Talking to strangers

In that case a drawing from memory will do.

I love the story about F&M people traveling in Europe and being amazed at all the people wearing their gear . Turns out an Italian company loved the word combo and pretty much ripped off Franklin & Marshall. I don’t know if it’s still big, but 5 years ago you’d see tons of Footballers wearing F&M stuff
Was on an elevator in Rome last October with a family in F&M gear - ended up explaining what F&M was to them.
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I was in Harpoon Hanna's in OC Maryland a couple years ago. Our waiter is wearing a PSU hat. I ask him if he is Penn Stater. He actually says, I effing hate Penn State. I took this from my roommate this morning because I couldn't find my hat. Ouch! I did not eat my meal.
I was in Harpoon Hanna's in OC Maryland a couple years ago. Our waiter is wearing a PSU hat. I ask him if he is Penn Stater. He actually says, I effing hate Penn State. I took this from my roommate this morning because I couldn't find my hat. Ouch! I did not eat my meal.
A pretty dumb waiter apparently. Missed his opportunity for a better tip.
Another moral to the story is that for many the knowledge of which shirt/hat/pants/ect they put on that morning tends to evaporate from their memory about 5 minutes after donning said clothing item.
Two favorite stories on this topic:
  1. Wife and I are hiking an obscure trail in the middle of nowhere we discovered outside Queenstown, NZ when on vacation there in the mid 90s. There isn't a sole around when a young couple approaches from the other direction and she is wearing a Penn State sweatshirt. As it turns out neither went there but were from Williamsport and fans of PSU. That is when I learned we REALLY ARE everywhere.
  2. Family is waiting to take a tour of the Madri Gras Museum in New Orleans last summer when we spot an older gentleman with a PSU hat on. I say "We Are ..." and get a blank stare. Thinking he might be hard of hearing I try it again louder with the same reaction. So I ask him if he went to PSU and he finally realizes I was actually talking to him and says his brother gave him the hat. I explained why I said what I did and explained a Penn Stater would reply with "Penn State". Passed him later during the tour, pointed at him and said "We Are ..." and this time he responded correctly.
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To odshowtime...
...was the Pitt fan you met at the dumpster looking for dinner?... :)
I was in Harpoon Hanna's in OC Maryland a couple years ago. Our waiter is wearing a PSU hat. I ask him if he is Penn Stater. He actually says, I effing hate Penn State. I took this from my roommate this morning because I couldn't find my hat. Ouch! I did not eat my meal.
That's strange, right? I mean, if I hate a school, I simply would never wear their hat. Did he feel that he absolutely HAD to wear a hat? That's weird too.
BTW, if I "effen hate" a school and my roommate had their hat, I'd get a new roommate.
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To odshowtime...
...was the Pitt fan you met at the dumpster looking for dinner?... :)

No he wanted to crap on Paterno for awhile like I care what he thinks. This was before the problem so just about being scared and whatnot.
Glad I'm not the only one this happens to. Doesn't stop me from continuing to yell We Are at people and embarrassing my wife though. Just a shocking number of people who wear something for schools they don't care about.

Also, I was at a mediation a few months ago. An engineer retained as an expert for the other party gave his presentation, which included mention that his degree was from Penn State. During a subsequent break, I say to him from across the table, "just wanted to let you know that you aren't the only Nittany Lion in the room." He doesnt look up from his computer and says "ok." I decide for a second attempt, and say "yeah, I graduated in 2004, unfortunately had to suffer through some lean football years." He replies "mmm, that's something." Again, without looking up. So, if you're that guy and you read this board, just know you suck.
A few years ago my wife, son, and I were staying at a hotel in OC Maryland. One morning as we were getting dressed to go down to breakfast I realized how tired and groggy I was and needed a cup of coffee really bad to get my mind working. We were walking up a very wide and long hallway with no one else in it but us approaching the restaurant. The thought of coffee was absolutely consuming my thoughts, when a guy walked out of the restaurant and said something to me with a smile on his way by. After at least 5 seconds passed I realized that this guy was Herb Hand and he just said We Are to me because I'm wearing my Happy Valley T shirt... AND I DIDN'T REPLY! I felt like such a schmuck. Once this sank in I turned around and softly yelled Penn State to him. He just kind of put his left hand up barely waving without even turning around. I sometimes wonder if my lack of enthusiasm that morning is the reason for him doing such a bad job with our O line. ;)
That's strange, right? I mean, if I hate a school, I simply would never wear their hat. Did he feel that he absolutely HAD to wear a hat? That's weird too.
BTW, if I "effen hate" a school and my roommate had their hat, I'd get a new roommate.
I can see him wearing the hat. The reaction was a bit puzzling. I could tell he was a college kid there working for the summer. A bit of a slob. Probably worked until 2 AM, went out partying after then rolled out of bed at 3PM and went back to work.
I have a license plate that is Penn State related (not an alumni plate), and have a Penn State Alumni bracket on it. Since I have had it, I have gotten a fair number of thumbs up and positive comments.

Had one negative comment/middle finger from someone, but as he passed me I saw he had an Ohio State sticker on his I did not give it much credence.
A few years ago my wife, son, and I were staying at a hotel in OC Maryland. One morning as we were getting dressed to go down to breakfast I realized how tired and groggy I was and needed a cup of coffee really bad to get my mind working. We were walking up a very wide and long hallway with no one else in it but us approaching the restaurant. The thought of coffee was absolutely consuming my thoughts, when a guy walked out of the restaurant and said something to me with a smile on his way by. After at least 5 seconds passed I realized that this guy was Herb Hand and he just said We Are to me because I'm wearing my Happy Valley T shirt... AND I DIDN'T REPLY! I felt like such a schmuck. Once this sank in I turned around and softly yelled Penn State to him. He just kind of put his left hand up barely waving without even turning around. I sometimes wonder if my lack of enthusiasm that morning is the reason for him doing such a bad job with our O line. ;)

You reacted about as quickly as his lines did to stunts, so I wouldn't sweat it. Unless he got the delayed reaction idea from you...
A few years ago my wife, son, and I were staying at a hotel in OC Maryland. One morning as we were getting dressed to go down to breakfast I realized how tired and groggy I was and needed a cup of coffee really bad to get my mind working. We were walking up a very wide and long hallway with no one else in it but us approaching the restaurant. The thought of coffee was absolutely consuming my thoughts, when a guy walked out of the restaurant and said something to me with a smile on his way by. After at least 5 seconds passed I realized that this guy was Herb Hand and he just said We Are to me because I'm wearing my Happy Valley T shirt... AND I DIDN'T REPLY! I felt like such a schmuck. Once this sank in I turned around and softly yelled Penn State to him. He just kind of put his left hand up barely waving without even turning around. I sometimes wonder if my lack of enthusiasm that morning is the reason for him doing such a bad job with our O line. ;)
I posted my negative experience above. I had a positive as well. Detroit airport, walking through the McNamara terminal, I noticed 2 young ladies that were obviously athletes, decked out in PSU gear. I gave them a "we are.." without realizing I was pretty loud since I was wearing headphones. I received a very loud "PENN STATE" in return. I looked up and it was the entire PSU tennis team.
I posted my negative experience above. I had a positive as well. Detroit airport, walking through the McNamara terminal, I noticed 2 young ladies that were obviously athletes, decked out in PSU gear. I gave them a "we are.." without realizing I was pretty loud since I was wearing headphones. I received a very loud "PENN STATE" in return. I looked up and it was the entire PSU tennis team.
Note to self no matter how much my kids want to go to Minney State, do not let them! Wow!
I was taking a long walk around our development in Sarasota a couple of days ago did came upon an older gentleman wearing a Penn State shirt so I asked him if he had gone there as there are a few people in my development who attended PSU. He acted somewhat confused and then realized what shirt he had on, and then told me his sister lives in State College and got him that shirt for Christmas a couple of years ago. His sister just lives there and has nothing to do with the university.

My other story is somewhat similar to someone else who posted on this thread. We were at the Panera Bread near Stickney Point Road (south entrance to Siesta Key) in Sarasota. After we ate, on the way to our car we were passing by a man eating by himself at an outside table who looked somewhat familiar, but I couldn’t place him. I stopped and said - hey, another Penn Stater! He then extended his hand for a handshake and said his name was Russ. Then I suddenly realized who it was and told him it was absolutely great to meet Coach Rose and wished him success for the next season.
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  • I was at the KC airport heading home after a meeting. I was wearing a Penn State cap. I was approached by a man who asked if I was a Penn Stater. I answered in the affirmative and then enjoyed a nice chat with Chuck Burkhart.
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