I think that is most likely, but I don't think anyone really knows. I also think this is the feeling that this may be what they can get away with to get the press heat off of them. But that will fall into the "we'll see 'bout that" category as well. If there is one piece of evidence yet to come out, of if anyone else on the staff has any skeletons in the closet, all bets are off.
Tangentially, just to show how nuts the press is, Bauer (a cy young potential winner for the Tribe) was diagnosed with a stress fracture with a four to six weeks return. Some goof ball tweeted that Bauer (who is know to be a bit of a flake) was eschewing conventional rehab and doing some kind of a weird holistic rehab in hopes of returning sooner. Turns out Bauer never said that, nobody knows where it came from and why. Some guy tweeted it out and the MSM, including ESPN. Bauer asked for a retraction and got it.