Shocking :Joey Porter to have charges dropped

So the DA's office didn't see any video evidence to support the assault report written by the officer who has a history of falsifying reports? Color me shocked!
They were reporting what the police told them? Are we faulting them for trusting the police?
For the sake of accuracy, not all charges were dropped. Summary charges of disorderly conduct and public drunkenness remain.
thanks for the clarification: any idea what his status with the Steelers is likely to be?
I was shocked to hear that the Steelers are going to punish him severely. They are going to make him be the pitt head coach for next season. Porter is appealing the punishment, but if it sticks this will go down as a more severe punishment than that handed out to Aaron Hernandez.
Did the prosecutor "drop" the charges, or did Joey knock them out of his hands, before jacking him up against the courthouse wall?
If a cop has a history of falsifying reports, shouldn't he be fired? Of course, if you did that, there wouldn't be many left.
Look, I am a Steeler fan, but, Porter does not exactly have a spotless record. just because some charges were dropped, does not mean he acted appropriatly.
Sounds like the cop tried to throw in the stiffer charge as tradebait, and the defense says, we'll Dicker with you, but not over that phony BS.
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Look, I am a Steeler fan, but, Porter does not exactly have a spotless record. just because some charges were dropped, does not mean he acted appropriatly.

The same can be said about the police within the last year or so, I think we can all agree. Some of them have acted quite inappropriately.

Joey's no angel, but a cop known as a liar wrote charges against him that the video evidence didn't support. Even though the charges are dropped, Joey's name is smeared. The only thing he apparently was guilty of is being drunk down on the South Side on a weekend, which is something that roughly 25,000 people will be doing down there tonight and tomorrow night.
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The same can be said about the police within the last year or so, I think we can all agree. Some of them have acted quite inappropriately.

Joey's no angel, but a cop known as a liar wrote charges against him that the video evidence didn't support. Even though the charges are dropped, Joey's name is smeared. The only thing he apparently was guilty of is being drunk down on the South Side on a weekend, which is something that roughly 25,000 people will be doing down there tonight and tomorrow night.
Joey's no angel because some of the charges have NOT been dropped. Most everyone here has been to a bar, some on many occasions. Getting arrested in a bar takes a level of jackassery seldom seen. I have been quite a jackass in quite a few bars over the years. Never saw a cop in a bar except off duty ones having a drink.

Now, blanket statements about cops pro or con are meaningless, which makes both Black Lives Matter and Blue Lives Matter wrong at some level.

If this cop is a serial exaggerator whose reports are often belied by the video, then chances are pretty good he is lying under oath when there is no video. On the day both BLMs agree that is just as intolerable as Porter's jackassery, we'll be making some progress.

Meanwhile, Porter needs to think about this: "if drinking causes you legal, moral or social problems, and you continue to drink, you are an alcoholic." So does Steelers management.
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Not making excuses for Joey's bad decisions, and he's had a bunch of them. Too many people will look at this and say he's getting off because of the Steeler connection. I'll make the brash leap in the other direction and suggest that he got extra attention because he's a) a Steeler, and b) he's black. He doesn't need as high a level of jackassery to get attention from Pittsburgh city cops than you or I would.

The fact that the video evidence didn't back up the original charges just goes hand in hand with much of what has happened with law enforcement events over the past year. It's a broken record. At least Porter didn't get shot, get a concussion by having his forehead slammed into the roof of the squad car when getting pushed into the back seat, or accidentally die in his jail cell.
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Agreed with everything lurker said and then some. It's really not all that difficult to attract police attention in the South Side, particularly after a big sporting event.

And it's especially easy to attract police attention if the bouncer who won't let you go into the bar also happens to be an off-duty cop.
It would be nice to have even a smidgeon of confidence that either JP OR the cop might adjust their behavior as a result of this. Failing that, it would be nice to see the management of either the Steelers or the cops take some decisive action to correct the misconduct of their employees, if any there be.
Agreed with everything lurker said and then some. It's really not all that difficult to attract police attention in the South Side, particularly after a big sporting event.

And it's especially easy to attract police attention if the bouncer who won't let you go into the bar also happens to be an off-duty cop.
So, did the bouncer arrest him?
Or is it another case of the star-f'ing society that we live in ? If you have any shred of notoriety, you are treated differently. People want to ingratiate themselves to "stars." Perhaps there were a few Steeler cops or detectives involved ? You can't deny it. There is a double standard which unfortunately supports some of these lunkheads as they progress through life. Look at OJ. It got to the point where he got away with so much $hit that he felt he could just kill someone and get away with it.....kind of.
It would be nice to have even a smidgeon of confidence that either JP OR the cop might adjust their behavior as a result of this. Failing that, it would be nice to see the management of either the Steelers or the cops take some decisive action to correct the misconduct of their employees, if any there be.

It would be nice, indeed. However, the chief of police already has backed the cop, although this was before the video review. And Joey's not a novice when it comes to legal interaction. I suspect that it will remain business as usual for both of the involved parties. I suppose it could mean that Joey's transgressions may keep him from being promoted, as well as the cop, but nothing shocks me anymore.
I dunno, Gambit. If all he did was get drunk and be loud, should he lose his ability to work? If an auto mechanic did what he did, should he not be allowed to come in and change somebody's oil the next day?
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I dunno, Gambit. If all he did was get drunk and be loud, should he lose his ability to work? If an auto mechanic did what he did, should he not be allowed to come in and change somebody's oil the next day?
He got arrested. Nobody has answered the question whether it was the off duty cop/bouncer who arrested him, or if he rang in some uniforms.
So an auto mechanic who gets arrested can't go to work the next day?
Sure, but most auto shops are not on TV every week. They are not running a business. If the auto shop's company pitchman got arrested for this, he might be in some hot water too.
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