Story on Matt Millan and his health issues from the Morning Call. (Link)

My father in law is fighting amyloidosis right now as well. There are two kinds, and my FIL has the treatable kind (stop it from getting worse, not reverse damage). He’s seen specialists in Penn hospital in Philadelphia, the Mayo Clinic, as well as VA doctors. There apparently is a correlation between amyloidosis and agent orange, or at least the type my FIL has, and my FIL was in Vietnam and exposed to agent orange. He was/is a very active 70 something, and this really slowed him down.

I hope Miller gets the transplant he needs and sees his health return.
Amazing that at 30% heart fxn the guy still goes out and cuts his 5 acre lawn with a push mower. He is a tough dude. Doc's told him that he should have probably have been dead already.