Spoke to someone who deals heavily With Mark Emmert


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2001
Just by coincidence I was sitting next to this fellow while having dinner last night.
He works in the compliance and Business office for athletics at Princeton University.
He told me that never really followed PSU but never had anything against them so his opinion of Emmert should not be skewered,,
He has to interact with Emmert a couple times a week, phone calls and emails. Says Emmert is one of the biggest jerks he as ever met. He has to deal with a side of him that much of us don't see and says the guy is completely incompetent in even the most basic dealings in business.
Jeeeezus, do you think even the "incompetent" A$$hole Emmert might be able to guess the guy's identity? How many Princeton people do you think Fudgepakius, errrrr, Emmert deals with at Princeton? I suggest you edit your post a little. Thanks for sharing and caring, but Jeeeeezus!
Jeeeezus, do you think even the "incompetent" A$$hole Emmert might be able to guess the guy's identity? How many Princeton people do you think Fudgepakius, errrrr, Emmert deals with at Princeton? I suggest you edit your post a little. Thanks for sharing and caring, but Jeeeeezus!

What's Emmert going to do, sanction Princeton football? I think he's learned his lesson with that play.

However, I do get your point.
Just by coincidence I was sitting next to this fellow while having dinner last night.
He works in the compliance and Business office for athletics at Princeton University.
He told me that never really followed PSU but never had anything against them so his opinion of Emmert should not be skewered,,
He has to interact with Emmert a couple times a week, phone calls and emails. Says Emmert is one of the biggest jerks he as ever met. He has to deal with a side of him that much of us don't see and says the guy is completely incompetent in even the most basic dealings in business.

Well, that would be in line with the incredible incompetence of Emmert's 'rule' while at UConn. I don't have the articles anymore but IIRC he skipped town before the governor ordered an investigation of mismanagement of a construction project at UConn that somehow "lost" like $100 million.
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Actually, it wouldn't surprise me that a lot of those who work in academia are somewhat clueless in the ways of the real world. Their world is insulated and so many of them are so busy fellating each other over their collective brilliance that many miss the world passing them by.

Well they don't call it the "Ivory Tower" for nothing.....
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