Targeting no call in the OSU- Wisky game

creamery freak

Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2014
I was shaking my head in disbelief when TOSU's # 35 absolutely drilled an already tackled and defenseless Wisconsin TB #7 laying on the ground, with a shoulder pad to the helmet and the Wisconsin back had to exit the game because he was injured on the play! He later returned but when I see ticky tack stuff called on PSU and other people are getting away with flagrant stuff it makes me wonder how concerned the BIG is about protecting their players. Aside from the numerous holding calls that were let go on several of TOSU's scores and the push off from their receiver on the OT touchdown, it seemed like normal BIG biased officiating!
I was shaking my head in disbelief when TOSU's # 35 absolutely drilled an already tackled and defenseless Wisconsin TB #7 laying on the ground, with a shoulder pad to the helmet and the Wisconsin back had to exit the game because he was injured on the play! He later returned but when I see ticky tack stuff called on PSU and other people are getting away with flagrant stuff it makes me wonder how concerned the BIG is about protecting their players. Aside from the numerous holding calls that were let go on several of TOSU's scores and the push off from their receiver on the OT touchdown, it seemed like normal BIG biased officiating!
In total agreement
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I was shaking my head in disbelief when TOSU's # 35 absolutely drilled an already tackled and defenseless Wisconsin TB #7 laying on the ground, with a shoulder pad to the helmet and the Wisconsin back had to exit the game because he was injured on the play! He later returned but when I see ticky tack stuff called on PSU and other people are getting away with flagrant stuff it makes me wonder how concerned the BIG is about protecting their players. Aside from the numerous holding calls that were let go on several of TOSU's scores and the push off from their receiver on the OT touchdown, it seemed like normal BIG biased officiating!
Different rulebook for different teams

FWIW, the most egregious "targeting" foul I have ever seen came on Columbus in 2013:

An OSU offensive lineman not only "targeted", he absolutely launched himself at Dieon Barnes from the blind side - on the wide open field - as Barnes was chasing down the OSU QB - a play that was so obvious, so clear, and so "non-missable" as to defy belief

EVERY person in the stadium - let alone Dave Witvoet (yes, Dave Witvoet), the Referee following the play HAD to clearly see it
It was unbelievably cheap, cowardly, dangerous and illegal
[FWIW, this was the same game where Witvoet stood by - after he had blown the play dead for a false start - and watched the OSU D Line hammer Hackenberg as he stood with his hands at his sides right next to Witvoet]

I said at the time - and I meant it 100% - if I where Bill O'Brien, I would have taken my team off of the field right then and there (after the unconscionably cheap, dirty play against Barnes)
Football is a dangerous game - - - there is no room in it for conflicted assholes (like Witvoet, LeMonnier, and - most especially - John O'Neill.......or for "Prison Warden" coaches - like Urban Meyer - who thrive in the mercenary "White Slavery" market that is "big time" college sports)

It is one thing when corruption and confliction effects the scoreboard and the win-loss record.......
But when such corruption magnifies the risk to the health and safety of the participants - there is no justification for playing the "game"

At least that's the way I feel about it

O'Brien is/was a good football coach IMO
Of all the things he did/didn't do - the one I most disagreed with, and that lowered my opinion of him - was that he DIDN'T put an end to that "game" immediately
He owed that to those kids - IMO
Different rulebook for different teams

FWIW, the most egregious "targeting" foul I have ever seen came on Columbus in 2013:

An OSU offensive lineman not only "targeted", he absolutely launched himself at Dieon Barnes from the blind side - on the wide open field - as Barnes was chasing down the OSU QB - a play that was so obvious, so clear, and so "non-missable" as to defy belief

EVERY person in the stadium - let alone Dave Witvoet (yes, Dave Witvoet), the Referee following the play HAD to clearly see it
It was unbelievably cheap, cowardly, dangerous and illegal
[FWIW, this was the same game where Witvoet stood by - after he had blown the play dead for a false start - and watched the OSU D Line hammer Hackenberg as he stood with his hands at his sides right next to Witvoet]

I said at the time - and I meant it 100% - if I where Bill O'Brien, I would have taken my team off of the field right then and there (after the unconscionably cheap, dirty play against Barnes)
Football is a dangerous game - - - there is no room in it for conflicted assholes (like Witvoet, LeMonnier, and - most especially - John O'Neill.......or for "Prison Warden" coaches - like Urban Meyer - who thrive in the mercenary "White Slavery" market that is "big time" college sports)

It is one thing when corruption and confliction effects the scoreboard and the win-loss record.......
But when such corruption magnifies the risk to the health and safety of the participants - there is no justification for playing the "game"

At least that's the way I feel about it

O'Brien is/was a good football coach IMO
Of all the things he did/didn't do - the one I most disagreed with, and that lowered my opinion of him - was that he DIDN'T put an end to that "game" immediately
He owed that to those kids - IMO

Oh you mean this play, where not only is the illegal "blind side" cut back block not called, but Barnes originally being BLATANTLY HELD allowing the QB to scramble is not called as well - go figure, Barnes is FLAGRANTLY FOULED twice in the same play (the latter being a "player safety" Personal Foul issue), but neither are called. Gee, just some more blatantly action that the b1g shizhole cheaters "just weren't able to see", LMFAO!

I was shaking my head in disbelief when TOSU's # 35 absolutely drilled an already tackled and defenseless Wisconsin TB #7 laying on the ground, with a shoulder pad to the helmet and the Wisconsin back had to exit the game because he was injured on the play! He later returned but when I see ticky tack stuff called on PSU and other people are getting away with flagrant stuff it makes me wonder how concerned the BIG is about protecting their players. Aside from the numerous holding calls that were let go on several of TOSU's scores and the push off from their receiver on the OT touchdown, it seemed like normal BIG biased officiating!

I saw same occurence and thought that it 100 percent would have been a penalty vs Penn St. it is a known deal in the Big 10 that MI and OSU get the calls / non-calls. Couldn't believe some of the holding going on that we'd never get away with
The more interesting thing is the obvious hold on Barnes with arm extended by hold.Penaltyvin end zone Saftey?
Said this all night long...loves to pile on. The late hit / targeting (my opinion) was the hit on Clement - who was having a nice game to that point.
It was. He ended up kneeing him in the back. Really shook Clement up and he missed a couple of plays.