Being invited to a Penn State game by a 50 year old from the gym and having to drive myself to the game and not being invited to spend the night because my dog sheds too much.
Yeah, that pisses me off, too!Being invited to a Penn State game by a 50 year old from the gym and having to drive myself to the game and not being invited to spend the night because my dog sheds too much.
Being invited to a Penn State game by a 50 year old from the gym and having to drive myself to the game and not being invited to spend the night because my dog sheds too much.
It isn’t ?People who at every opportunity say that soccer is boring.
I wanna party with you Lee’re an animal!Anything (anyone/even my kids) that touches my face.
Being invited to a Penn State game by a 50 year old from the gym and having to drive myself to the game and not being invited to spend the night because my dog sheds too much.
If you slow down, a car behind you, going at a constant speed, WILL get closer. Those are the physical laws of our universe. Beyond that, I can't imagine why a trailing car might get close to yours if you are driving 15 mph below the speed limit. Of course, you're right, they'll probably catch on and pass you in one of the lanes to your right.Tailgating. I slow down 5 mph and if they get closer, I keep going slower until I am 15 mph under the speed limit. Most drivers catch on and back off.
If you slow down, a car behind you, going at a constant speed, WILL get closer. Those are the physical laws of our universe. Beyond that, I can't imagine why a trailing car might get close to yours if you are driving 15 mph below the speed limit. Of course, you're right, they'll probably catch on and pass you in one of the lanes to your right.
I'll pick up the flagPeople driving with their high beams on
People who don't merge onto the highway at highway speed.
Since I got the spanish inquisition for the roundabout image I guess I'll have to preface this one by saying "for the vast majority of on-ramps but not all on ramps in existence", you have ample time to look at the coming traffic, pick your spot, get up to speed and merge. Then there's that one person who is poking along and waits until the last minute to figure out what their plan is and then merges doing 30 while traffic is moving at 70.
1. Stopped at a red light, pickup truck ahead of me doesn't go when light turns green. I give a light honk after 3-4 seconds. He gives me the finger and proceeds to drive at 5mph.
2. Two cars driving right next to each other at or below the speed limit on a 2 lane highway.
3. Passing cars that are going below the speed limit. Always someone texting or are really old.
4. People driving with their high beams on.
5. Tractor trailers that use the left lane.
6. Tractor trailers that pass other trucks going the speed limit.
7. Girls in middle/high school who wear cut off denim shorts that show their *ss cheeks.
8. People are not 100 years old crossing the street as if they are 100 years old.
She can stay the night but not have that Wieneramer(sp) in my car.Being invited to a Penn State game by a 50 year old from the gym and having to drive myself to the game and not being invited to spend the night because my dog sheds too much.
And while on the subject of things I can't stand.I sent a baby gap newborn gift this week to a semi recent ex girlfriend and the bitch didn't thank me.How rude!
Tailgating. I slow down 5 mph and if they get closer, I keep going slower until I am 15 mph under the speed limit. Most drivers catch on and back off.
Long legs, short skirts.
Yup. Going too slow relative to traffic is really dangerous.I’d hit you and then pass you when you’re feigning being shocked. Get off the road if you can’t go the speed that everyone else is going. Christ, Mary
If you’re not in the queue when the light turns green, you should have to wait for the next cycle. The only one screwed is the stop bar jumper.To take that further, people who stop past the line in a turn lane so they don’t trigger sensor for the arrow which screws it up for people coming into the lane when there should be an arrow.
I’d hit you and then pass you when you’re feigning being shocked. Get off the road if you can’t go the speed that everyone else is going. Christ, Mary
man I hate that shit tooMy wife coming to me and discussing her friend's health issues and their kids health issues and asking me for advice. In the past have provided said advice and of course the advice was not taken into consideration. Then I order supplements at cost and have to chase the friggin money down. Happened again last night and I told her I have an office they can make an appt. If they have no skin in the game compliance will be zero. I've done this a few times, set up a couple referral wo even thank you from her "friends." Pisses me the eff off.
If you’re not in the queue when the light turns green, you should have to wait for the next cycle. The only one screwed is the stop bar jumper.
Interesting. So if I read this correctly, it is some random mass of humanity, at some arbitrary point in time, that decides acceptable speed. Limits posted on signs do not matter. These are just numbers (I presume) to warn the bad drivers that they might not be good enough to drive safely if they exceed this limit. If you are one of these bad drivers, (and you know who you are), then you should move over or get off the road so that the majority -- the good drivers -- can go as fast as they want.
Welcome to America, where national borders don't matter, and we are truly free to invent our own brand of chaos. In America everyone kills. Steals from you. Steals from me. It's all good.
... and be sure to carry your best gun. You never know when some crazy person with a superior weapon might lose it and become unable to understand the difference between what we think is right versus what is wrong.
No, only an idiot why do that.Why?
So if you come to an intersection with a green arrow that you weren’t sitting for you pull over and wait for the next green?
No, only an idiot why do that.![]()
Flag on posting a picture of the sims instead of an actual human
I absolutely HATE when people do this!Even worse... when people stop on an on ramp.