The GOAT speaks to the football team…

The meltdowns would be far less. What Carl has done is
We could not handle that type of success here on the football message board. Lando would declare all opponents, including Bama, Georgie, OSU, and even some NFL teams, to be inferior opponents. All 5 star recruits would be hyper-scrutinized by the board. Franklin would be fired if the margin of victory vs osu was less than 63-14. It would be brutal around here!
We could not handle that type of success here on the football message board. Lando would declare all opponents, including Bama, Georgie, OSU, and even some NFL teams, to be inferior opponents. All 5 star recruits would be hyper-scrutinized by the board. Franklin would be fired if the margin of victory vs osu was less than 63-14. It would be brutal around here!
Nope...currently I expect us to lose to those teams. Best it would ever be is 50/50 but keep trying to make WVU isn't a team that warrants this nonsense.
Would love to have heard his message. Guy is all about family, faith, and team. Probably could have heard a pin drop on the carpet. This better be an annual thing!
Could have been a good, interesting thread. But right from the OP it had been poisoned by all the nattering nabobs of negativity that populate the board these days.

Long gone are the days when it was fun and informative to visit this forum. Sad that anger and divisiveness are the rule of the day,😢
FWIW, I’m a Franklin guy and have defended him countless times. The OP was mostly in a bit of fun and not malicious. That said, even Franklin fans like myself, have to realistically look at the big game performance and admit there is work to be done. I DO think we can get there!

IMO, Franklin tends to overcoach in big games. He has the need to make an unusual decision when none is needed. Punting the football from near midfield in a close game and playing solid D is a good decision. Seems to me he has to overcome that urge.
1. What did you ever win?

2. Who spoke to his 125 lb the last ten years?
Really? What a nonsense post. You criticize plenty of things you've "never done."

JF makes >$7.5M a year and his teams are not very competitive against peer programs. It's worthy of note and criticism.
Really? What a nonsense post. You criticize plenty of things you've "never done."

JF makes >$7.5M a year and his teams are not very competitive against peer programs. It's worthy of note and criticism.
Now he's going to talk about Paterno for some reason
Cael cheats? Wooden was a crook.
Google Sam Gilbert UCLA. A UCLA friend used to attend practices in the 70's, Sam was always there doing $100 handshakes and much more. PAC Head of officials also was quite "close" to the program, sort of like David Witvoet and scUM.

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