Impossible. California has the most strict gun control laws in the country, and continually we're told more laws are needed to stop gun violence.
Down to 3 victims as of 12:15 est.
Ammosexuals always have to make a political point when it comes to their favorite fetish. What kind of sorry assed society has routine slaughters in public and private places? Our's.If any dolt can buy a gun the laws aren't 'strict'. But, way to get your political talking point to the forefront of yet another story about children being murdered in schools.
Phew! Certainly makes me feel better.
At this time no deaths. Thank god.
Impossible. California has the most strict gun control laws in the country, and continually we're told more laws are needed to stop gun violence.
If any dolt can buy a gun the laws aren't 'strict'. But, way to get your political talking point to the forefront of yet another story about children being murdered in schools.
Phew! Certainly makes me feel better.
Guns can easily be transported across state lines.Impossible. California has the most strict gun control laws in the country, and continually we're told more laws are needed to stop gun violence.
Impossible. California has the most strict gun control laws in the country, and continually we're told more laws are needed to stop gun violence.
Impossible. California has the most strict gun control laws in the country, and continually we're told more laws are needed to stop gun violence.
So your position is to leave the guns laws intact and make no changes? What are you proposing? Are you proposing to do nothing?
So your position is to leave the guns laws intact and make no changes? What are you proposing? Are you proposing to do nothing?
So your position is to leave the guns laws intact and make no changes? What are you proposing? Are you proposing to do nothing?
I'll add my two cents. Let's elect Robert O'Rourke President, kick down everyone's door, seize their guns (better grab their knives, axe handles, bowling balls, ball bats, lead pipes, etc. too) and then all murders will cease because everyone knows it's the inanimate objects that decide to kill.
One new law. The sentence for a conviction for using a firearm to commit a crime is the death penalty. And, not after sitting on "life row" at taxpayer expense for 30 years, but within 1 year after all appeals are exhausted. People that like to use firearms to commit crimes disappear and law abiding citizens exercising their Constitutional right have nothing to fear.
I don't disagree, just offering a more encompassing solution. And please don't return my two cents while offering your own.As the late Joe Paterno once sad, "We'll take your money but you can keep your two cents." Having some new laws like better background checks is not a radical idea nor is it ever going to be a complete solution that will make the shootings go away. If it prevented just one shooting then why would we not explore some changes?
All we have to do is tell people not to use guns to kill people (which, you know, is their intended use).
There seems to be no magic solution to this awful problem. I think that when the perpetrator is a child (say less than 17 years old) then the biological parents should in some way be held accountable. It is up to parents to raise a child who doesn't do these savage acts. If the parents knew that they would in some way be held partially responsible, maybe they would be more diligent in raising decent kids and in asking for help with the kids show signs of aberrant behavior.So your position is to leave the guns laws intact and make no changes? What are you proposing? Are you proposing to do nothing?
I think that when the perpetrator is a child (say less than 17 years old) then the biological parents should in some way be held accountable. It is up to parents to raise a child who doesn't do these savage acts. If the parents knew that they would in some way be held partially responsible, maybe they would be more diligent in raising decent kids and in asking for help with the kids show signs of aberrant behavior.
One new law. The sentence for a conviction for using a firearm to commit a crime is the death penalty. And, not after sitting on "life row" at taxpayer expense for 30 years, but within 1 year after all appeals are exhausted. People that like to use firearms to commit crimes disappear and law abiding citizens exercising their Constitutional right have nothing to fear.
Careful ... you will start two debates (gun control and capital punishment) in one thread. People will tell you that capital punishment does not deter murders from happening, but my reply is always lets try it out and see.One new law. The sentence for a conviction for using a firearm to commit a crime is the death penalty. And, not after sitting on "life row" at taxpayer expense for 30 years, but within 1 year after all appeals are exhausted. People that like to use firearms to commit crimes disappear and law abiding citizens exercising their Constitutional right have nothing to fear.
One new law. The sentence for a conviction for using a firearm to commit a crime is the death penalty. And, not after sitting on "life row" at taxpayer expense for 30 years, but within 1 year after all appeals are exhausted. People that like to use firearms to commit crimes disappear and law abiding citizens exercising their Constitutional right have nothing to fear.
Just curious. Since you are obviously in the camp of "no more laws" do you think we need less laws or are the ones we have currently just right?
Make it easier to enforce existing laws. Make the data in background checks more complete. If a data source is used for a background check, it should be current and complete at all times. That's why adding additional background checks won't fix anything. Change the narrative to focus on the two real problems with gun deaths (suicide and inner city crime), and not try to make mass shootings the sole problem (since mass shooting deaths make up pennies on the dollar). Change the narrative to hammer home that "assault rifles" aren't the problem (since gun deaths with any kind of long rifle, single shot or not, make up about 2% of gun deaths).
No, arming teachers isn't the answer. No, having everyone carry isn't the answer. Red flag laws are an interesting concept, but wrought with other issues.
But back to mass shootings (and suicides, too), how to stop them? Damn good question. Society in general is more volatile these days and we could all debate for days why that's the case. Find the reason people are compelled to shoot themselves or someone else and you'll have yourself a nobel prize.
We've got over 40% of households who legally have guns (and who knows how many more who illegally have guns). That's what, nearly 200 million people who are in a house with at least one gun nearby and that many more who are commonly in a house that has a gun. Yet "only" 34k gun deaths per year, most of those suicides. While there's a problem, something else must be going right for the problem to not be much much worse.
So, then, your stance is to let the kids continue to get killed at school ... because their lives are "pennies on the dollar."
Got it. WOW!
Ammosexuals always have to make a political point when it comes to their favorite fetish. What kind of sorry assed society has routine slaughters in public and private places? Our's.