Shucks. Michigan's playing the best football in the country....

Oct 19, 2019
so the refs gifting PSU the game last week makes it all the more bitter. I mean when that PSU dude was all over the back of that Michigan receiver with three minutes left in the first quarter and no flag was thrown, I had to click off the TV because I knew the fix was in.
Go away troll and take your two loss team with you. Perhaps after Michigan has faced years of calls that actually cost them games, you might come back and get a sympathetic ear. As if a missed call in the first quarter was the difference in the game. LOL
We won despite the refs in Iowa. Oh, guess you missed that criminal activity. Refs stunk both ways in Mich/PSU as make up calls were plenty in the second half, or non-calls.

You lost, you won’t sniff the playoffs, nor the Rose. You finally win a “big game” and you running your mouth. Maybe next year champ. You’re team is irrelevant this year.
what kind of special idiot turns off a game because of a referee's call in the first quarter?

are you sure you didn't just pitch a fit and stomp around your house and cry like a baby when you went down 21 to 0?

come to think of it playing the best football of anyone in the country and quickly jumping out to a 21 to 0 deficit is pretty damned amazing

in short....get used to having 3 to 5 losses every year, Michigan has finally found its niche in the college football world
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so the refs gifting PSU the game last week makes it all the more bitter. I mean when that PSU dude was all over the back of that Michigan receiver with three minutes left in the first quarter and no flag was thrown, I had to click off the TV because I knew the fix was in.

Funny that you missed the refs taking a KO return off the board, keeping Michigan in the game. Also you don't seem to mind that Michigan was gifted a TD on 4th and inches. That's a 14 point swing.
so the refs gifting PSU the game last week makes it all the more bitter. I mean when that PSU dude was all over the back of that Michigan receiver with three minutes left in the first quarter and no flag was thrown, I had to click off the TV because I knew the fix was in.

Harbaugh; a stable genius with a propensity for losing at least 3 games per season.

Thank you and embrace the suck.
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If that is how you feel i will take it. If i had to start listing games against Ohio State and Michigan that they refs helped the big 2 out in, it would be a long list vs this 1 game you point to.
Harbaugh; a stable genius with a propensity for losing at least 3 games per season.

Thank you and embrace the suck.

They embrace it because that is who they are. For goodness sakes they have 1/2 a national championship in the last 70 years. Behind their little brother MSU in that category. Also behind PITT, Maryland, Iowa haha.

Look at their great rivalry and their hero BO. BO zero nationals championships. Their “rival” and their great woody Hayes. Woody had 6.

Michigan is a team that think they are way better then the results on the field say they are. I guess if you say it enough you start believing it. Records say they are just an average program while most of the population on earth has been alive.
so the refs gifting PSU the game last week makes it all the more bitter. I mean when that PSU dude was all over the back of that Michigan receiver with three minutes left in the first quarter and no flag was thrown, I had to click off the TV because I knew the fix was in.

Dude you are the most clueless person on this message board!

We can play this game all I guess when PJ grabbed Wade right in front of the ref and pulled his jersey from his body, which was VERY visible on the long run that set up the Michigan TD in the 4th Q and no call was made fits your theory as well. I could go on and on about missed calls on the PSU side as well, so just go home and be happy with 3rd place where scUM belongs
so the refs gifting PSU the game last week makes it all the more bitter. I mean when that PSU dude was all over the back of that Michigan receiver with three minutes left in the first quarter and no flag was thrown, I had to click off the TV because I knew the fix was in.

There is no I in IQ in your case. But you are good for a laugh.
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It looks like Michigan fans are taking the lead from their whiny head coach. Still blaming the refs for their ineptitude to score against PSU when it counted or stop the PSU offense. Now they beat an over rated ND and are playing the ‘what if’ game. I hope Harbaugh stays forever. The coach and fans are perfect together.
so the refs gifting PSU the game last week makes it all the more bitter. I mean when that PSU dude was all over the back of that Michigan receiver with three minutes left in the first quarter and no flag was thrown, I had to click off the TV because I knew the fix was in.

so the refs gifting PSU the game last week makes it all the more bitter. I mean when that PSU dude was all over the back of that Michigan receiver with three minutes left in the first quarter and no flag was thrown, I had to click off the TV because I knew the fix was in.
If there were a national championship for whining and excuse making Michigan would win it every year.
so the refs gifting PSU the game last week makes it all the more bitter. I mean when that PSU dude was all over the back of that Michigan receiver with three minutes left in the first quarter and no flag was thrown, I had to click off the TV because I knew the fix was in.
Amazing what someone can dream up from behind a keyboard
so the refs gifting PSU the game last week makes it all the more bitter. I mean when that PSU dude was all over the back of that Michigan receiver with three minutes left in the first quarter and no flag was thrown, I had to click off the TV because I knew the fix was in.
That’s some pretty profound stuff while hiding behind a computer at 2:58 am in the morning. Do your parents know you stay up that late ?
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so the refs gifting PSU the game last week makes it all the more bitter. I mean when that PSU dude was all over the back of that Michigan receiver with three minutes left in the first quarter and no flag was thrown, I had to click off the TV because I knew the fix was in.

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The problem with Michigan “finding themselves” (if we want to call losing to Penn State and beating Brian Kelly in a monsoon this) is that based on personnel, THIS is Michigan’s year.

Even if they don’t have early entries, they are completely decimated on both lines and at LB by graduation, and they did not recruit the class if 2018 particularly well. Now just imagine if Collins goes pro on top of that.

We and OSU are likely gonna drill them again next year.
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Here is some return trolley - we could have scored as much as we wanted in that game. Nuttella couldn’t keep up with Hamler. You see when it got close, we blew the top off the defense. Even if Bell catches that TD, we come right back and score, as needed

Michigan at Happy Valley = Never in doubt for the good guys!!!!
so the refs gifting PSU the game last week makes it all the more bitter. I mean when that PSU dude was all over the back of that Michigan receiver with three minutes left in the first quarter and no flag was thrown, I had to click off the TV because I knew the fix was in.

Another 3rd place finish in the Big Ten East. LMAO.
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so the refs gifting PSU the game last week makes it all the more bitter. I mean when that PSU dude was all over the back of that Michigan receiver with three minutes left in the first quarter and no flag was thrown, I had to click off the TV because I knew the fix was in.

Michigan fans have spent a decade and a half complaining that PSU fans do nothing but blame the ref for every loss to Michigan. Michigan loses to PSU and what do Michigan fans do? Cry about the refs.
so the refs gifting PSU the game last week makes it all the more bitter. I mean when that PSU dude was all over the back of that Michigan receiver with three minutes left in the first quarter and no flag was thrown, I had to click off the TV because I knew the fix was in.
This is like my golf game. I suck the whole round , birdie the 18th hole and think I am a big sh...t.
It's hilarious how obsessed they are with us now. Even Josh "I can't stay in the same zip code as JK Hamler" Metellus was still mentioning it last night in the post-ND presser. Talked about how they "let one slip away" last week when they never led the entire game.

Another clear indicator of the whining, entitled mentality of their coach, their team, and the majority of their fan base.
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IMO OSU, Bama, Clemson, LSU, Penn State , and UM are playing the best ball in the country.
Based on yesterday. If we stretch that out for what's called the season, it's the first five . Maybe Michigan has turned the hornet but the odds are it's a 9-3 season vs 12-0, 11-1 for Penn State and OSU.
The problem with Michigan “finding themselves” (if we want to call losing to Penn State and beating Brian Kelly in a monsoon this) is that based on personnel, THIS is Michigan’s year.

Even if they don’t have early entries, they are completely decimated on both lines and at LB by graduation, and they did not recruit the class if 2018 particularly well. Now just imagine if Collins goes pro on top of that.

We and OSU are likely gonna drill them again next year.
Gonna disagree with that last sentence on principle. Ha.

But on the rest of it....not to mention schedule. UM usually has a tougher road schedule in even numbered years than odd. This was the year that only Penn State (and maybe Wisconsin) were very tough road games; against ND, MSU and OSU at home.
It's hilarious how obsessed they are with us now. Even Josh "I can't stay in the same zip code as JK Hamler" Metellus was still mentioning it last night in the post-ND presser. Talked about how they "let one slip away" last week when they never led the entire game.

Another clear indicator of the whining, entitled mentality of their coach, their team, and the majority of their fan base.

No kidding. They never led, should have been another TD behind and they may have tied the game. No guarantee on PAT or a two point conversion attempt to win.

They let nothing slip away. Our team almost let it slip away. Michigan with a revisionist memory.