I was an infantry guy and interned with the Marines so I know about the amazing fighting of the 1st,2nd,3rd Marine divisions in the Pacific. When I was in the only units still around were the ones who did most of the fighting in Europe: 101,82, 1+2 Ranger Bn, 1st infantry, 3rd, 10th, 28th, 3rd armored. I hope I didn't leave anyone out. Don't know anything about the Navy other than there carrier groups were spectacularly effective.Off-topic, but go ahead and expound on that; I'd be interested to hear what your reading indicates and some specific details.
I'm guessing you'll cite some Marine units in the Pacific, certain Armored units in Europe, along with Airborne and Ranger units, such as those that played a vital role in Normandy. And who best represented the Navy?