
It would? Show your work to show that legalized pot tax revenue would be outweighed by societal costs.


Since you can get pot these days w/o any trouble, just not legally, I do not see how "societal costs would still far exceed the potential tax revenue" since we already have these societal costs. Are you implying that more people would say "F-it. It's legal. I am going to start toking and get high a lot"? I don't see it.

Not looking for a fight or another dumpster fire. I am genuinely curious about the data behind your assertion. Is it from studies in Colorado? Or Nevada?

Thanks in Advance.
I think this is the one from Colorado that I perused awhile ago that led me to that conclusion.
  • “For every dollar gained in tax revenue, Coloradans spent approximately $4.50 to mitigate the effects of legalization.”
If what has been alleged about Teasdale's actions turns out to be true, I wonder what the HR report on the Brands' magic will be, especially after the way they attacked Cael for Andrew Long.
Thanks. I’ll check it out.

Until marijuana is legalized federally and no longer limited as a cash only business, the true numbers can't possibly be known. Also, the full financial impact of marijuana sales is not being realized due to large black markets that still exist in states where it has been "legalized" because marijuana corporations can not yet be run at an indsutrial scale like alcohol and tobacco.

Once marijuana is federally legalized, regulated and taxed, economies of scale should be created, prices should come down and black markets (for marijuana) should wither.

And I'm not saying this for personal gratification. I've never smoked marijuana and never will. Imho, drug enforcement and interdiction should be focused on societal dehabiliting drugs such as meth and heroin.
If what has been alleged about Teasdale's actions turns out to be true, I wonder what the HR report on the Brands' magic will be, especially after the way they attacked Cael for Andrew Long.
Seriously doubt that question will need to be answered.

This is a Twitter Mob smear job.

I scrolled thru the Twitter timelines of the people whose tweets were pasted into HR. They are everything that is wrong with social media.

The HR people we make fun of -- Ironbird, Vodka, etc. -- they are Mother Teresa by comparison.

After that, I need to wash my eyes in bleach.
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That's not exactly an unbiased source.
Certainly look into other sources. Good luck finding an unbiased source of information. :p

I was just trying to find the source that I read probably a year ago that led me to the statement I made in the previous post. I am by no means an expert on marijuana. :D
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It’s not harmless but not near as bad as booze in terms of societal harm, but somehow Pot is listed as a Schedule 1 substance along with Heroin, Meth and PCP - that’s ridiculous. Legalize it, regulate it, tax it. I’m not asking for animated joints to have their own halftime show during the Super Bowl as 2 pot strains do battle against each other
Different degrees of bad, still makes things bad.
I'm not going to mention names here, but I know of one PSU wrestling alum who had a pretty big party animal reputation but still did quite well in the sport. It appears that he has also done well after graduating.

I'm not trying to advocate anything here, but I'm not sure that someone's extracurricular activities have much affect on their athletic, social or work performance if they have enough discipline to keep things in check when necessary.
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I'm not going to mention names here, but I know of one PSU wrestling alum who had a pretty big party animal reputation but still did quite well in the sport. It appears that he has also done well after graduating.

I'm not trying to advocate anything here, but I'm not sure that someone's extracurricular activities have much affect on their athletic, social or work performance if they have enough discipline to keep things in check when necessary.

Is his wife pregnant?
You guys can keep the booze and pot. Shrooms rule! :D
Question... did you ever take shrooms and think about making a thread about some big time recruit announcement, get off the shrooms and realize what you did... ever in your life?
Is his wife pregnant?

I'm not talking about anyone who wrestled for Cael. The person I'm thinking about was at Penn State before the Cael dynasty. That's all the info I'm going to volunteer on the subject. He's a pretty good guy, and I'm guessing he left the party scene a long time ago.

Another wrestler to consider was Rick Sanders. Even among the current group of PSU wrestlers, there are only a handful who I would put on the same level where he was in his day. He really had a reputation for having a bit of a wild side, but when he was focused on the mat, he was one of the best.
If what has been alleged about Teasdale's actions turns out to be true, I wonder what the HR report on the Brands' magic will be, especially after the way they attacked Cael for Andrew Long.
Everybody already knows that when the HR gifted begin to offer their collective 2 cents it will because Cael turned his back on the kid and even the Brands magic could not penetrate the kid's scared soul. If only he had never met Cael.
I'm not talking about anyone who wrestled for Cael. The person I'm thinking about was at Penn State before the Cael dynasty. That's all the info I'm going to volunteer on the subject. He's a pretty good guy, and I'm guessing he left the party scene a long time ago.

Another wrestler to consider was Rick Sanders. Even among the current group of PSU wrestlers, there are only a handful who I would put on the same level where he was in his day. He really had a reputation for having a bit of a wild side, but when he was focused on the mat, he was one of the best.

There was a HS wrestler I liked a lot who I followed closely. Years later a racketball partner of mine let it slip that he had been this kid's college roommate. Small world, says I. He told me that the kid never went on the mat when he wasn't high. He claimed that he feared he might hurt someone straight. Still, he was a DIvison III National Champ Go figure.
Many people in authority claim pot is a gateway drug and they're correct in that pot is the gateway to meeting people that sell illegal drugs. If you smoke pot than you know people that sell illegal drugs. The first time you ask your regular source for some weed and they are out they'll offer you whatever they have as a replacement such as pcp, coke, meth, heroin, etc. This is how things progress.

That's quite an inventory. Can you please PM me his email address? Thanks in advance!
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I think this is the one from Colorado that I perused awhile ago that led me to that conclusion.
  • “For every dollar gained in tax revenue, Coloradans spent approximately $4.50 to mitigate the effects of legalization.”
The $4.50 is from paying unemployment to all the prison guards, police officers, ADA's, etc that are no longer needed.
Are you implying that more people would say "F-it. It's legal. I am going to start toking and get high a lot"? I don't see it.
I might. It's not like I have anything against it, but in my 40s, I don't exactly hang around with high school drug dealers who I could get it from and I'm not that into it to get someone to give me a bogus medical card (since I don't really have a medical reason for it - if you do, that's fine with me...), but if I could just go to CVS and get an edible instead of picking up a six pack to relax on a Friday evening, I'd explore that option at least some of the time.
Where can those of us that missed the alleged actions read about them?

Go to the first page of this thread (post #9). Go to twitter and search the name of the person named there. You'll find it. Like I said earlier - it's a wildly irresponsible tweet so I don't want to spread it.
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I might. It's not like I have anything against it, but in my 40s, I don't exactly hang around with high school drug dealers who I could get it from and I'm not that into it to get someone to give me a bogus medical card (since I don't really have a medical reason for it - if you do, that's fine with me...), but if I could just go to CVS and get an edible instead of picking up a six pack to relax on a Friday evening, I'd explore that option at least some of the time.

I’m in my 50’s and also don’t hang around the types you describe that could supply it. But a friend in his 60’s could easily supply me. Also my kids are in their 20’s. They do not toke, but some of their friends do. Those guys would find it hilarious to get their friends dad high.
I can count the times I’ve been high on my fingers and toes.
I'm not going to mention names here, but I know of one PSU wrestling alum who had a pretty big party animal reputation but still did quite well in the sport. It appears that he has also done well after graduating ...
I know a high school teacher who didn’t even use drugs. Then he got diagnosed with cancer. Then he decided to use the time he still had to make and sell drugs to provide for his family. He became quite the drug lord.
I’m in my 50’s and also don’t hang around the types you describe that could supply it. But a friend in his 60’s could easily supply me. Also my kids are in their 20’s. They do not toke, but some of their friends do. Those guys would find it hilarious to get their friends dad high.
I can count the times I’ve been high on my fingers and toes.

Wasnt it Cheech and Chong who said one of the best games to play when stoned was "Find Your Foot"?
Dids this "kid" perhaps transfer to a neighboring school?

I'm not talking about anyone who wrestled for Cael. The person I'm thinking about was at Penn State before the Cael dynasty. That's all the info I'm going to volunteer on the subject. He's a pretty good guy, and I'm guessing he left the party scene a long time ago.

Another wrestler to consider was Rick Sanders. Even among the current group of PSU wrestlers, there are only a handful who I would put on the same level where he was in his day. He really had a reputation for having a bit of a wild side, but when he was focused on the mat, he was one of the best.
There was a HS wrestler I liked a lot who I followed closely. Years later a racketball partner of mine let it slip that he had been this kid's college roommate. Small world, says I. He told me that the kid never went on the mat when he wasn't high. He claimed that he feared he might hurt someone straight. Still, he was a DIvison III National Champ Go figure.
I think it was Dock Ellis who pitched a no-hitter while on LSD.
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The best Doc Ellis story in my mind is when he decided days before a game in May of 1974, that he was going to hit every single Cincinnati Reds that came up to the plate.

If I remember correctly, he even told the Reds what he was going to do. He hit Pete Rose, then Joe Morgan then a third Red. Bases loaded, Red Tony Perez was too athletic to be hit and got a walk by ducking every pitch. The walk scored a run. Next up was Johnny Bench. He tried to hit him but with a two balls count, Pittsburgh Manager Danny Murtaugh come to the mound and pulled him. Doc set a major league record for 3 hit batsman with no outs in an inning.

Doc later said he had chemical assistance in a lot of his games.
I know a high school teacher who didn’t even use drugs. Then he got diagnosed with cancer. Then he decided to use the time he still had to make and sell drugs to provide for his family. He became quite the drug lord.

Ah, I think you saw that on Breaking Bad
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