So when do we find out if Delaney sticks us with the John O’Neill crew?

Judge Smails

Well-Known Member
May 29, 2001
You know it’s coming.

You know it’s coming.


You have to ask? They are bouncing their balls off the turf now in anticipation. Whoops there goes that replay machine again! Interception! Let’s toss in a defensive hold on a punt and see what happens! It’s all good in the big 2. Forgot about the clock absurdity. What a bunch of crooked fools we have.

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Franklin almost never gets into it with officials, but he was laying into O’Neill during a tv timeout 2nd half of the Pitt game. Then screamed at him as O’Neill walked away. “You’re lucky you’re even playing football.” He’s Delaney’s guy for sure.
You know it’s coming.


+1 Not a doubt in my mind. The folks in the b1g shizhole are pure, immoral, self-dealing, homer scumbag - human excrement. Anyone who doesn't believe this - just take a look at O'Neill and Clownshow Crew in the 2014 PSU-duhO$U Game and the lies he told post-game in mistepresenting the ACTUAL NCAA Rules in a cowardly, self-serving, disgraceful and corrupt attempt to excuse his clear corruption in he & his crew misapplying the ACTUAL NCAA RULES (i.e., cheating).

The folks in the traditional b1g shizhole institutions are shameless and proud cheaters, liars and supporters of immoral corruption and hypocrisy (i.e., huge supporters of "the ends justify the means" regardless of how immoral, corrupt, disgraceful and sickening "the means" are). BTW, check out how many of the last 4 PSU-duhO$U games have been done by this crew in the recent past (and since CJF has been here the last 4 years).
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You have to ask? They are bouncing their balls off the turf now in anticipation. Whoops there goes that replay machine again! Interception! Let’s toss in a defensive hold on a punt and see what happens! It’s all good in the big 2.

Never saw that before or since. Same with the shush-finger. People think there's nothing up with that, OK. Disappearing replays, bounce passes, bounce-interceptions, clock shenanigans. We're good. Defensive holding on a punt. Wow.

The B10 said they were sorry. So are we.
Isn't Witvoet still doing the Replay Booth? He was for years & years after retired from field officiating. If he has, it is very recent and never heard about it because he was the Head Replay Official on PSU games within the last couple years.

He's a tool. Always was.

Somebody here played golf with him and got him to admit he hated PSU. Not that we didn't already know it. Imagine a terrible ump like CB Bucknor admitting he hated a certain team. Fans already know he's terrible but at least guys like Bucknor don't admit it. Plus you have the "Lucky you're even playing" angle. It's all a work.

The posts from days gone by are right...don't put yourself in a position to let them ref you. This is why I have nothing to say when Franklin jacks it up. Keep scoring until the scoring is done. If you lose, you lose but it won't be for lying down.
Isn't Witvoet still doing the Replay Booth? He was for years & years after retired from field officiating. If he has, it is very recent and never heard about it because he was the Head Replay Official on PSU games within the last couple years.

Here is factual proof - he was the Replay Booth Official at last year's NCG! Hit the hot-link:

Here's an excerpt from article:

"Witvoet will serve as a communicator in the replay booth while Stumberg will be on the field as part of the officiating crew."​
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Isn't Witvoet still doing the Replay Booth? He was for years & years after retired from field officiating. If he has, it is very recent and never heard about it because he was the Head Replay Official on PSU games within the last couple years.

Meant to work the field. Yes witvoet does or did replay. Haven’t seen his name this season. He donated too much money to Michigan and had to start working again.
Franklin almost never gets into it with officials, but he was laying into O’Neill during a tv timeout 2nd half of the Pitt game. Then screamed at him as O’Neill walked away. “You’re lucky you’re even playing football.” He’s Delaney’s guy for sure.

Yea he was and did you see O'Neil's face with the challenge. If you think that doesn't come back and somehow bite Franklin then I don't know what to tell ya.
Meant to work the field. Yes witvoet does or did replay. Haven’t seen his name this season. He donated too much money to Michigan and had to start working again.
That’s hilarious. That doddering fool should be eating jello at an old folks home with his bingo card in front of him

Love Moxie for this. I wish a bench warmer/walk on with nothing to lose would have walked up to a Witvoet/Lemonnier/O’Neil with cameras rolling and ask them “how much money do you have on this game?”
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Hopefully it's the crew that did Wisconsin Iowa. I don't know that referee's name off the top of my head but that crew is really good.

O'Neill's crew didn't do a bad job in 2016, pretty fair, actually were criticized by tOSU fans for not calling pass int late in that game.
Hopefully it's the crew that did Wisconsin Iowa. I don't know that referee's name off the top of my head but that crew is really good.
Really? I saw one of the worst calls that I've ever seen during that game. I think it was on an Iowa punt return but the ballcarrier got bumped and dropped the ball. He continued on and eventually might have got pushed to the ground while others were going for the ball (I can't recall but he might have been pushed OOB and never gone to the turf). Nevertheless, those officials ruled that the runner was down before fumbling the ball. Naturally it was overturned because it was blatantly obvious that he was no where near being down but it really made me wonder if the refs were even watching the game. I did not come away with the same impression of their competence as you did.
Really? I saw one of the worst calls that I've ever seen during that game. I think it was on an Iowa punt return but the ballcarrier got bumped and dropped the ball. He continued on and eventually might have got pushed to the ground while others were going for the ball (I can't recall but he might have been pushed OOB and never gone to the turf). Nevertheless, those officials ruled that the runner was down before fumbling the ball. Naturally it was overturned because it was blatantly obvious that he was no where near being down but it really made me wonder if the refs were even watching the game. I did not come away with the same impression of their competence as you did.

I think somehow that dude got screened on that and with the location made it a little more difficult recovery inbounds out-of-bounds but luckily replay got it right.

And I'll say it again I say it every week and nobody acknowledges it because they don't care to know who the the referees actually are. the one you want on this game is the former Big East official white hat and ACC white hat Jerry McGinn out of Malvern.