they've been a very underperforming school.
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Essentially you're saying that we need to punish the elite programs that send guys to the NFL to help out weaker programs. That's nonsense.

You can keep saying how you're idea is so great but it never happen. There will always be a max and teams will be allowed to bring their team up to that max. 22-23 per year only works in theory not practice.
Nobody is punished at all. It is more ships over a 4-5 year period for everyone. You are inventing a penalty for some reason. Basically making a blanket rule and ACTUALLY enforcing it would really bother you, huhhh. LOL, god forbid the NCAA actually govern the sport fairly.
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Same here....went to the rental counter at salt lake airport said i could have a ford cruze or a dodge charger. I said um........... i will take the charger. Same price. was a gas to drive. Lots of fun with it for a week on the wide open roads in utah idaho wyoming and montana.

Ford doesn’t make the Cruze, Chevy does. If a charger rental was the same price it was a v6 or maybe an rt. Don’t take this the wrong way but I’m assuming if you think Ford makes the Cruze then you aren’t going to ask/know if the charger you’re renting has the v6, the 5.7 liter or the 6.4 liter. This is why people like the cheaper ones. Most people don’t know the difference and think you’re driving a big American muscle car. /rant
Ford doesn’t make the Cruze, Chevy does. If a charger rental was the same price it was a v6 or maybe an rt. Don’t take this the wrong way but I’m assuming if you think Ford makes the Cruze then you aren’t going to ask/know if the charger you’re renting has the v6, the 5.7 liter or the 6.4 liter. This is why people like the cheaper ones. Most people don’t know the difference and think you’re driving a big American muscle car. /rant
Right i did t even ask what kind of charger it was it dropped in my lap at a rental counter and i jumped on it. It looked, sounded, and performed great and it was a blast to drive it for a week.
Please clarify. To which incidents are you referring?

Here are a few.

Key dates for Alabama’s NCAA run-ins since 1993:

January 1993: Led by coach Gene Stallings, Alabama defeats Miami 34-13 in the Sugar Bowl to finish 13-0 and win the 1992 national championship, the school’s first since Bear Bryant’s last in 1979. Early the next morning, star defensive back Antonio Langham signs with a sports agent, but the underclassman decides to stay at Alabama.

September 1994: NCAA delivers official letter of inquiry accusing Alabama of rules violations under Stallings, including allowing Langham to play during the 1993 season and lack of institutional control.

August 1995: In its first-ever NCAA penalty for rules violations, Alabama is placed on probation for three years, banned from a bowl appearance, ordered to give up 26 scholarships over three years and forced to foreit eight victories from 1993.

November 1995: NCAA appeals committee sides with Alabama, lifting one year of probation and restoring nine scholarships.

May 1996: NCAA strips the football program of one scholarship for failing to disclose player loans that were guaranteed by a Birmingham tire and wheel dealer.

November 1996: NCAA Infractions Committee admits making a major mistake in its handling of the Langham case, publicly apologizes to a school official wrongly accused of ethical lapse. Stallings retires days later, setting the stage for the hiring of defensive coordinator Mike DuBose as head coach.

February 1999: Alabama avoids NCAA sanctions following claims a former assistant basketball coach, Tyrone Beaman, tried to create a slush fund for recruits. NCAA warns severe penalties could result from any violations over the next five years.

May 1999 — Head coach Mike DuBose holds a news conference to deny rumors of improper conduct with a former secretary. DuBose later admits his denial was misleading and the school pays $360,000 to settle the woman’s sexual harassment claim.

December 1999 — DuBose receives two-year contract extension after Alabama beats Florida 34-7 to win its first Southeastern Conference football title since 1992.

November 2000: DuBose resigns and coaches his last game, a 9-0 loss to Auburn that caps a 3-8 year, Alabama’s worst season in more than four decades.

December 2000: TCU coach Dennis Franchione accepts the Alabama job after other high-profile candidates withdraw from consideration.

January 2001: Following days of rumors posted on Internet chat rooms, a newspaper in Memphis, Tenn., The Commercial Appeal, reports that a Crimson Tide booster is said to have paid a high school coach $200,000 to steer a top recruit, Albert Means, to Alabama.

February 2001: Alabama receives a preliminary letter of inquiry from the NCAA.

August 2001: Federal grand jurors in Memphis indict former Trezevant High School head coach Lynn Lang and former assistant Milton Kirk on charges of trying to sell Means to seven schools.

Sept. 6, 2001: Eight days later, Alabama receives official notice of alleged rules violations from NCAA.

Feb. 2, 2002: Alabama football receives five years probation, including a two-year postseason ban, because of a recruiting scandal in which boosters were accused of paying money for prep players.

Oct. 17, 2007: University bookstore employee discovers questionable textbook charges by women’s track and field athlete, prompting internal investigation.

Feb. 20, 2009: Alabama appears before NCAA Committee on Infractions.

June 11, 2009: The NCAA places 16 athletic programs, including football and men’s basketball, on three years of probation for misuse of free textbooks student athletes obtained for others using their scholarships.
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Success with honor is and was always supposed to be it's own reward.

The idea that you have to be "#1" is a uniquely American concept- and an idiotic one at that.
Just go down to alabama and you will see they have no reason or need to cheat. They have nice campus, best facilities, loyal fans, tradition, beautiful co-eds and they win.

I still laugh when I see people say that women are prettier one place rather than another.
that is absurd. They just dress differently and wear more makeup. Not my taste but I understand plenty of other disagree.
But make State college warmer and make the women wear cakes of makeup and you would get the same thing.
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Bama gets recruits the same way Duke gets BB players .... great coaching and winning tradition. :)
Just a matter if time before PSU is competing with the big boys. It'll happen sooner than later ;)
I still laugh when I see people say that women are prettier one place rather than another.
that is absurd. They just dress differently and wear more makeup. Not my taste but I understand plenty of other disagree.
But make State college warmer and make the women wear cakes of makeup and you would get the same thing.
Haven't spent much time in the South I take it?
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Bama is a legitimate dynasty, but dynasties don't last forever.

Penn State is doing the right things, with the right coach, and a great product to offer -- tradition, fan support, recruiting, great school, etc.
Even Rome fell.
I still laugh when I see people say that women are prettier one place rather than another.
that is absurd. They just dress differently and wear more makeup. Not my taste but I understand plenty of other disagree.
But make State college warmer and make the women wear cakes of makeup and you would get the same thing.
I agree 100%. In my early 20's I lived in Southern California from 1987-1992. Initially I too thought girls/women were prettier in Southern Cal but as I grew up and matured I came to understand that 80-100 degree days between April and October encourage young ladies to wear skimpy light outfits in order to stay cool. When you're extremely fit and wearing these outfits you look outstanding. Now compare that to beautiful young lady in NJ who is dressed for an 45 degree day in April or a 37 degree day with heavy winds in October, she basically looks like an eskimo with the pretty face.