The classic anti-Pitt T-Shirt

When I was a kid, I remember seeing a T-Shirt with "We Are" on the front and "Pitt" written on the arm pits. They need to bring that shirt back! 1988 or 1990, around those years.
Average SAT for PITT freshman this year is 1277. Think about that…….

And still not smart enough to keep from becoming delusional, vile and retched human beings, and believing they have anything but a mediocre football program and have been for over 30 years and actually believing they have nine legitimate national championships. So I ask you, how smart are they really????
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Here they are, front and back images of the classic anti-Pitt T-shirt that was available sometime in the late 70s in the parking lots outside Beaver Stadium. My cardboard JoePa approved, so he wears the shirt year-round. (Sorry he's a little fuzzy; we just shared some bourbon.) Those of you who have followed PSU for a long time may have seen this shirt. Does anyone else have one?

You think this t-shirt is ok, but dox a guy who makes a "Joe Knew" t-shirt?

This fact says everything about this site and fans,

I knew it was going up but that is impressive. Do you think your jump has anything to do with the move to go more towards being a private university and hence no longer the need to take in so many in state applicants?

You do realize that 1200 on the SAT is not that great with the way it's graded now. My nephew scored over 1200 and was a C student in high school that failed out of Edinboro.
I don't know many that consider us better than Pitt as a whole. I realize that we often site a magazine review as why we are better but anyone that has worked and researched in academia knows that it is program against program.

For Pitt, medicine, biology, dentistry, basically all health sciences are better than what we can bring to the table same with philosophy and some other stuff. For us, we own them in geography, geology, earth sciences, engineering, and a various form or two of social sciences. Both universities have entirely different focuses in regards to the top program offerings.

Penn State is clearly better in terms of alumni connections and job placement after school.

You're incorrect about medicine and health sciences. Hershey Med is on par with UPMC. People just don't think of Hershey Med cause it's not in State College.

Pitt is a fine school...good academics. But Penn State offers more this case bigger is better.
I don't know many that consider us better than Pitt as a whole. I realize that we often site a magazine review as why we are better but anyone that has worked and researched in academia knows that it is program against program.

For Pitt, medicine, biology, dentistry, basically all health sciences are better than what we can bring to the table same with philosophy and some other stuff. For us, we own them in geography, geology, earth sciences, engineering, and a various form or two of social sciences. Both universities have entirely different focuses in regards to the top program offerings.
I'll give you Dentistry. Who knows and who cares about Philosophy. Good luck finding a job in that field. I can't agree on medicine.
That reminds me. I have some "Wipe Woody" toilet paper with a picture of Woody Hayes on each sheet. I got it back in the 70's when we played OSU.
Gee, I'm glad that I don't look like him (although I'm afraid that I'm getting closer every day:oops:)
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You think this t-shirt is ok, but dox a guy who makes a "Joe Knew" t-shirt?

This fact says everything about this site and fans,

The fact that you end a sentence with a comma says everything about Pitt and their fans.

The shirts aren't in the same ballpark, they aren't in the same league, they aren't even the same sport. One is harmless fun and is actually true... Joe did "shit on Pitt" with his 23-7-1 record. The other is factually inaccurate. The fact that such lies are perpetuated because of football, the spotlight is not shined on the professionals at DPW/CYS/TSM that actually failed those kids.
Here they are, front and back images of the classic anti-Pitt T-shirt that was available sometime in the late 70s in the parking lots outside Beaver Stadium. My cardboard JoePa approved, so he wears the shirt year-round. (Sorry he's a little fuzzy; we just shared some bourbon.) Those of you who have followed PSU for a long time may have seen this shirt. Does anyone else have one?

I've been thinking of having a biblical JoePa 48:14 shirt made for the Pitt game. Maybe with an Amen under it. Just for old times sake. The Pitt fans will love it.
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The trolls are constantly riled up. That's why they are trolls. When they come here, if they don't find something to respond to, they will start a thread of their own. If we respond, it makes things worse. If we ignore them, other trolls respond and they still crap up the Board. The mods are the only ones who can stop them, or slow them down, and for reasons I don't understand, they seldom do that.
The complete phony, revival, should have got the ban hammer a long time ago.
Yet their admission standards are higher than ours.

Not trying to be negative I just can't stand when we have a vocal minority of posters that continue to spew stuff that comes back to bite us and riles up the trolls.

My point was that a good rivalry will have some items poking fun at the other school. As long as it isn't obscene or overly rude, I take it in the spirit of "good fun".
My point was that a good rivalry will have some items poking fun at the other school. As long as it isn't obscene or overly rude, I take it in the spirit of "good fun".

Threatening to "throw someone from the upper deck" isn't good natured fun.
You think this t-shirt is ok, but dox a guy who makes a "Joe Knew" t-shirt?

This fact says everything about this site and fans,

I wouldn't wear the Shitt on Pitt shirt to a game. However, you can't seriously compare the 2 shirts. One shirt is obviously harmless fun that occurs between every in-state matchup of this type. The other shirt disrespects victims of child abuse. It's not even close.