If he's going to go, Friday would be the logical time. Get a tough opponent to start, a not so tough opponent on Saturday, and then either Gwiz or Marsden in National Duels. This will at least give the coaching staff something to measure the progress for sure.
I'd like to see how Nevills looks in his first match(es) back before proclaiming a desired opponent in the bowl dual.
OK, so let me ask: why would you want Marsden now, without seeing what Nevills looks like?well ...you can certainly do that and I'll do it my way
Tbf, what Stieber had done was far more invasive and far more serious than what Nick had done. I feel like most of us had a sneaking suspicion Hunter would be a shell of himself. I don't get that feeling with Nick.OK, so let me ask: why would you want Marsden now, without seeing what Nevills looks like?
If he looks like the pre-injury Nevills of last year, then I'm absolutely with you.
If he looks like Hunter Stieber has so far this year, then we're not going to learn anything by facing Marsden anyway. In that scenario, facing Marsden earlier might hinder his chances of qualifying out of B10s.
I used Stieber to avoid speaking negatively about any past PSU examples. We can all insert examples of wrestlers whose return from injury was less than desired.Tbf, what Stieber had done was far more invasive and far more serious than what Nick had done. I feel like most of us had a sneaking suspicion Hunter would be a shell of himself. I don't get that feeling with Nick.
I thought a couple weeks ago that Friday night was the "now or never" moment. I have to say that no matter the outcome, I'm excited for Nick. He finally gets to put on a PSU singlet and compete. Something (I'm pretty sure) he's been looking forward to for a few years.
And I'm no insider, but I highly doubt Cael would jeopardize a full year of eligibility for Nick if he looked anything other than 100%.
OK, so let me ask: why would you want Marsden now, without seeing what Nevills looks like?
If he looks like the pre-injury Nevills of last year, then I'm absolutely with you.
If he looks like Hunter Stieber has so far this year, then we're not going to learn anything by facing Marsden anyway. In that scenario, facing Marsden earlier might hinder his chances of qualifying out of B10s.
These types of decisions are why Cael makes the big bucks! It's a tough call. If you let him wrestle and he either gets hurt or doesn't qualify for NCAAs, Cael gets skewered for wasting a year of eligibility. If he doesn't wrestle him and PSU loses the NCAA tournament by 2 points, Cael gets skewered for not going for it all. I guess in the end I just hope whatever happens isn't one of these two scenarios. I can live with any of the others.
Agree it's a tough call, but Penn State fans will not skewer Cael for his call either way. Who cares what other fanbases think? Especially one bitter and frustrated fanbase.
I think he wrestles.
I too think he wrestles. I also would trust Cael to make the best decision with the help of the family. The Iowa fan base has become a bunch of cry babies if you read HR, but they don't really speak for the typical Iowa wrestling fan. If you fail to understand that all decisions made by Brands are genius, and all decisions made by Cael,Tom Ryan,J Rob etc. etc. are terrible you will get put on the blacklist I guess. It is really sad how small and backward it makes our entire state seem.
The poster who said those things has been banned over here for too many incendiary comments. Can't remember exactly the final straw that drew the hammer ... but in the thread you cited, he played the Sandusky card -- always a good indicator of what one brings to a discussion.I do not if it is a great idea. After wandering over to the highly insightful, knowledgable and fairer wrestling board hawk report, I have found out that the big meanie Cael is forcing the young, highly impressionable Nick to take the mat on Friday.
I found out Cael is selfishly pushing Nick out the door early so he can make room for the Gable kid from Minnesota.
I thought the decision was being left in the hands of Nick and his family. I was just utterly shocked to find out from such a group of highly intelligent and insightful group that Cael would be soooooo mean and selfish about this.
I speak truth. I'm very sorry so few on HR can accept it. It saddens me that this represents the Iowa fan base, but luckily I know it is only the vocal few. A voice of reason and intelligence has been needed on that board for a very long time, but it will not be accepted. The HR board has for some time sought to silence any who speak against anything going on with the program. I have not been quiet with my complaints in person, and will not be silenced by some basement dwellers on HR. The real problem with the vocal Iowa fan base is a deep rooted jealousy of Cael. This isn't new. Cael the wrestler was bad mouthed by that crew his entire career. Cael the coach was bad mouthed while at ISU, and now he is out here kicking the crap out of Iowa and the jealousy overload is in full force. Iowa has a proud tradition with a history of great champions, but this wasn't achieved by hiding from the truth. Cael has been accused of running an illegal slush fund, supporting pedophiles, caring about only himself, and a variety of other unfounded ignorant accusations. I won't do that, so I'm not the "in" crowd on HR. Just reading tonight the heart felt words Cael has regarding the NN situation makes me jealous. We once had this man in our state leading a program. I love the genuine transparency of Cael, and I always will. How can you lie down with such pigs and allow yourself to spew this stuff even part time Chief? You are better than that. We all are.If you've read HR, questioning Brands and staff has been a favorite past time on HR. You're just the latest who thinks that you have been original about it. Also, it's kind of dramatic to label a whole state as backwards because a few posters disagree with you on the Internet.
Nothing wrong with admiring the dog and pony show Cael has going at PSU. I do on a regular basis. However, this is a conversation best kept at HR. You'll get folks that will vehemently disagree with you but at least you'll get some respect because you did it on there.
How can you lie down with such pigs and allow yourself to spew this stuff even part time Chief? You are better than that. We all are.
If only it was a singular poster.The poster who said those things has been banned over here for too many incendiary comments. Can't remember exactly the final straw that drew the hammer ... but in the thread you cited, he played the Sandusky card -- always a good indicator of what one brings to a discussion.
Everyone can draw their own conclusions about this type of person.
The conclusion I'll draw is that he does not live up to the standards of the Iowa coaches, past or present.
Sorry...had to be done. The French have a saying for this that I use from time to time..."Farting higher than your hole." I don't have much use for the French but always struck me as a funny comment because its true in a lot of cases. You have been posting on HR for about a week, get over yourself. Also, I may "spew" (in Garth's voice) many things but none of what you cited may be attributed to me or many other regulars over there. In fact, I have disagreed with many of my fellow fans various takes on PSU and have been pretty vocal about it if I think it would matter. Take the good with the bad so count me in as an HR guy...oink.
I heard if Nevills struggles in his return, that Cael intends to pull Cenzo's redshirt and send him out at heavy.
You don't spew this stuff yourself, but still
You don't spew this stuff yourself, but you sure gladly buddy up to those who do. That is the same thing. I don't/won't be finding it funny anytime soon. I never said a single thing on HR that I would not say personally to anyone. I said the schedule is terrible because it is. I have no problem screaming that from a mountain top. HR is a [lace of perpetual weakness. Enjoy your time there. Likes like likes.
Does he state we stall?Chief32 is a good, fair poster. Does he play out of the sand box here from time to time? Yes. But, most of us do as well. I have seen him defend PSU posters and wrestlers far more than any other hawk fan on their own board. For that I give him major props!
Does he stick it to PSU with some of his hawk buddies from time to time? Sure does! However, it's on their board, so why should we care?
Can he make the cut?I heard if Nevills struggles in his return, that Cael intends to pull Cenzo's redshirt and send him out at heavy.
So well said there is little to nothing to add. What's said on HR has no resemblance to the truth regarding Cael most of the time that I find it laughable that if Iowa can't beat him in a Championship arena.... they attempt to assassinate his character... falsely... as if it's a victory of some sorts. It's a demented mob mentality and a perpetual weakness that I also agree festers on HR. Birds of a feather will seemingly always flock together and seem to assimilate these bizarre non substantiated claims against a guy who has done nothing, but stratospherically rise since leaving Iowa. And his character has never been a question at all here in PA nor to the parents who willingly send their stud kids to be instructed under his tutelage. Nor Nick Nevills parents who have all the faith in the world in Cael to help their son make a proper decision in coming back and whether it's worth it to do so. Nothing is going to change. Not the success, the steady stream of great kids willing to wrestle for this wrestling Giant.You don't spew this stuff yourself, but still
You don't spew this stuff yourself, but you sure gladly buddy up to those who do. That is the same thing. I don't/won't be finding it funny anytime soon. I never said a single thing on HR that I would not say personally to anyone. I said the schedule is terrible because it is. I have no problem screaming that from a mountain top. HR is a [lace of perpetual weakness. Enjoy your time there. Likes like likes.