1000xYou have a 100x better chance of dying on Dallas Toll 10 or even getting robbed and stabbed on Mockingbird Lane than you do of even bumping your head from turbulence in a SW flight
1000xYou have a 100x better chance of dying on Dallas Toll 10 or even getting robbed and stabbed on Mockingbird Lane than you do of even bumping your head from turbulence in a SW flight
Any way to know which gate that SW flight left Denver yesterday? I left Denver to Austin Yesterday at 8:10pm from Gate 49 and I believe the prior flight left from the same gate to Vegas at 7 with Phoenix as the continuing jump. Would be cool if that was the plane and I can really freak out the wife for future trips (she does not understand or believe in probability theory so statistics are meaningless)
She should have kept her seat belt fastened as the attendants instructed her to do so before the plane even took off.
You should find the odds of a major airline having two major malfunctions a month apart. If anything, the safety of your plane will be even that much better.I fly regularly and don't mind it, but my wife and mother hate it and are scared to death. I finally convinced them we should fly to Disney World for our trip next month. Of course it's on Southwest, and of course this happened weeks before we go. Looks like a heavier dose of Xanax in store for them.
If I recall correctly, FAA changed regs a few years back to permit airlines to maintenance their fleets abroad. One of the more contentious points of the change was the facilities overseas did not require the same qualifications. Rather than all having a certain certification, the shop only had to be supervised by one who has the correct certification.
So, after the 60 minutes report on Allegiant, I cancel a flight we had booked from Sarasota to Pittsburgh. Decide to eat the cost and take the "safe" alternative and book a flight home from Tampa on Southwest.