Stopped in at Doggie's Pub(The Skeller) and was happy to see


Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Feb 27, 2002
that they were open at 9 AM and now have pitchers. No table service yet. The manager told me that they were having trouble finding help. Nevertheless, things were much improved for the 2nd home game.
that they were open at 9 AM and now have pitchers. No table service yet. The manager told me that they were having trouble finding help. Nevertheless, things were much improved for the 2nd home game.

That's a problem throughout the borough. In my day, you had to know somebody to get a decent job downtown. Nowadays the students just don't want to work. Daddy's (and Mommy's) credit card covers everything. The bars/restaurants are all begging for help.
That's a problem throughout the borough. In my day, you had to know somebody to get a decent job downtown. Nowadays the students just don't want to work. Daddy's (and Mommy's) credit card covers everything. The bars/restaurants are all begging for help.
'Murica, land of the slackers
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That's a problem throughout the borough. In my day, you had to know somebody to get a decent job downtown. Nowadays the students just don't want to work. Daddy's (and Mommy's) credit card covers everything. The bars/restaurants are all begging for help.

I think it is more than just that. Not every student comes from a wealthy family. Penn State really pushes students to be involved with things like clubs and thon. Resumes today have to be filled with things like internships, showing leadership in clubs, doing good things for the community...etc. Kids don't have the time like they used to. Back in your day (and mine) working in a bar showed initiative. Today it is not enough to get noticed. I don't agree with it, but that is the reality that I see.
I think it is more than just that. Not every student comes from a wealthy family. Penn State really pushes students to be involved with things like clubs and thon. Resumes today have to be filled with things like internships, showing leadership in clubs, doing good things for the community...etc. Kids don't have the time like they used to. Back in your day (and mine) working in a bar showed initiative. Today it is not enough to get noticed. I don't agree with it, but that is the reality that I see.

The PSU that you went to is not the PSU that exists today.
Costs.......................................PA Resident.........Non-PA Resident
Tuition and Fees......................$18,436.................$33,664
Additional Estimated Costs......$13,120-16,342.....$13,120-16,342

I graduated 19 years ago and my total education cost less than one year today for an out of state student. I used to go out to the bars and spend $10 in a night. Today, the kids are drinking $10 margaritas at Mad Mex. Could you imagine a Starbucks surviving when you were in school? Me neither. It's not about time. Its about the average family income level of the student body.
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I think it is more than just that. Not every student comes from a wealthy family. Penn State really pushes students to be involved with things like clubs and thon. Resumes today have to be filled with things like internships, showing leadership in clubs, doing good things for the community...etc. Kids don't have the time like they used to. Back in your day (and mine) working in a bar showed initiative. Today it is not enough to get noticed. I don't agree with it, but that is the reality that I see.

There's some truth to that. The first level of being recruited is HR. HR looks (electronically) for some pretty random things and "worked to put myself through college" isn't one of them.

That's a problem throughout the borough. In my day, you had to know somebody to get a decent job downtown. Nowadays the students just don't want to work. Daddy's (and Mommy's) credit card covers everything. The bars/restaurants are all begging for help.
I counted at least half a dozen stores advertising for help on College Ave between Pugh St and Garner.
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There's some truth to that. The first level of being recruited is HR. HR looks (electronically) for some pretty random things and "worked to put myself through college" isn't one of them.

Somehow honest work has been devalued, and all kinds of bullshit overvalued. How this happened to a country that used to value work escapes me- kind of.
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