Some people prefer an urban campus. My oldest daughter chose Penn State, but she has often said she may have been happier at Pitt. She found Penn State a bit dull. She now works in New York City because she enjoys the hustle and bustle of city life. I have a good friend who lives in the western suburbs of Pittsburgh with his wife (both PSU grads). Their son was accepted at both Pitt and Penn State and chose Pitt, even though he had been to Penn State many times and was totally familiar with the campus. It just wasn't the right fit for him. Pitt was and he is now a junior there, totally happy with his choice. In addition, if you want to work during your college years, Pittsburgh offers more, and varied, job opportunities than State College. Cost can be a factor. Many Pitt students commute and save money living at home. Pitt has some departments/programs that are better than ours. Penn State isn't for everyone.