Steelers headsets suddenly malfunction and get Patriots radio broadcast

Look, I get it, haters gonna hate. Fine, believe what you will, I will believe what I will. I know the microscope is on the franchise, which is also why I know there was nothing nefarious behind this. And for those saying the NFL lied...please. Why would they lie to cover the Patriots? That is a whole new level of *CRAZY*

I will leave you with this:

What? This has been going on for over a decade in other stadiums? Indict em all!

As someone in Tech, that article is pure horsecrap. Listen, the NFL is the most button downed, most deliberate organization in all of the world. I get that out of a college game. The NFL is incredibly disciplined and managed. They make a NASA moon launch look like first grade recess. First, I don't believe for one minute that these issues are accidental. Second, the fact that they didn't just work but got the Pats radio feed, was a message. That message? Don't F with us.

There are no coincidences.
As someone in Tech, that article is pure horsecrap. Listen, the NFL is the most button downed, most deliberate organization in all of the world. I get that out of a college game. The NFL is incredibly disciplined and managed. They make a NASA moon launch look like first grade recess. First, I don't believe for one minute that these issues are accidental. Second, the fact that they didn't just work but got the Pats radio feed, was a message. That message? Don't F with us.

There are no coincidences.

Your last line kinda reminded me of a story (mostly off-topic, but not completely). Long story short: One morning after a night of pouring down rain, I walked out to my fairly new 2013 Ford Escape. Opened the door and noticed that the sun roof was open all night. Making matters worse, the sunroof now wouldn't close. Took the car straight to the dealership for repairs. I knew for a fact that, because I parked the car the previous night in the pouring rain, I did not leave the sunroof open. It opened on it's own at some point.

A week later (or whenever) when I was at the shop to pick it up, I asked the service guy, "Did they actually figure out WHY the sunroof opened?" He said, "I don't know. Let's go talk to the mechanic."

The mechanic explained that the sunroof motor was burned out, he replaced it, and now everything is working great. I asked, if he figure out WHY the sunroof opened on its own and the motor was burned out, and if he addressed that issue (so it doesn't happen again). The mechanic just shrugged his shoulders and said, "Eh, sometimes things just happen."

I was like, "What!? No! Things don't just happen!" (this is where your last sentence reminded me of my story)

"There are no ghosts," I continued. "Something actually caused the circuit to close that caused the motor to start running. If you didn't figure that out, it's just going to happen again!"

He just shrugged his shoulders again and said, "Sometimes things just happen for no reason."

Ugh. I took the car.... Then, sure enough, about a week later it rained again, the sunroof again opened, and the motor burned out yet again.

You are right. There are no coincidences.
As someone in Tech, that article is pure horsecrap. Listen, the NFL is the most button downed, most deliberate organization in all of the world. I get that out of a college game. The NFL is incredibly disciplined and managed. They make a NASA moon launch look like first grade recess. First, I don't believe for one minute that these issues are accidental. Second, the fact that they didn't just work but got the Pats radio feed, was a message. That message? Don't F with us.

There are no coincidences.

You are right, it was not a coincidence, it was a technical issue. One experienced by both teams and addressed by the NFL who supplies and maintains the communication devices.

You can bet I'll be watching for other incidents such as thing across the league this season and will expect to see the same outrage....
Tomlin is a standup no excuses guy. And there is no doubt about that. He has his faults but he makes no excuses. and in his post game interview he was livid with New England about the communications. That is all I need to know. They are crooked IMHO. and the snap count is Bellichick at his finest. He is a pychotic, serial cheat imho and none of his accomplishments should be recognized any further because of it.
Your last line kinda reminded me of a story (mostly off-topic, but not completely). Long story short: One morning after a night of pouring down rain, I walked out to my fairly new 2013 Ford Escape. Opened the door and noticed that the sun roof was open all night. Making matters worse, the sunroof now wouldn't close. Took the car straight to the dealership for repairs. I knew for a fact that, because I parked the car the previous night in the pouring rain, I did not leave the sunroof open. It opened on it's own at some point.

A week later (or whenever) when I was at the shop to pick it up, I asked the service guy, "Did they actually figure out WHY the sunroof opened?" He said, "I don't know. Let's go talk to the mechanic."

The mechanic explained that the sunroof motor was burned out, he replaced it, and now everything is working great. I asked, if he figure out WHY the sunroof opened on its own and the motor was burned out, and if he addressed that issue (so it doesn't happen again). The mechanic just shrugged his shoulders and said, "Eh, sometimes things just happen."

I was like, "What!? No! Things don't just happen!" (this is where your last sentence reminded me of my story)

"There are no ghosts," I continued. "Something actually caused the circuit to close that caused the motor to start running. If you didn't figure that out, it's just going to happen again!"

He just shrugged his shoulders again and said, "Sometimes things just happen for no reason."

Ugh. I took the car.... Then, sure enough, about a week later it rained again, the sunroof again opened, and the motor burned out yet again.

You are right. There are no coincidences.

If you haven't read Van Natta's article, you should. its pretty clear there is a power struggle going on between the NFL owners and Goodell. At one point, Goodell was part of the cabal but, I think, he recognizes the leagues vulnerability (concussions, cheating, player reputations) and is trying to reign that in. So Kraft and the owners sent him a message last night; "not only can we F with you, we can F with you while in the spotlight. We will win, and you will lose."

All, and I mean ALL, of these articles are "planted" by people with an agenda. I suspect the Van Natta article was planted by NFL owners to implicate Goodell as a cheater too.

In the meantime, they all know that they have millions of dollars to lose. So messages are sent in code. You won't get a player or coach to call them out, lest be fined or tossed, but they will speak in code so that they have plausible deniability. These men didn't get there by being nice guys. They are experts at talking the "teamwork" talk while stabbing you in the back. That's what they do, and that's what they are doing.
Look, I get it, haters gonna hate. Fine, believe what you will, I will believe what I will. I know the microscope is on the franchise, which is also why I know there was nothing nefarious behind this. And for those saying the NFL lied...please. Why would they lie to cover the Patriots? That is a whole new level of *CRAZY*

I will leave you with this:

What? This has been going on for over a decade in other stadiums? Indict em all!

Haters may hate, but you're so busy defending anything and everything the Pats do/have done, that you're no longer capable of objectively viewing any of their actions and even considering that maybe they do anything wrong. You feel besieged, so you'll defend anything now, no matter how egregious.
Watch the OTL piece, read Van Natta's report. There isn't any question left what the Pats are about. I'm not mad about it, but it is what it is. The Pats ignore the rules whenever they think they can get away with it and gain an advantage. It's not something to be proud of.
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If you haven't read Van Natta's article, you should. its pretty clear there is a power struggle going on between the NFL owners and Goodell. At one point, Goodell was part of the cabal but, I think, he recognizes the leagues vulnerability (concussions, cheating, player reputations) and is trying to reign that in. So Kraft and the owners sent him a message last night; "not only can we F with you, we can F with you while in the spotlight. We will win, and you will lose."

All, and I mean ALL, of these articles are "planted" by people with an agenda. I suspect the Van Natta article was planted by NFL owners to implicate Goodell as a cheater too.

In the meantime, they all know that they have millions of dollars to lose. So messages are sent in code. You won't get a player or coach to call them out, lest be fined or tossed, but they will speak in code so that they have plausible deniability. These men didn't get there by being nice guys. They are experts at talking the "teamwork" talk while stabbing you in the back. That's what they do, and that's what they are doing.

Yes, I absolutely read that article.

I came to the same conclusion that it was planted. At first I thought Goodell, but then realized no way because of the Mike Martz statement part of the article. I then did think NFL owners, but what I couldn't figure out was why Kraft would sign off on more bad press for his franchise in order to 'get Goodell' if it was planted by NFL owners? And to that end, why would Kraft sign off on the 'F-U' communications stuff from last night if it was indeed an intentional manipulation to give even more ammo to the NFL community? Are you saying that he is falling on a sword as a means to an end with the rest of the NFL owners? If that is what you are saying, then part of this orchestration is the authentic looking reaction by Tomlin and the entire Steelers organization via their website? Seems far-fetched to me.

But I do agree that everything out there, especially via ESPN is out there for a purpose because there is so much $$ on the line....
Yes, I absolutely read that article.

I came to the same conclusion that it was planted. At first I thought Goodell, but then realized no way because of the Mike Martz statement part of the article. I then did think NFL owners, but what I couldn't figure out was why Kraft would sign off on more bad press for his franchise in order to 'get Goodell' if it was planted by NFL owners? And to that end, why would Kraft sign off on the 'F-U' communications stuff from last night if it was indeed an intentional manipulation to give even more ammo to the NFL community? Are you saying that he is falling on a sword as a means to an end with the rest of the NFL owners? If that is what you are saying, then part of this orchestration is the authentic looking reaction by Tomlin and the entire Steelers organization via their website? Seems far-fetched to me.

But I do agree that everything out there, especially via ESPN is out there for a purpose because there is so much $$ on the line....

These guys have massive egos, they need it to get where they are. Its not about the money, directly, its about power. They know money follows power. They a) are willing to take a short term hit to retain or gain power and b) they are on such a winning streak they are 100% full of hubris. Imagine, they have convinced tax payers to build them billion dollar arenas for free. For FREE! They are counting on the notion that people are so invested in the NFL, they don't care. And why not, people spend tons on the WWF who makes no secret that they are 100% fixed.

I feel that the NFL sets up a template...that each game is NOT fixed, but that certain franchises are set up to prosper (in W's and L's) and others are set to fail (but make a ton of cash). Kraft is betting that he is now more powerful than Goodell. What the Pats have done is not blatantly corrupt, they aren't knocking over banks, but they are clearly bending the rules until they break. And when they get caught? So what, a few dollars in fines and some difficult interviews and they can salt away the trophy's and do endorsements (Brady commercials were all over the broadcast last night).

I'll mention a story about the NBA. At the all-star game in Phoenix, I got invited to the player's union party. Union officials were really, REALLY upset. Why? The stars, Kobe, LBJ, and several others hired Beyonce to do a private show on the same night as the union party and all of the top names were invited. The message? Superstars run the NBA, not the subs and suits.

There are not millions, but Billions of dollars on the line. If you don't think that kind of money invites corruption and power struggles, you are kidding yourself. These pro leagues, like the NCAA, is as corrupt as FIFA. But everyone on a position to do something about it gains by it goes on.
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Yes, I absolutely read that article.

I came to the same conclusion that it was planted. At first I thought Goodell, but then realized no way because of the Mike Martz statement part of the article. I then did think NFL owners, but what I couldn't figure out was why Kraft would sign off on more bad press for his franchise in order to 'get Goodell' if it was planted by NFL owners? And to that end, why would Kraft sign off on the 'F-U' communications stuff from last night if it was indeed an intentional manipulation to give even more ammo to the NFL community? Are you saying that he is falling on a sword as a means to an end with the rest of the NFL owners? If that is what you are saying, then part of this orchestration is the authentic looking reaction by Tomlin and the entire Steelers organization via their website? Seems far-fetched to me.

But I do agree that everything out there, especially via ESPN is out there for a purpose because there is so much $$ on the line....

More bad press? Kraft knows that "news" of more cheating at this point is almost comical. It's not hurting the Patriots brand anymore, so just have some fun sending a message back to Goodall.
Haters may hate, but you're so busy defending anything and everything the Pats do/have done, that you're no longer capable of objectively viewing any of their actions and even considering that maybe they do anything wrong. You feel besieged, so you'll defend anything now, no matter how egregious.
Watch the OTL piece, read Van Natta's report. There isn't any question left what the Pats are about. I'm not mad about it, but it is what it is. The Pats ignore the rules whenever they think they can get away with it and gain an advantage. It's not something to be proud of.

Definitely some truth to this and not unlike how I felt back when the Sandusky stuff went down. Constantly on defense

I have read the piece, didn't watch the OTL stuff, I don't turn on ESPN unless there is a game on I want to watch. I will not deny the past and don't doubt that the organization looks to find ways to gain advantages and are certainly more arrogant on top of it. I also don't doubt other organizations do the same, but probably are less likely to cross lines.

I also understand that past offenses make it easier to make anything that looks a little bit questionable to be blown way out of proportion. An equipment violation became a federal case, literally...

I am going to do my best to ignore all of this going forward. I am shouting at the rain here and I need to get my arms around that.

Thanks for the sanity check
More bad press? Kraft knows that "news" of more cheating at this point is almost comical. It's not hurting the Patriots brand anymore, so just have some fun sending a message back to Goodall.

Did you see all of the spots staring Tom Brady? Here is a guy who is almost undoubtedly a cheater, or at least the beneficiary of it. yet, companies stand him up as a role model for american consumers.
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From Profootball talk:
This is the kind of stuff that happens to the visiting team in Gillette Stadium all the time,” the article said. “From the start of the game through the opening 14 minutes of the first quarter, the Steelers’ coaches’ headsets were receiving the Patriots Radio Network broadcast of the game. The broadcast was so loud that the Steelers coaches were unable to communicate, and the NFL rule is that if one team’s headsets are not working the other team is supposed to be forced to take their headsets off. It’s what the NFL calls the Equity Rule. Strangely enough, whenever an NFL representative proceeded to the New England sideline to shut down their headsets, the Steelers headsets cleared. Then as the representative walked away from the New England sideline, the Steelers’ headsets again started to receive the Patriots game broadcast.”
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Look, I get it, haters gonna hate. Fine, believe what you will, I will believe what I will. I know the microscope is on the franchise, which is also why I know there was nothing nefarious behind this. And for those saying the NFL lied...please. Why would they lie to cover the Patriots? That is a whole new level of *CRAZY*

I will leave you with this:

What? This has been going on for over a decade in other stadiums? Indict em all!
That was written in 2003. I'm not an expert but I suspect wireless technology has improved over the past 12 years. Apparently the area around Boston is not up to speed on improvements in electronic technology ... oh, wait.
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Thanks...a really helpful article. What would be odd is that a highly secured line (or lines; one for home and one for visitor) would cross with the home radio feed.

Simply doesn't make sense. One can only conclude that "highly secured" isn't so secure if a simply "short" can provide unlimited audio for anyone listening.

And, given the dependence on wireless communications today, why wouldn't they have redundant lines? That would cost, ahh, about $100. Why do they have wireless communications anyway? Just give them secured cell phones to the booth and no communications to the players.
TV announcers say Steeler headsets in Foxboro suddenly malfunction and get Patriots radio station. Right before a 3rd and long. Ironically, this was one of the charges in the Van Natta piece this week on how the Patriots would interfere with the other team's headsets and do this.

Was just reading an excellent article on Deadspin about this, which lists several other occasions where teams have complained of the same issue.


It further explains that the visiting coaches on the sideline may use their own headsets, but those used by visiting coaches in the coaches’ booth are supplied by the home team.

As Tomlin implied, this is far from the first time opponents facing the Patriots have raised questions about headset issues.

2006: Patriots security staff audio interferes with the Jaguars’ coach-to-QB communication system at “crucial moments” during a playoff game. The Lions and the Bengals also reported their coaches’ headsets stopped working during games at New England.
2007: The Patriots are investigated for using unapproved communication frequencies to interfere with the New York Jets’ headset system.
2008: Karlos Dansby accuses the Patriots of tampering with the Cardinals’ headset system.
2011: Jack Del Rio has his Jaguars team practice without headset communications, as “that tends to happen in New England.”
As someone in Tech, that article is pure horsecrap. Listen, the NFL is the most button downed, most deliberate organization in all of the world. I get that out of a college game. The NFL is incredibly disciplined and managed. They make a NASA moon launch look like first grade recess. First, I don't believe for one minute that these issues are accidental. Second, the fact that they didn't just work but got the Pats radio feed, was a message. That message? Don't F with us.

There are no coincidences.

+1. This was a big FU to the league
Yahoo Sports is reporting Steelers will file a complaint about the headsets and officials not turning off the Patriots headsets. Rooney and the Steelers are most definitely team players and the fact that they are filing a complaint means they have no doubt that the PAtriots did it on purpose and frankly if they did they are out of control because that was a big slap at the NFL that we are the PAtriots and we do not have to play by the rules. They have a lack of institutional control and need to be brought down.
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Yahoo Sports is reporting Steelers will file a complaint about the headsets and officials not turning off the Patriots headsets. Rooney and the Steelers are most definitely team players and the fact that they are filing a complaint means they have no doubt that the PAtriots did it on purpose and frankly if they did they are out of control because that was a big slap at the NFL that we are the PAtriots and we do not have to play by the rules. They have a lack of institutional control and need to be brought down.

Defenders need to be taken down a peg or two as well.

As I said earlier this week: slit 'em and skin 'em.

They clearly think they can get away with anything. Send them away with LA.

Not gonna happen, I am sure. But strip the ownership of the franchise, transfer it to an LA interest, put the entire roster on probation, and be done with them.
Anyone notice how Collinsworth accidentally brought up Hernandez meaning it as a positive about how great the NE offence is with 2 TE threats and then immediately he swallowed his words with about an out loud admission that he wasn't supposed to do that. So yes, the announcers get a list of push this, downplay this, don't say this for any reason. It's an entertainment product. No one at the National Championship game is going to say yeah but they stole the game from Penn State with at least half a dozen laughably biased calls at critical moments that resulted in a minimum of 10 points.
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Not that NBC will bother giving the whe story, I mean that would be unbiased and fair reporting.


1) There was a "grounding issue" and Pats radio broadcast was "bleeding in" to headsets

2) It did not cause communication to be lost, I'm told, just impaired. They are still gathering "information"

3) Frequency issues are not uncommon at games.

4) Pats coaches are experiencing the same exact thing

Now you'll all come up with reasons to ignore the facts, have at it

Er, now I'm sure that my Electrical Engineering degree from Penn State doesn't matter. But with #1 and #3 I'm going to call BS. You can certainly have dedicated channels to avoid all of this nonsense. Why are the coach's communications broadcasting at the same frequency as FM radio? Heck, anybody who has a cell phone or a cordless phone knows they broadcast at significantly different frequencies for a reason.

#4? Yeah...I'm SURE they are. Just like the Colts were playing with the same deflated balls.

#2 - impaired communication IS lost communication, if the entire point of a transmitted signal is to transmit VOICE in real time.
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Mike Tomlin's response last night was bothering me. I was trying to give the Patriots the benefit of the doubt on this and sided with Brady for the most part on Deflategate but there is some real horseshit in that organization.

Tomlin didn't just snap. If you have watched a lot of his PC's you know that. He is always composed. He looked more than just pissed. That wasn't jealousy. That was built up from previous crap. I guess if you get away with it keep not only skirting the rules but outright breaking them. Individuals get suspended four games for using performance enhancers. Organizations can cheat the game at will and get Super Bowls.
Are you serious? The whole country has its eyes on them, yet they do something really stupid as that, on purpose? Note to Mike Tomlin. That stink eye staring act is getting old. Blaming a loss on one momentary blip with headphones is even worse.

It wasn't a "momentary blip" in the article I read. Said it occurred most of the first half and when a league official would go to the Pats side to get them to remove their headphones it would suddenly get ok.....until the official left the Pats side and go back to the radio broadcast. I see another poster quoted that paragraph in a more recent post.
In his post-game press conf., a cranky Mike Tomlin said plainly that this happens EVERY TIME they are in New England.

I agree with what others said in this thread, this was a calculated big F-U to the league. I mean, seriously, look at the timing and ... what are the odds that the "interference" would be the Pats radio broadcast? They might as well have looped in Belichick singing karaoke to "We Are The Champions" ...
NFL spokesman Michael Signora released a statement Thursday night regarding the issue of the problematic headsets:.

Translation of NFL spokesmoron's statement: "Blah, blah, blah, blah, And yada, yada, yada." I don't believe anything the NFL says either. Particularly as it concerns the Patriots. The sooner this buffoon of a Commissioner is kicked to the curb, the better.
Yes, I absolutely read that article.

I came to the same conclusion that it was planted. At first I thought Goodell, but then realized no way because of the Mike Martz statement part of the article. I then did think NFL owners, but what I couldn't figure out was why Kraft would sign off on more bad press for his franchise in order to 'get Goodell' if it was planted by NFL owners? And to that end, why would Kraft sign off on the 'F-U' communications stuff from last night if it was indeed an intentional manipulation to give even more ammo to the NFL community? Are you saying that he is falling on a sword as a means to an end with the rest of the NFL owners? If that is what you are saying, then part of this orchestration is the authentic looking reaction by Tomlin and the entire Steelers organization via their website? Seems far-fetched to me.

But I do agree that everything out there, especially via ESPN is out there for a purpose because there is so much $$ on the line....
Or could it be that the owners are sending a message to Kraft? Maybe the rest of the league is saying enough is enough, and HE's the one in the outside looking in?
Yahoo Sports is reporting Steelers will file a complaint about the headsets and officials not turning off the Patriots headsets. Rooney and the Steelers are most definitely team players and the fact that they are filing a complaint means they have no doubt that the PAtriots did it on purpose and frankly if they did they are out of control because that was a big slap at the NFL that we are the PAtriots and we do not have to play by the rules. They have a lack of institutional control and need to be brought down.

At this point the Patriots organization is hurting the NFL product to such a point that the league will either severely punish the Pats or face certain loss of revenue. People will simply stop watching and going if they believe that games are fixed for cheats. I think that NFL fans should boycott any broadcast of a Patriots game on any channel until the NFL acts accordingly.
Yep, that's why it was even harder to believe that they'd go there. Sometimes there is too much coincidence to be coincidence. They were sending a message. At least they didn't program it to a crappy pop music station.

This was one of the big things cited in the article. It was definitely an F-U to the league and the Steelers took some shrapnel.

The cat and mouse thing is so ballsy. Why not though at this point if you are them?
Belichick = Nixon ...both cheated even when they had the advantage because they couldn't help themselves.
Is Billy boy giving you that info? ;). NBC just said the Steelers headsets got the Pats radio broadcast and that the Pats were then required to turn their coaches headsets off in response.
Why would a team do that on purpose? When it happens they shut the other teams headsets off until they are all fixed. Why would the Patriots want to lose their Coach to Coach headsets? There is no benefit in that.
What about the shift their D called with the simulated count when the Steelers had it 1st and 1 at the goal line? It obviously caused multiple Steelers on that side to jump and Ben was pissed because he knew the Patriots simulated his snap count to draw the Steelers off on purpose. That was cheating as well and saved the Pats 4 pts and momentum.
Oh so shifting on the dline is now illegal too. They didn't jump forward to draw someone offside. They shifted to the side.
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If you haven't read Van Natta's article, you should. its pretty clear there is a power struggle going on between the NFL owners and Goodell. At one point, Goodell was part of the cabal but, I think, he recognizes the leagues vulnerability (concussions, cheating, player reputations) and is trying to reign that in. So Kraft and the owners sent him a message last night; "not only can we F with you, we can F with you while in the spotlight. We will win, and you will lose."

All, and I mean ALL, of these articles are "planted" by people with an agenda. I suspect the Van Natta article was planted by NFL owners to implicate Goodell as a cheater too.

In the meantime, they all know that they have millions of dollars to lose. So messages are sent in code. You won't get a player or coach to call them out, lest be fined or tossed, but they will speak in code so that they have plausible deniability. These men didn't get there by being nice guys. They are experts at talking the "teamwork" talk while stabbing you in the back. That's what they do, and that's what they are doing.
How many times was an "unnamed source" quoted in that article? Just to answer one claim in the article that they go in the visitors locker room and steal play sheets, a reporter for ESPN Boston wrote something about the absurdity of that claim. He is at Gillette Stadium for every game and said every team brings their own security to games and the security in each Locker Room is very tight and you don't just enter the locker room and wander around. Guess what happened to that part of his article after he posted it. ESPN edited it to remove that after he posted it. They put out a statement that they did a "Tight Edit" For anyone who knows journalism that means an edit for space considerations. No need to do that for an online article. ESPN didn't say the info was incorrect they just edited it out because it is not consistent with their agenda.

I find it amazing that Penn State fans who should know better than anyone else the capabilites of ESPN to forward lies and false info to further their agenda or protect themselves would hang their hats on an ESPN article. That organization has zero integrity. Goodell's people planted really bad info with Chris Mortensen and several other top ESPN people and the Patriots and Boston Media are calling it out. This was a get back at Goodell and a shut up to the Boston Media.
Oh so shifting on the dline is now illegal too. They didn't jump forward to draw someone offside. They shifted to the side.

You are purposely dishonest. I said that when the shift occurred that drew multiple players offsides, Ben argued that they SIMULATED THE SNAP COUNT (in bold for the retarded Pats fans with their fingers in their ears). Simulated as in shifting while giving an audible sound that simulates the snap count from the QB. This does sometimes go on and Penn State has been a victim of it in B1G play. It is against the rules.

Why do you support cheating so blindly? Do you cheat too?
Why would a team do that on purpose? When it happens they shut the other teams headsets off until they are all fixed. Why would the Patriots want to lose their Coach to Coach headsets? There is no benefit in that.

Read the story of how it went off/ on depending on where the NFL official was. As he would go to tell the Pats to take there's off...then suddenly it's working again etc. It's not about going off all game but suddenly failing on the visitor sideline at key points in the game(s). Its not me making the charge. Multiple NFL teams have complained about the issues every time they are in Foxboro- including Tomlin in the post game comments last night.

Let me me guess- you're a Patriots fan to not get this?
How many times was an "unnamed source" quoted in that article? Just to answer one claim in the article that they go in the visitors locker room and steal play sheets, a reporter for ESPN Boston wrote something about the absurdity of that claim. He is at Gillette Stadium for every game and said every team brings their own security to games and the security in each Locker Room is very tight and you don't just enter the locker room and wander around. Guess what happened to that part of his article after he posted it. ESPN edited it to remove that after he posted it. They put out a statement that they did a "Tight Edit" For anyone who knows journalism that means an edit for space considerations. No need to do that for an online article. ESPN didn't say the info was incorrect they just edited it out because it is not consistent with their agenda.

I find it amazing that Penn State fans who should know better than anyone else the capabilites of ESPN to forward lies and false info to further their agenda or protect themselves would hang their hats on an ESPN article. That organization has zero integrity. Goodell's people planted really bad info with Chris Mortensen and several other top ESPN people and the Patriots and Boston Media are calling it out. This was a get back at Goodell and a shut up to the Boston Media.
Except why would Goodell plant the information? What motivation did he have? And if you want to keep a job in the league, you'd damn well keep your identity "unnamed" too.
LOL -- So the Patriot's beat writer (Patriots fan) gives a detailed account of just how the Steelers' communication was being interfered with, then slips "{cough cough} Oh and the Patriots were also experiencing interference" in there. And the NFL, in their official announcement, made no mention of any issues with the Patriots' communication. In fact, it's been noted that after the Steelers reported the interference, the NFL cut the Patriots' radios.

If you really believe the Pats were experiencing the same issues with their comm, I have some sweet oceanfront property out here in Colorado that I'll sell to you for a good deal.

Chip Kelly was asked about this sort of thing happening with him. He said he once got air traffic control from an airport nearby. He said it happens more than anyone would believe.
Read the story of how it went off/ on depending on where the NFL official was. As he would go to tell the Pats to take there's off...then suddenly it's working again etc. It's not about going off all game but suddenly failing on the visitor sideline at key points in the game(s). Its not me making the charge. Multiple NFL teams have complained about the issues every time they are in Foxboro- including Tomlin in the post game comments last night.

Let me me guess- you're a Patriots fan to not get this?
Not to mention, as soon as the pats were told that they had to shut down their communication, the Steelers headsets "miraculously" started working again.