Seven Years Ago Today

Redeemable anytime, eh? even in a communal locker room shower!

Sure! I see no issue. But the coupon was for Dennis Kambala.

What are the odds that I will ever be in a communal locker room shower with him? (remote).

What are the odds that he or I are underage (zero).

What are the odds that we are alone (never if I have anything to say about it?

Given that, if we were to meet up at a tailgate, I'd surely be willing to give Dennis a hug. He needs it now more than ever.

And I'd say the same for you Eagle except that you seem a bit more inclined to justify CSA & look for loopholes. It would be kind of creepy to hug you naked in a deserted shower ... is that what you want? Are you trying to tell everyone that this happened to you (or a loved one) & you don't know quite how to process?

Dennis is pretty clear on this. He never offers any thoughtful points, usually (when he's at his best) makes poop references. He's never even said he's amongst the free-jerry crowd. I think he's just a troubled soul.
Same lame lines . Try taking this show on the roads , see how it plays out there.

Yes we know about you aholes bawling to the staff there. And the bullshit is tolerated because that lame rag is desperate for hits. Fortunately for them, there are idiots like you who keep the bullshit pile alive.

How's "AndreaDiMorphio"?
Yes we know about you aholes bawling to the staff there. And the bullshit is tolerated because that lame rag is desperate for hits. Fortunately for them, there are idiots like you who keep the bullshit pile alive.

How's "AndreaDiMorphio"?
I’ve never read Pennlive. But it sounds your roadshow was a failure .
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Could you imagine the chaos if Sandusky got a new trial? The junta would never permit this. On to the Feds.

A disappointing ruling, but not totally unexpected. It is crazy that with a high profile case with rampant prosecutorial misconduct, a lot of irregularities including judges and prosecutors being disciplined, totally ineffective counsel, and very weak credible evidence that any crimes were actually committed that the state Supreme Court summarily dismisses their appeal out of hand without even considering the merits of the PCRA appeal (which were very strong).

It is not totally unexpected because decisions in the Pennsylvania judicial system are heavily weighted toward public opinion as opposed to the rule of law because judges have to be elected/re-elected/retained based on popular vote and the OAG has done a good job in poisoning public opinion in this case. I think that the Pennsylvania judiciary will have even more egg on their face than they had after the Feds rebuked them in the Spanier case once Sandusky's federal appeals gain traction. I am hopeful that Sandusky's habeas corpus appeal gain traction because of the reasons listed in the first paragraph.

There are a few things on the horizon that potentially be good news for the defense in the short run. Spanier could be totally exonerated before too long. Frank Fina's ethics complaint could be adjudicated with a loss of his law license for a year and a day. Malcolm Gladwell's new book "Talking to Strangers" comes out in September and he has a chapter on Penn State that my understanding questions the conventional wisdom of this case. This story still has legs. The fat lady has not sung imho.
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A disappointing ruling, but not totally unexpected. It is crazy that with a high profile case with rampant prosecutorial misconduct, a lot of irregularities including judges and prosecutors being disciplined, totally ineffective counsel, and very weak credible evidence that any crimes were actually committed that the state Supreme Court summarily dismisses their appeal out of hand without even considering the merits of the PCRA appeal (which were very strong).

It is not totally unexpected because decisions in the Pennsylvania judicial system are heavily weighted toward public opinion as opposed to the rule of law because judges have to be elected/re-elected/retained based on popular vote and the OAG has done a good job in poisoning public opinion in this case. I think that the Pennsylvania judiciary will have even more egg on their face than they had after the Feds rebuked them in the Spanier case once Sandusky's federal appeals gain traction. I am hopeful that Sandusky's habeas corpus appeal gain traction because of the reasons listed in the first paragraph.

There are a few things on the horizon that potentially be good news for the defense in the short run. Spanier could be totally exonerated before too long. Frank Fina's ethics complaint could be adjudicated with a loss of his law license for a year and a day. Malcolm Gladwell's new book "Talking to Strangers" comes out in September and he has a chapter on Penn State that my understanding questions the conventional wisdom of this case. This story still has legs. The fat lady has not sung imho.
Seems like you still have blindfolds on.

Specifically, you claim pa appeal courts are stacked to public opinion.

Please provide evidence or shut up
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Seems like you still have blindfolds on.

Specifically, you claim pa appeal courts are stacked to public opinion.

Please provide evidence or shut up
Don't know about opinion, just corrupt like the other branches of The Commonweath. Corruption has a friend in Pennsylvania. Vastly, under rated as the 5th most corrupt state in the union.
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Don't know about opinion, just corrupt like the other branches of The Commonweath. Corruption has a friend in Pennsylvania. Vastly, under rated as the 5th most corrupt state in the union.
Is there any evidence that pa supreme Court is corrupt?

Is there, specifically, evidence that they have been biased against csa offenders?

I'll do you a favor, there is not any such evidence. If anything, you find the opposite.

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Is there any evidence that pa supreme Court is corrupt?

Is there, specifically, evidence that they have been biased against csa offenders?

I'll do you a favor, there is not any such evidence. If anything, you find the opposite.

Don't do me any favors. Just Google the most corrupt states in America. Pa. Is right among the winners. Didn't the supreme court just loose someone to the porngate scandal? Of course we don't know the scope of the mess since the results of the investigation were quickly sealed LOL. I guess it's not a perfect world. Don't worry, there will be no new Sandusky Trials. PSU has already gifted 100 million....much of it to claimants that were never vetted. The crying janitor is gone, PSP who lied were never punished and no one cares that the Pa. OAG leads the nation in political prosecutions. Just MY OPINIONS for the record...NO ONE is paying me and I'm not protecting a relative that is part of the false narrative. The corruption in the Commonweath legal system is more visible than MM's sight lines were on 12/29/00.
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I attended a training today on human trafficking. The presenter spent about 15 minutes on grooming and it was spot on for Sandusky.
I attended a training today on human trafficking. The presenter spent about 15 minutes on grooming and it was spot on for Sandusky.

I don’t disagree that Sandusky exhibited some grooming behaviors, I am just not convinced that he had nefarious intent and/or acted on those behaviors.
I attended a training today on human trafficking. The presenter spent about 15 minutes on grooming and it was spot on for Sandusky.
I would not dispute that. What I find strange is this....if in fact JS is a pedophile he is pretty unique in that he worked hand in hand with child care professionals for decades. Adoptions and foster child placements to boot.
If we can attend a seminar for 15 minutes and conclude JS is a predator, how in God's name did none of these caseworkers or supervisors at CYS not arrive at the same conclusion? During the 98 investigation when Dr. Chambers suggested that JS behavior was classic grooming.....someone (likely from Harrisburg) brought in Seasock to counter her opinion. There is more to this case than is in the public domain and I had hoped for a new trial with hope's of getting answers. Many things don't add up...including why if the OAG had one of the worst pedophiles in history in their cross hairs, why did they need to resort to such obvious misconduct and lies?Something is being hidden or someone is being protected.
I would not dispute that. What I find strange is this....if in fact JS is a pedophile he is pretty unique in that he worked hand in hand with child care professionals for decades. Adoptions and foster child placements to boot.
If we can attend a seminar for 15 minutes and conclude JS is a predator, how in God's name did none of these caseworkers or supervisors at CYS not arrive at the same conclusion? During the 98 investigation when Dr. Chambers suggested that JS behavior was classic grooming.....someone (likely from Harrisburg) brought in Seasock to counter her opinion. There is more to this case than is in the public domain and I had hoped for a new trial with hope's of getting answers. Many things don't add up...including why if the OAG had one of the worst pedophiles in history in their cross hairs, why did they need to resort to such obvious misconduct and lies?Something is being hidden or someone is being protected.

It's part of the PoC thing that people are reluctant to "make waves" or "raise flags" due to the PoC offense's status.

Also, they didn't have all the info that we have in hindsight.
I would not dispute that. What I find strange is this....if in fact JS is a pedophile he is pretty unique in that he worked hand in hand with child care professionals for decades. Adoptions and foster child placements to boot.
If we can attend a seminar for 15 minutes and conclude JS is a predator, how in God's name did none of these caseworkers or supervisors at CYS not arrive at the same conclusion? During the 98 investigation when Dr. Chambers suggested that JS behavior was classic grooming.....someone (likely from Harrisburg) brought in Seasock to counter her opinion. There is more to this case than is in the public domain and I had hoped for a new trial with hope's of getting answers. Many things don't add up...including why if the OAG had one of the worst pedophiles in history in their cross hairs, why did they need to resort to such obvious misconduct and lies?Something is being hidden or someone is being protected.

I don’t know how unique he is.
I don’t know how unique he is.
Priests, coaches, and scout leaders are not on a first name basis with caseworkers. Jerry, if guilty operated with impunity in plain view of the very people entrusted with protecting Pennsylvania's children. I think that would make him unique.
It's part of the PoC thing that people are reluctant to "make waves" or "raise flags" due to the PoC offense's status.

Also, they didn't have all the info that we have in hindsight.
Funny YOU would employ the word "hindsight" ...that didn't seem to work for Tim did it?
It's part of the PoC thing that people are reluctant to "make waves" or "raise flags" due to the PoC offense's status.

Also, they didn't have all the info that we have in hindsight.

It’s not necessarily about not making waves. 20+ years ago I worked at a summer camp as a camp counselor. There was one counselor that was definitely off center. We all felt he was odd. We ensured that he was never alone with a kid. We ensured that he never was in charge of taking the boys to the bathroom or in the shower area during shower time. We never saw him inappropriately touch a kid, never heard him talk about a kid in a sexual way. There was nothing for us to report to authorities. Fast forward a couple of years and my brother gets a call from one of the girls who was a counselor with us. She says this guy called her out of the blue and in the course of the conversation said that he was sexually attracted to kids but had never acted upon it. We don’t know where this guy is at this time so we have nobody to report it to. A couple of weeks later a child care center in Oregon calls my brother to complete a reference for this guy. My brother tells them that the guy has admitted to being sexually attracted to children and gets the lady to agree to call local authorities since she has a current address. Point being, we all saw this as a possibility. Until we have something to report there is really not much we could do about it.
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Or, the commonwealth refused to acknowledge it's prosecutorial misconduct. In PA, this game is rigged.

Nobody wants Sandusky to walk out of prison on a technicality for the same reason everyone wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible. What Jerry is supposed to have done is stomach turning. It sends chills through all of us.

However, the desired narrative was sold to us. The Sandusky case was intentionally and strategically turned into a circus by the prosecution. The media bought in en masse and whipped up the mob. It started with the brazen embellishment of McQueary's grand jury testimony, poster size photos of Tim Curley and Gary Shultz, alongside and as equally prominent as Jerry's at the PC to announce Jerry's indictment, and Frank Noonan's character assassination of Joe Paterno. And that's just the beginning of the insanity.

Tom Corbett and his OAG were not going to take on Sandusky and lose. Political careers hung in the balance. The problem is that their case wasn't very strong. Trying Jerry in the court of public opinion was part of a strategy. So was taking a quantity over quality approach with respect to the charges. Maybe they truly believed Sandusky was a monster and didn't care how they put him away, as long as he was put away? Or maybe there were other factors involved. I don't know.

What I do believe is demonstrable is that a concerted effort was made to shift the focus away from TSM and onto PSU. I also believe that no one in PA had or has the political courage to give Jerry a fair trial.
Corbett was only a minor part of the situation.
Prosecutors spinning a criminal version of facts of crimes that never occurred and feeding them to journalists to condemn the innocent is a crime and should be punishable by law.
The mainstream media has to recognize the part they are playing in the grand scheme of a defendants downfall. Realizing the government lies and twist facts for their own benefit has become more apparent with the Whites Houses version of the Meuller Report.

I would suspect that journalists would be highly offended if they were accused of violating fellow citizen's civil rights by writing erroneous facts.

Facts that condemn these citizens to death, the loss of liberty, disgrace, loss of reputation, bankruptcy,the inability to be employed. Facts that convince their neighbors, coworkers and the region of the citizens' guilt, all on the words of unscrupulous prosecutors.

Interpreting laws to give the government the upper hand is the intended outcome over defendants and using the media to instill outrage on alleged crimes works especially well. Jurors rely on prosecutors, to tell the truth, not sway the verdict with confusion and fear.

The media influences the public, the jury and the trial judges, a fact that has not escaped them. Prosecutors voices are believed over defendants who are always assumed to be guilty by the media and juries.
Innocent voices fall on deaf ears, while prosecutors have prime time 24-hour coverage.

If criminal justice reform can take place it has to start with the media being aware of the injustice they have caused to innocent defendants. The conversation of reform has to include the media or all is lost, all the good works by individuals trying to right all the wrongs committed by prosecutors who lie will come to nothing without dedicated journalists working with defendants, not against them.
If we can attend a seminar for 15 minutes and conclude JS is a predator, how in God's name did none of these caseworkers or supervisors at CYS not arrive at the same conclusion? During the 98 investigation when Dr. Chambers suggested that JS behavior was classic grooming.....someone (likely from Harrisburg) brought in Seasock to counter her opinion.

He was brought in from Centre County. In fact, Raykovitz's new deposition states clearly that Centre CYS never notified TSM that Sandusky was under investigation in 1998. That's where the answers lie.
Raykovitz is floating again. You don't even need to go beyond the Raykovitz testimony at the Spanier trial to prove perjury by Raykovitz. At the Spanier trial during cross-examination, Raykovitz contradicted his earlier testimony that Sandusky was not involved in counseling or giving therapy to Second Mile boys.

Raykovitz testified on page 20 of the transcript that "Jerry volunteered that it was a Second Mile child" in the Penn State shower with him in 2001. Transcript.pdf?dl=0

That was a bombshell admission that Spanier's lawyer completely failed to address.

Raykovitz's testimony made clear that he condoned Sandusky working out alone with a Second Mile boy and showering alone with a Second Mile boy. Raykovitz didn't tell Sandusky not to be alone with a Second Mile boy. All Raykovitz recommended in 2001 was that Sandusky wear a swimsuit when showering with a Second Mile boy after a workout.

Spanier's lawyer missed numerous opportunities when he crossed Raykovitz. Prosecutors portrayed Raykovitz as a professional psychologist, which was misleading because on the internet he is listed as a licensed child psychologist. Spanier's lawyer should have asked him how many of his patients have been children.

Raykovitz should have been asked how many reports to Childline he or others at Second Mile made.

He should have been asked if CYS ever notified Second Mile of Sandusky being accused of child abuse in 1998.

I could go on and on about pertinent questions that Spanier's lawyer failed to ask Raykovitz
He was brought in from Centre County. In fact, Raykovitz's new deposition states clearly that Centre CYS never notified TSM that Sandusky was under investigation in 1998. That's where the answers lie.
I thought CC CYS and Miller, gave way to Lauro and Hburg, due
to potential conflicts of interest?
Priests, coaches, and scout leaders are not on a first name basis with caseworkers. Jerry, if guilty operated with impunity in plain view of the very people entrusted with protecting Pennsylvania's children. I think that would make him unique.

Probably not quite as unique as you think.
I thought CC CYS and Miller, gave way to Lauro and Hburg, due
to potential conflicts of interest?

No. CYS continued to run a separate parallel "secret investigation" while DPW was working with Schreffer. CYS brought in Seasock and cleared Sandusky. They also withheld pertinent information like Chamber's report from DPW.
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Is there any evidence that pa supreme Court is corrup

No. CYS continued to run a separate parallel "secret investigation" while DPW was working with Schreffer. CYS brought in Seasock and cleared Sandusky. They also withheld pertinent information like Chamber's report from DPW.
CYS Withheld it? Or DPW never wanted to see it? Didn't childline call from Chambers go directly to DPW?
CYS Withheld it? Or DPW never wanted to see it? Didn't childline call from Chambers go directly to DPW?

Childline report is just a brief statement of the situation and yes that did go to DPW. Wasn’t nearly as detailed as Chamber’s report which she gave to Screfffler and also to Centre County. Report was never given to Lauro by either Schreffler or CYS.
Baldwin was put on the supreme court as a fill-in as a favor to Rendell. Then when that seat came up for election, everyone basically begged Baldwin not to run