So is this Joe's fault too?

I looked 5 TV station's news this afternoon. Every one of them had the story in the first four of the broadcast. ALL of them included "former Penn State coach" in the reports. All of them had pictures of both Sanduskys in handcuffs.
And CBS news tonight showing the obligatory picture of Joe with his arm around Sandusky's shoulder.
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I've certainly criticized Jack Rayokvitz. I have no idea how he's escaped criticism over the years.

Two thoughts on this whole mess (regardless of what you think about JS's guilt or PSU's role):
  1. It's very dangerous to take troubled kids under your wing and try to help them. These kids have problems who knows what they're going to do down the road? God bless Jerry or anybody else for trying but you've got to be extremely careful. (No, I'm not excusing JS's abuse).
  2. I'm absolutely amazed that Raykovitz and TSM staff would allow ANY of their employees, counselors, or volunteers spend time alone with troubled kids. I'd think it would be standard operating procedure to require all charity related activities to be done in groups with more than one counselor present. Allowing one on one activitiy is just asking for trouble.
Two thoughts on this whole mess (regardless of what you think about JS's guilt or PSU's role):
  1. It's very dangerous to take troubled kids under your wing and try to help them. These kids have problems who knows what they're going to do down the road? God bless Jerry or anybody else for trying but you've got to be extremely careful. (No, I'm not excusing JS's abuse).
  2. I'm absolutely amazed that Raykovitz and TSM staff would allow ANY of their employees, counselors, or volunteers spend time alone with troubled kids. I'd think it would be standard operating procedure to require all charity related activities to be done in groups with more than one counselor present. Allowing one on one activitiy is just asking for trouble.

It WAS the rule at TSM, and they constantly ignored it. Yet Jack R. is STILL a child psychologist,. He should be first on the street, then in jail.
I never said those folk didn't fail as well. They did.

Your post remains a poor post, however. Bringing up Joe when there was no need to bring him up.

You're providing evidence to our enemies who like to spout a narrative of "Penn State fans care more about Joe's reputation than anything else."
Aren't you one of the enemies Count Von Benedict Arnold?
It WAS the rule at TSM, and they constantly ignored it. Yet Jack R. is STILL a child psychologist,. He should be first on the street, then in jail.
Michael Gillum is one of the good child psychologists though, huh?
It WAS the rule at TSM, and they constantly ignored it. Yet Jack R. is STILL a child psychologist,. He should be first on the street, then in jail.

Seems to me that TSM shouldn't have allowed one on one contact, government agencies should have done reviews and stopped it.

In fairness I also think PSU should never have allowed one on one contact in their facilities. Even if they allowed JS to bring kids it should have never been one on one. Very sloppy by PSU. Of course that doesn't mean they knew what was going on or that they conspired to cover for JS. It just means they were careless.
Can we stop worrying how this affects the football program and realize that this monster (Jerry) trail of terror and abuse is still claiming victims?

Jerry didn't abuse these girls....Jeff did. Hold people responsible for their own actions.

One of the reasons clowns like Jeffrey get away with this for years is because the system is broken.

There is no evidence that he was reported until recently, so why are you blaming "the system"?
Seems to me that TSM shouldn't have allowed one on one contact, government agencies should have done reviews and stopped it.

In fairness I also think PSU should never have allowed one on one contact in their facilities. Even if they allowed JS to bring kids it should have never been one on one. Very sloppy by PSU. Of course that doesn't mean they knew what was going on or that they conspired to cover for JS. It just means they were careless.

It's reasonable to conclude that Penn State enjoyed a symbiotic relationship with the Second Mile that was so cozy that when this blew up, Penn State chose to cannibalize itself rather than risk exposing that relationship. It led to other bad decisions, such as those you illustrate. This is why Penn State the corporation is dead to me.
It's reasonable to conclude that Penn State enjoyed a symbiotic relationship with the Second Mile that was so cozy that when this blew up, Penn State chose to cannibalize itself rather than risk exposing that relationship. It led to other bad decisions, such as those you illustrate. This is why Penn State the corporation is dead to me.
It sadly appears that "self-cannibalization" is a long, arduous process.
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[QUOTE="There is no evidence that he was reported until recently, so why are you blaming "the system"?[/QUOTE]

Because the system is known by EVERYONE, most especially victims and their abusers, to be useless as tits on a boar hog. Lots of stuff does not get reported because there is no effective protection for those who report, and nothing gets done. Reporting this stuff on family member or a neighbor is a risky thing, and most folks do not like to take risks when clowns are in charge.
I don't even live in Pennsylvania. The Commonwealth's child protection system is BROKEN!!!!!

One of the reasons clowns like Jeffrey get away with this for years is because the system is broken. It was obviously broken for years before 2011. WTF did they do about it? They BLAMED JOE PATERNO. The state's child protection system let Jerry adopt 6 kids. They PARTNERED with his grooming charity. When are they going to fix this shit?

I am not worried about football, I am worried about these f'ers ignoring this for another 5 years. Let me know the name of one child protective workers who got so much as a write up from their boss for letting Jerry run wild. You can't. That is why y'all need to demand ACTION form these politicos and government workers--not so PSU football can be saved but so some kids can.

I cannot imagine why I am wasting my time explaining this.

[QUOTE="There is no evidence that he was reported until recently, so why are you blaming "the system"?

Because the system is known by EVERYONE, most especially victims and their abusers, to be useless as tits on a boar hog. Lots of stuff does not get reported because there is no effective protection for those who report, and nothing gets done. Reporting this stuff on family member or a neighbor is a risky thing, and most folks do not like to take risks when clowns are in charge.

Well having Pennsylvania's Child Protective Services Agencies report through the Football Program of the State's named Flagship Land-Grant University doesn't seem like a very effective governance structure. Again, do other States structure their Child Protective Services Agencies in this manner? If so, why?
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As the link (which you ignored) provided proof to ---- I have said that Jack Raykvoitz was a massive failure as regards Sandusky. And it is embarassing that the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania allows Raykovitz to still have his license.

There is blame to ascribe to all of (not a comprehensive list of everyone at fault here) Raykovitz, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and Joe Paterno (the latter for his moral failures).

Joe Paterno's moral failings? Please tell me that you're kidding. You can't possibly be serious.
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During this seemingly never ending saga cbs news has appeared at times to be especially acute in their demonizing of psu - is one of their senior executives a pitt grad or something? Very strange.

And CBS news tonight showing the obligatory picture of Joe with his arm around Sandusky's shoulder.
Oh he's very serious. You don't mean to imply that you'd look anywhere but to this dipshit for a morality arbiter do you?

I now do remember that he almost always posts anti PSU posts, so I guess it's par for the course. It's a shame he knows nothing of the facts before he dumps his opinions on this board
When it comes to bashing Joe, it makes my blood boil. Guess our culture must have seeped into my soul.
Seems to me that TSM shouldn't have allowed one on one contact, government agencies should have done reviews and stopped it.

In fairness I also think PSU should never have allowed one on one contact in their facilities. Even if they allowed JS to bring kids it should have never been one on one. Very sloppy by PSU. Of course that doesn't mean they knew what was going on or that they conspired to cover for JS. It just means they were careless.
Back in the day, folks didn't see the problem. Most Big Brother/Big Sister programs are one on one, aren't they? But it only takes one sicko to wreck things for everyone who is actually trying to help. Were I doing that kind of work these days, I'd insist on a buddy system of some kind. But I never would have thought of it back in the day--and I did mentor a young man (who is now a sophomore at a local college). Glad I did--not sure I'd do it again in this atmosphere.
I now do remember that he almost always posts anti PSU posts, so I guess it's par for the course. It's a shame he knows nothing of the facts before he dumps his opinions on this board
When it comes to bashing Joe, it makes my blood boil. Guess our culture must have seeped into my soul.

Like jive and a few other dips on this board, he thinks once it's his opinion then it is a fact.
Like jive and a few other dips on this board, he thinks once it's his opinion then it is a fact.

But why won't any of them explain why Pennsylvania has all of its Children Protective Services and Youth Sevices Agencies via CPS Law/Code reporting through the Football Program of the State's named Flagship Land-Grant University? Still say that this seems like a very odd and illogical structure.
Another scandal thread. There are only about 5 others going right now.
Talk about beating a dead horse. The horse is long gone and so is Joe.
Another scandal thread. There are only about 5 others going right now.
Talk about beating a dead horse. The horse is long gone and so is Joe.

Why won't you explain why Pennsylvania has all of its Children Protective Services and Youth Sevices Agencies via CPS Law/Code reporting through the Football Program of the State's named Flagship Land-Grant University? Still say that this seems like a very odd and illogical structure.
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As the link (which you ignored) provided proof to ---- I have said that Jack Raykvoitz was a massive failure as regards Sandusky. And it is embarassing that the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania allows Raykovitz to still have his license.

There is blame to ascribe to all of (not a comprehensive list of everyone at fault here) Raykovitz, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and Joe Paterno (the latter for his moral failures).
Seriously Mich what fcking moral failures??????????? This is all you need to know to drop this sh!t. There is not one CREDIBLE piece of evidence that even hints of a moral failure in this case. Thats it, done.

Listen, and I'm serious about this, either stop this crap or stay on The Fort where you belong!! You button pushing midget!!!!!
Another scandal thread. There are only about 5 others going right now.
Talk about beating a dead horse. The horse is long gone and so is Joe.
As the link (which you ignored) provided proof to ---- I have said that Jack Raykvoitz was a massive failure as regards Sandusky. And it is embarassing that the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania allows Raykovitz to still have his license.

There is blame to ascribe to all of (not a comprehensive list of everyone at fault here) Raykovitz, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and Joe Paterno (the latter for his moral failures).
This post and this attitude are absolute bullshit, and it's a major reason why child abuse continues to be a major problem in Pennsylvania and elsewhere. By saying it's "all" our fault, or everyone's fault, that really means it's nobody's fault and nobody will be held accountable and nothing will change. So people can light candles, wear ribbons, make up hashtags, and convince themselves they helped fix the problem, when all they did was make themselves feel a little better by convincing the world that they "cared."

You don't want to see Paterno's name? OK, here are some others for you.

Nathaniel Craver
Aleta Bailey
Darisabel Baez
Jarrod Tutko
Lakia Hardy
Isabel Rose Godfrey
Scotty McMillan
The Weyant Children... just to name a few.
Google them, and you might shed a tear or two, or maybe feel the urge to throw up in disgust.

Here's another name for you: Bev Mackereth. No, she wasn't a victim of abuse. She was a caseworker in York County and was actually the caseworker for at least 2 children who were killed by abusive parents or their live-ins at the time. Know what happened to her? She was named Secretary of the Department of Public Welfare by... Governor Tom Corbett.
This post and this attitude are absolute bullshit, and it's a major reason why child abuse continues to be a major problem in Pennsylvania and elsewhere. By saying it's "all" our fault, or everyone's fault, that really means it's nobody's fault and nobody will be held accountable and nothing will change. So people can light candles, wear ribbons, make up hashtags, and convince themselves they helped fix the problem, when all they did was make themselves feel a little better by convincing the world that they "cared."

You don't want to see Paterno's name? OK, here are some others for you.

Nathaniel Craver
Aleta Bailey
Darisabel Baez
Jarrod Tutko
Lakia Hardy
Isabel Rose Godfrey
Scotty McMillan
The Weyant Children... just to name a few.
Google them, and you might shed a tear or two, or maybe feel the urge to throw up in disgust.

Here's another name for you: Bev Mackereth. No, she wasn't a victim of abuse. She was a caseworker in York County and was actually the caseworker for at least 2 children who were killed by abusive parents or their live-ins at the time. Know what happened to her? She was named Secretary of the Department of Public Welfare by... Governor Tom Corbett.

Where did I say it was "everyone's" fault? I didn't say that - you're putting words in my mouth.
Another scandal thread. There are only about 5 others going right now.
Talk about beating a dead horse. The horse is long gone and so is Joe.

Not to worry --- your average "JoePa is a victim, he was framed" poster is the same age as your average "I-watch-Fox News-12-hours-a-day and voted for Trump" person.

They beat the dead horse continually because time is not on their side.
Not to worry --- your average "JoePa is a victim, he was framed" poster is the same age as your average "I-watch-Fox News-12-hours-a-day and voted for Trump" person.

They beat the dead horse continually because time is not on their side.
You are such a stooge you don't realize how old Osprey is, you clown. Insult one of your few buddies. You are soooo obtuse.
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Not to worry --- your average "JoePa is a victim, he was framed" poster is the same age as your average "I-watch-Fox News-12-hours-a-day and voted for Trump" person.

They beat the dead horse continually because time is not on their side.
Moral equivalency. Such a F'ING perfect example. You know nothing, you are nothing. Keep trying to tear down the true greats among the ever decreasing few we have left........meanwhile, you probably cried during the Grammy's last night when Adelle made her little tribute to Beyonce. You cried didn't you, Michnitt, you fcking dipshit!!!!
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