133 Semis: Gulibon vs. Cory Clark (Iowa) on mat 4 ...
they meet again.
Per 1:
Jimmy in early on a leg, Clark with a split and a whizzer, Jimmy trying to work behind, and a stalemate at 2:29. Clark with a reach, nohting. Ear to ear in the center. Both really pushing in. 1 min left. Clark shoots, nothing. Jimmy nearly with a snap by counter but nothing. Stalemate at 27 sec. End
Per 2:
Blood time for Jimmy, it appears. Jimmy takes bottom. Too his feet, but taken back down. Clark throws in legs, but they are out. Jimmy sits out and gets a rev at 1:26, 2-0. Esc at 1:18 for CLark, 2-1. OOB at 1:05. Shove by Clark. Jimmy in on a leg, close, Clark with a nice counter and Clark gets the TD, 2-3. 30 sec left. Jimmy in a sitout, nothing. Jimmy is flat. End
Per 3:
Clark takes bottom. Up quikcly, back down. RT under a min. Esc for Clark, 2-4. Jimmy shoots, blocked. He shoots again, blocked, but drops to a double, and somehow Clark fights it off and gets the TD, that was a surprise, 2-6. RT now over 1 min. Clark throws in legs. Jimmy is up, now down in a sit out and esc, 3-6. 37 sec. left. RT is locked. Jimmy needs to shoot. On the edge, adn Jimmy gets the TD, 5-6 just before the buzzer. With RT, it's 5-7, and Gulibon drops to consolations.
2 different times Jimmy seemed to have a TD, and just didn't finish, and ended up giving up a TD. That was the difference in the match.
I should add that Byers went crazy on the 2nd TD by Clark, and claimed that the ref had waved off a TD by Jimmy. He also stated he thought it was worth a challenge. I've watched 2 replays, and I don't see the ref waving off a TD by Jimmy. In addition, a challenge was not warranted, as PSU would not have won -- not even close.
This post was edited on 3/20 8:37 PM by Tom McAndrew
This post was edited on 3/20 8:41 PM by Tom McAndrew