So child abuse is a source of amusement for those of your ilk.
I continue to be amazed at how DUMB the general population is. The response above shows absolute disregard to the facts here and is substantiated in the mind of the poster by the ABSURD STATEMENT implying the
Sandusky Legal case is about Child abuse.
My amusement is how the entire
legal process has been CONSISTENTLY ignored by the public because someone in a corrupt government position - the PA OAG - painted a picture of "child rape" in the public's mind. This image was without anything like reasonable evidence. In spite of many legally questionable issues and processes, the case went to court. A "verdict" was rendered but this verdict was based upon MASSIVE procedural misconduct, perjury, false information (and a press that poisoned the jury pool for the case). Yet everyone seems to think all this is "alright" because they put a "monster" away for life.
What is missed is that there remain SERIOUS questions about the OAG - the BOT - TSM - Tom Corbett - which remain unanswered after 5 years. These issues all provide MOTIVE for how this "quick execution in the court of public opinion" created the results that were obtained in the PA courts. Flatly, the conviction is HIGHLY and CREDIBLY suspect.
What continues to be missed here is that the issue is not Sandusky's ABSOLUTE guilt or innocence -
it is about the legitimacy of the LEGAL CASE against Sandusky!!! Sandusky
may be guilty of some form of abnormal behavior with kids he saw at TSM, but the LEGAL evidence of these issues is now HIGHLY suspicious. The EXTENT of these behaviors seems more and more like "expansions of reality" - certainly NOT what Sandusky's was convicted on.
One thing appears certain ....the case against PSU - Paterno and the Penn State Football program has way too much politically-focused benefits to some "higher-ups" and obtaining these benefits is what continues to promote a fundamentally absurd, legally and factually suspicious "STORY".
Using the "remember the victims" line as a method of killing any disagreement or call for re-evaluation is just more of the public manipulation that has been engineered into this matter.
Based on facts, re-investigating the entire Sandusky affair is in the interest of both justice and in protecting basic LEGAL citizen's rights. This re-evaluation by re-trial could uncover the REAL crimes committed here and thereby provide significant improvement to protecting "the victims" throughout the State. This is NOT THE CASE with supporting a known and flawed media "STORY"..